From Ashlee:

I will commend anyone for feeling led to do their research and “expose lies” that they feel would benefit the public on any subject, but I feel it’s unnecessary and unprofessional to call a large number of women “serial liars” and that the business structure is a scam.

It is unfortunate that in any business that there are going to be bad apples that give companies bad names.

I can only speak for myself when I say that I’m a former 11 year Federal Government employee (talk about a crooked scam) who just willingly left my position Last month because my Mary Kay business is doing so well for our family, soon to surpass a GS-12 pay scale.

Self employment is not for everyone, very true, and each consultant has the ability to rise above the person who shares the opportunity and business plan with her. To each their own, but my experience has been a wonderful journey, in which I’ve surrounded been surrounded by positive, educated women who wanted to create a life that revolves around their family, and not have to live a life that revolved around their career.

It is very obvious that you are also educated and have done quite a bit of research, however, only seem to be focusing on the women who have not been successful in the business or have had a negative experience due to varying reasons. To those women, I am sincerely sorry to hear about, because I have not experienced that in my 15 years of involvement with the company.

Thank you for doing what you do and exposing fraud, because I can only imagine the situations you uncover. I do want to end by saying, however, that the foundation that this company was founded on is not lies and if women will follow those principles of integrity and honesty in all aspects of their business, positive changes can come into their lives. It’s obvious that your thoughts on subject are not the same, though, by your insistent use of calling a large group of individuals who you’ve never met “scammers” and “liars” ~ so there’s no point in beating that dead horse. My point is that I love my life now and I’ve never been healthier and more financially sound.

So Ashlee has been with Mary Kay for 15 years and has just quit her job as a government employee with pay at a GS-12 level. That pay level starts at $68,299. After 15 years, Ashlee would have been making more than $80,000. So she wants us to believe that she is making about $6,667 per month with Mary Kay.

Except she’s just a consultant. So in order to make $6,000 per month, she’d have to be selling something on the order of $20,000 retail per month. Making her queen of everything in Mary Kay. We all know that’s not the case. Interesting that she quibbles with the use of the word liar….




  1. “…if women will follow those principles of integrity and honesty in all aspects of their business, positive changes can come into their lives.”

    It is a mathematical certainty that even if every woman in Mary Kay did what she proposes, the loss rates would still be greater than 99%.

    Success in endless-chain recruiting schemes like Mary Kay requires the exact opposite of integrity and honesty. To promote an “opportunity” based on a system that has a proven loss rate exceeding 99% requires a huge side order of deception and dishonesty, to go with the main course of significant lies of omission…of which the net loss rates is the largest.

  2. “…the foundation that this company was founded on is not lies and if women will follow those principles of integrity and honesty in all aspects of their business, positive changes can come into their lives.”

    You gave up the right to witter on about integrity and honesty with the L-I-E about how you’re making as much with MK than you were with your government salary.

    “It’s obvious that your thoughts on [the] subject are not the same, though, by your insistent [sic] use of calling a large group of individuals who[m] you’ve never met “scammers” and “liars” ~ so there’s no point in beating that dead horse.”

    I’ve never met you, and you’re a lying liar who lies, Ms Liarina McLiarface.

    For the love of fluffy little bunnies, K-Bots, do better than lies that can be exposed with 30 seconds of googling and meaningless rah-rah platitudes meant to disguise the plain fact that the MLM system is set up to fail. The posters on this site have proved over and over that no matter how sunny your outlook, how hard you work, and how bad you want it, the end result is debt, angst, and a mountain of spoiled unsellable makeup. “God, family, career” and “sisterhood” and “if it’s to be, it’s up to me” are nothing but band-aids on a sucking chest wound.

  3. “I can only speak for myself when I say that I’m a former 11 year Federal Government employee (talk about a crooked scam) who just willingly left my position Last month because my Mary Kay business is doing so well for our family, soon to surpass a GS-12 pay scale.”

    First things first: you owe me a clean t-shirt and a new cup of coffee because I just spit it across the table from laughing so hard.

    ELEVEN YEARS as a GS employee and you’re walking away?? My dear, tuck and roll, because that first step off your high horse is going to be a b*tch. A GS12 pay scale is nothing to sneeze at, especially if you have a decent step. If you are prior military, you get plenty of earned leave (time off), and as a GS employee, you get really good bennies. If you seriously believe that MK is going to replace all the things that a GS career has, you are delusional. Heck, my senior director was/is a federal employee and NEVER LEFT HER POSITION, despite her “amazing MK career.”

    Come back to us in six months after you realize was a huge mistake you made leaving and you’re in the process of applying to positions of USA Jobs.

    • That’s what made me laugh–the benefits are great! She’s going from that to……relying solely on an MLM which has ZERO benefits? That’s gonna be a heck of a fall.

  4. “Self-employment isn’t for everyone…”

    …and you are not self-employed. You are a contracted, commission-only sales rep, who could be cut off at any time by MKC on a whim. Don’t believe me? Look at what happened to every single rep in Australia and New Zealand when Mary Kay decided to close up shop in both countries. They all woke up one morning to find their accounts blocked, and they could do nothing about it; their contracts with MKC said as much. Yours does, too.

    “…only seem to be focusing on the women who have not been successful in the business…”

    Well, yeah, that’s because over 99% are unsuccessful. That’s not just our claim; the FTC says the same thing, and so does math. Take MKC’s annual sales and divide by the number of reps they are selling to, and you get less than $2,000 per year per rep. $167 per month: even if every rep sold every item at full retail (HA!), that wouldn’t cover their expenses, let alone put food on the table. So sure, go ahead and criticize us for concentrating on the vast majority. (And by the way, 20% of the articles here are from dissenting voices like yours. We can’t help it if they’re all weak sauce.)

    None of us believe your claims of success because we know better. But by all means, send Tracy a copy of your Schedule C tax form (redacted, of course) and prove us all wrong. You’d be the first to do so in over 15 years of this site’s online life, so that’d be quite an event. We look forward to it, but please forgive us if we don’t hold our breath.

  5. Even if she does make more money than she did as a government employee (which I doubt), has she factored in the health benefits, retirement plan savings matching and paid days off at her federal job she’s walking away from? Those are worth something too. Unless she’s on her spouse’s health insurance, she’ll now have to buy her own policy, further cutting into this $ 6667 profit per month she’s supposedly making (doubtful). Or her spouse will be paying something extra to have her on their plan. She is probably fooling herself about all this, big time.

  6. All this focus on the word Career – it makes me itch…

    Honestly I don’t have a career, I never have, people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I never ever had answer, I am over 40 and still can’t answer that question I have a job, it pays me, I try not to live above my means and I found an employer that actually does put family first and for me that is worth way more than making millions a year, driving a certain colour car, and having my name called out for selling something or another.

    My recently was let go from his” career” and is now working with a local retailer selling items for a hobby that he enjoys himself. He is much happier doing this than he ever was trying to follow some career path because that’s what expected of everyone today.many of on this page I think have all come realize it’s not about the money, it’s about being content with yourself and helping others not to go down the same dark path we have.

  7. This woman was nuts to walk away from her GS-12 government job with benefits such as paid sick leave, paid vacations, a 401K, & the best health care coverage on the planet. I just hope & pray that her husband makes a decent salary with benefits. Otherwise, when her MK business crashes& burns, she’s going to be between the proverbial rock & a hard place.

    My husband was a municipal finance director for 31 years until his retirement 14 years ago. He has a very decent pension plus Social Security from his work in the private sector, & a Cadillac Medicare supplement. I also draw Social Security from my work, & we’re comfortably retired. Contrast that with the annuity paid only to retired MK NSD’s. It a 15 year annuity that begins at age 65 (compulsory retirement age) & ends at age 80. It begs the question of what happens if she lives past 80. She’d better know how to budget or she’ll find herself dead broke, with only Social Security to rely on. On the other hand, if my husband predeceases me, I’ll receive half his pension along with his Social Security & our Medicare supplement.

    To me, it’s a no-brainer. MK is a losing proposition, with nothing to show for it except endlessly running on the hamster wheel for very, very little gain. I got out 6 months after I signed up because I saw the handwriting on the wall early on. There was no way I would go in more debt than I could repay in 6 months, & I stuck to my guns. I sent my inventory back when I quit & paid off my MK debt in 6 months. I can only hope & pray that Ashlee does likewise & goes back to her government job.

  8. “….and each consultant has the ability to rise above the person who shares the opportunity and business plan with her.”

    So, you’re a pyramid scheming opportunity seller, and not a “scammer”. Got it.

    Ashlee: Judge, I am not a thief! I just took something valuable that didn’t belong to me without permission. And don’t be so negative! This little “business” of mine has made me healthier and more financially sound, so that make my actions completely justified.

  9. It is very obvious that you are also educated and have done quite a bit of research, however, only seem to be focusing on the women who have not been successful in the business or have had a negative experience due to varying reasons. To those women, I am sincerely sorry to hear about, because I have not experienced that in my 15 years of involvement with the company.

    No, no we don’t. We talk about all of the aspects of MKLife.
    From the ones who were promised the moon to those who have finally managed to scrape a slice of the pie.
    We support those who have been victimised.

    We talk about how easy it is to fail because the system is set up to make failures.
    We’ve discussed how women in the “tippy top” defraud others, from a few cents of coffee to over quarter of a million dollars.

    We talk about the horrors of seminar and room sharing.
    We talk about how the career cars are not the blessing that that they are touted to be due to all of the hidden extras not covered.

    But Yay!!! you were one of the lucky ones or so you claim.

  10. “My dear, tuck and roll because that first step off your high horse is going to be b*tch”
    This is brilliantly phrased & made my day. Brava!

    I love that the letter writer says “Thank you for investigating fraud & I can only imagine the situations you uncover” and Tracy easily uncovers facts that show she is lying. Oops, guess she didn’t imagine those facts would be uncovered!

  11. Another thought, Ashlee claims that MK has surpassed her $68 to 80K income, which would make her the Queen of Sales in MK, and that’s still not executive income K-bots love to tout. Not even close.

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