Written by SuzyQ Memories. Getting all misty-eyed with the “I Stories” at events. Sobbing at Seminar. Sigh. Want to take a trip down memory lane with me? Remember The Secret? The be-all end-all of Mary Kay. Taught at retreats, events, Read more…
Finally there is an email circulating amongst Mary Kay sales directors with which I agree! I have heard plenty about “The Secret” and women using this as part of Mary Kay events and meetings. I am not in agreement with Read more…
Written by The Masked Commenter The ideas in “The Secret” aren’t new, and they show up in a lot of MLMs and cults — Mary Kay being no exception. The “Law of Attraction” is based on the idea of “positive Read more…
David thank you for sharing this with us!!!
In reality, she went from $80,000 per year as an RN to $9,000 last year after expenses. Almost all of…
They will, because it hits to close to home for them. Seeing it written out in black and white shows…
Wow, is this Lauren Wagner's husband?? lol or any number of spouses out there. He did a great job of…
Wow! Are PT Friday Critics ignoring these accounts? Who's the dream stealer in this story?