We Do Not Want You in Mary Kay

If you read these untuths about a wonderful company “Mary Kay” we do not want you in our company because you are just like these people that never made it and will never make it in this world! So don’t waste a person’s time coming into a company where we work and make fantastic money!

Every person who ever wrote on this blog is a lazy good for nothing and is a taker from the government or wherever they can get something for not working for it! There are 3 directors in my family a National Sales Director Emeriti and we all are successful because my parents taught us how to work! Yes Work did any of you every hear that word before???

Get down on your knees and ask GOD for forgiveness for ever starting a blog like this! Iam ashamed that you ever signed an agreement to work in our company you all are a disgrace! Remember my name because i will fight with every breath I have to let people know never to click onto this site. See I am not afraid of people that hate their self God will take care of you!!!!! Praying for all of you unimportant people.


    • I’m hoping Tracy withheld her name because she’s digging up some interesting dirt on her or her or her NSD Emerita relative (“emeriti” is the masculine plural. I won medals in the National Latin Exam. I worked hard at it).

      Although withholding Ms Remember My Name’s name is delightfully petty revenge 🤣

  1. Dear child, my complaint is not whether an NSD can turn a profit. The problem is with people like your and your family who make money off the losses in your own downline. You talk about making “fantastic money”. This is nothing to be proud of given how many people must lose money to make those profits possible.

    Remember, you cannot turn a profit in Mary Kay without commensurate downline losses. This is how the system works, and not even impassioned tantrums can change this reality.

  2. So . . . Let me summarize . . . If you weren’t successful in Mary Kay and believe anything (or experienced anything) on this blog, you are a worthless, lazy, government handout sucker-upper and will never amount to anything in life? We’ll considering that I have 2 masters degrees, and very successful at my job (and love it), I guess I better turn in my resignation before they discover the real truth about me. I can fully attest that every story on this blog is true. I’ve lived it myself. I won all the accolades, made director in under a year (momentum don’t ya know), “earned” a car, Yada Yada all the things. Saw the truth, lived and told the lies and mistruths, got out of the insanely life sucking delusional rat race. called Mary Kay. I love my untethered life! This woman can wave her righteous indignation around all day long but to label all “failures” in Mary Kay as worthless? She is the one who needs to be apologizing.

  3. “Remember my name because i will fight with every breath I have to let people know never to click onto this site.”

    Let us know how that works out for you. People have the free will to click on any site they choose and will be more inclined to check out Pink Truth if you tell them not to. Don’t waste your breath.

  4. “God will take care of you!!!!! ” “Praying for all of you unimportant people.” Wow, what an ego. She’s gonna have her GOD take care of us so we don’t get in the way of her important self.

    So I guess I should get ready for the smiting. Clean underwear, last will and testament, and make sure the cats are fed.

  5. Dearest Gentle Pink Truth Critic
    I believe you are mistaken in your self-important not so voluminous outpourings of null speak.

    If you read these untuths (sic)about a wonderful company “Mary Kay” we do not want you in our company because you are just like these people that never made it and will never make it in this world!

    Well, so much for the welcoming sisterhood that is supposedly Mary Kay. I’m not sure why Mary Kay is in scare quotes though!

    So don’t waste a person’s time coming into a company where we work and make fantastic money!

    The figures from Mary Kay corporate disagree with you regarding making money. That is a privilege for the rare few elite.


    Every person who ever wrote on this blog is a lazy good for nothing and is a taker from the government or wherever they can get something for not working for it!

    Talk about broad strokes here. In this reader’s mind, you are either an entrepreneur running a “Mary Kay” business or a lazy bum. Nothing in between.

    I have to wonder how Miss Critic navigates the Rules of Society when she is so naïve to basic principles.

    There are 3 directors in my family a National Sales Director Emeriti and we all are successful because my parents taught us how to work!

    Ah, Yes! Nepobabies. You were given your units like a set of Barbie dolls and you play with their lives like a rapacious child.

    Yes Work did any of you every hear that word before???

    Are you six, ma’am? Of course we have heard of the word, “work”. Most of us spend many hours of our days performing real hard physical work. Not phoning our downlines and nagging them for orders to make our lives easier.

    I’d like to see the Honourable Miss Pink Truth Critic spend eight hours on her feet at a cash register dealing with real customers, real products and real money. Then repeat that in order to make more than the average $21, 000 that is the suggested annual commissions of an ISD. At the former rate of $15/hour in Quebec, it would take 1400 hours or 175 days at eight hours a day to earn that much.

    Get down on your knees and ask GOD for forgiveness for ever starting a blog like this!

    🎵What if God was one of us?🎶
    🎵Just tryin’ to make his way home
    Back up to Heaven all alone🎶

    How arrogant you are speaking like this. How do you know that this isn’t God speaking through us? I guess when (general)you worship the Golden Calf that is Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash, you lose a sense of blasphemy.

    Iam (sic)ashamed that you ever signed an agreement to work in our company you all are a disgrace!

    This is not your company.

    Remember my name because i (sic) will fight with every breath I have to let people know never to click onto this site.

    One of the things that MLMers say in response to their being called out by the anti-MLM YouTubers is how they have been inundated with people wanting to know more about “their” products and “their opportunities”. Hogwash, possibly.

    But please, tell everyone you know to stay away from Pink Truth because there is nothing like naming something to get a person who doesn’t know about us to one day decide to follow up.

    See I am not afraid of people that hate their self God will take care of you!!!!! Praying for all of you unimportant people.

    That’s a lot of words to put down people you don’t know. I’m sure Jesus had something to say about people praying performatively. IIRC, He was against it. Also, Jesus didn’t think people were unimportant. Or was that The Doctor?

    I’m guessing that this is a very immature young woman. Gifted her downlines and struggling to recreate the success of her predecessor. She’s lashing out blindly because she’s not making the promised results that are based on a business model that is 60 years out of date and floundering in the era of instant gratification and the Internet.

  6. Why is it you are either “successful” in MK or you live off the government. Sorry. Lots of successful people post here.

    This post feels so defensive, like most of the Friday posts do. Too much of the truth feels like looking in a mirror I guess.

    Also. Do you want a cookie for all the “successful” MK people in your family. You do realize that’s no big whoop to anyone but the people inside the cult.

  7. Hm. Guess I’ll have to console myself with my millions, built from lazily “loosing” at a J.O.B. I am so, so ashamed of myself

  8. “Remember my name because i will fight with every breath I have to let people know never to click onto this site.”

    In other words, you’re going to work tirelessly to make people aware of this site, and stimulate their curiosity about it? And you think this will keep them away, instead of inspiring them to come and check it out for themselves?

    Oh, honey, you really don’t understand human nature, do you?

  9. “… a lazy good for nothing and is a taker from the government or wherever they can get something for not working for it!”

    I really, REALLY want to tell you that off is the direction in which you should be effing. I have been working my tail off these last several months between work and school (I’m in my clinical rotations right now.) There are consistent weeks I am on for seven straight days between work and school before I have a day off. Yep, I log almost 80 hours in 7 days. So don’t you DARE tell me I’m a “lazy good for nothing.”

    Oh, I likely make more than your NSD emerita family member. The numbers don’t lie. So off is the direction in which you should be effing.

  10. The screeching escalates with every sentence. When I have been so possessed, and it IS possessed – the truth was raw and ugly and I could not deal with it being waved in my face for all the world to see. Fits in with Mrs. Name Withheld being on the verboten site.

  11. Oh boy! I want to be just like you!!! Please tell me where to sign up…NOT! Let me guess, you go to church too!

  12. “Get down on your knees and ask GOD for forgiveness for ever starting a blog like this!”—

    Which god? For today’s god of the week, out of the thousands that have existed throughout history, I choose Hybris. “HYBRIS was the goddess or personified spirit (daimona) of insolence, hubris, violence, reckless pride, arrogance and outrageous behaviour in general. Her Roman name was Petulantia…..”

    “Every person who ever wrote on this blog is a lazy good for nothing and is a taker from the government or wherever they can get something for not working for it!—

    Given that attitude…..I’m willing to bet that she also assumes that kind, beautiful, hard-working, altruistic, intelligent, law-abiding fellow humans are not “saved” and are going to a place called “hell”……unless they are a member of her chosen belief organization.

    Belief-Cult mentality #101: Anyone who is not a member of my belief-cult is flawed and/or lacking, regardless of their character and actions. ***Hit the thumbs-down if you agree. (Lol)

    • Woo-Hoo.. congratulations on 3 whole “Ridiculous Downvotes” ™.

      The Snowflakes are really upset by being called out.

    • Petulantia? I knew about Hybris but not her Roman equivalent.

      I love it. I shall give you a thumbs down.

      My favorite goddess is Asfaltia, the goddess of parking spaces.


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