A lawsuit against Mary Kay Cosmetics was filed on November 6, 2006 by Robin Blackmon-Dunda and Styker Dunda. The suit includes the following alleged counts: breach of contract, intentional interference with contracts, interference with prospective contracts, deceptive trade practices, intentional Read more…
Hi. I actually own a business. And guess what? QUITTING IS ABSOLUTELY AN OPTION. When something is costing you more…
"Don’t listen to people who earn less than you." Yesterday's post was about a woman who went from $80K a…
So, Pink Truth Critic, how much money are you making in this wonderful business that is so much better than…
This poster seems to think there are 3 types of jobs out there: CEO/Owner making oodles of millions, dead end…
I just googled Ryan to see if his home was mentioned anywhere. And great timing here's an article about most…