Your Negative Comments Make Me Sick
the negative comments make me sick! everything is so negative when you want to see it like that…. it’s better to get over and move forward . If Mk is past, leave it in the past… my advise! don’t live regretting things! it’s life and nothing is perfect! for those who claim that the MK is free ad. of course, but you are the one who is driving it.. so i guess that’s is a good thing in life, being able to drive a car! don’t be so negative…
the negative comments make me sick!
Which comments do you find negative? Ms. Bowman Cox calling women “heffers” ? Directors bewailing that returned products cost them their commissions? Or women and men sharing their experiences that fall worryingly too close to what you are following.
everything is so negative when you want to see it like that….
Like what?
it’s better to get over and move forward .
Hence this website. IT IS people moving forward, sharing both the good and bad about their lives in MK.
If Mk is past, leave it in the past… my advise! (sic)
What a horrible way to live. Leaving something in the past and not using your experience to help other people. Never learning from what has happened. Do you request this from people who have divorced? Or had a relationship failed due to major disagreements?
don’t live regretting things! it’s life and nothing is perfect!
That doesn’t mean I should stop striving to make mine and those people who lives I affect live better. No body here is wallowing in self-pity but is actively trying to help others.
for those who claim that the MK is free ad.
I’m guessing the word CAR is missing here. And we all know that it isn’t free, just another financial burden on those who qualify.
of course, but you are the one who is driving it.. so i guess that’s is a good thing in life, being able to drive a car!
I mean , I guess. But it is something most of us do. Driving cars we own or lease.
don’t be so negative…
And yet, you haven’t explained just what is negative here.
PTC, it is now on you to produce a positive to counteract the negative. One of my issues with MLMs like Mary Kay is that no downline can be profitable as a whole. Those high in the pyramid are well aware of this, but continue to participate anyway. Sick, really.
Your job, PTC, is to identify (or create) a Mary Kay downline that is profitable. And to avoid the MLM misuse of common business terms, “profitable” means that in aggregate, the downline is receiving more in bonuses, commissions and margin than they are spending on their business (orders, fees, postage, travel, Seminar, training/area meeting fees, gas etc).
I can save you some time here. The MLM business model used by MK is built on downline losses, and it collapses without them. Try as you might, you won’t find a profitable downline anywhere in Mary Kay.
Report back here to prove me wrong.
It is good to be able to drive a car. I’m grateful that I’m mentally and physically able to do so and it’s nice to be able to go where I want when I want to.
Most of all, thanks to my steady job and being careful about debt means that I have an epic credit rating. I was able to go to a dealership, pick out the exact car I wanted, get great financing. I made payments for 5 years and it was mine. It’s still mine. I own it. I can trade it in, sell it, donate it, or keep driving it. I get a deal on insurance because it’s bundled in with my homeowners insurance. But if I wanted to shop around I could.
Moreover, no one can take it from me. If I lost my job, or got a different job, or had a few bad months, that 2017 Subaru Crosstrek would be sitting right there in my driveway.
Tell me again what’s so great about a car you have to alienate everyone you know and spend yourself broke to even qualify for? That you have to make exorbitant copays on unless you pay for production? Where you’re stuck with overpriced insurance? Where they can tow it away on you if they decide you’re not good enough?
Even if you can’t afford a new car, get a clunker and state minimum insurance and keep your dignity.
Or, you know, a used car at a price you can afford. Most of them are good as new anyway without the markup. Didn’t mean to suggest that it’s an either-or proposition ☺️
We’re not being negative, we are being truthful. We are completely “over” being in Mary Kay, we are simply trying to help others see how deceitful MLM’s and Mary Kay in particular are before they sign on the dotted line. If being truthful “makes you sick” take 2 Tylenol or pain reliever of your choice and go to bed.