Don’t Stay Home From Seminar and Work!

Written by Raisinberry

They Want you at SEMINAR SO BADLY that they are willing to SHAME you if you work YOUR BUSINESS!

In case you don’t believe the Veteran Consultants and Directors on Pink Truth about WHY you will be badgered endlessly to attend Seminar, let us investigate this NSD Document

Myth: I just need to stay home and work.
(Now this is labeled a MYTH by your Nationals because she is about to show you where your thinking is skewed – aren’t you lucky?. You thought you needed to make money instead of spending it, but you are wrong!)

When evaluating the BIG 4 (Seminar, Career Conference, Fall Retreat and Leadership), The biggest MYTH OF ALL is: I don’t need to attend, I just need to stay home and work. People who say that need more money or have a lack of money.

(Uh Yeah we have figured out that all the Power of the “Friends of Time” Dance and Singing Troup won’t change the fact that MK is an overpriced product that sells well on eBay but not from Aunt Agnes’s living room.)

That is a result not from lack of work but from thoughts about their work. (No, lack of work would be it. And thoughts about lack of work are verified every Monday night when whatever consultants show up for meeting have a grand total of $418 in sales between them!)

They have had plenty of opportunities to work but their work has not produced results. (Now we’re getting somewhere.) Everything begins with thoughts. Thoughts then create action and action creates income, not work. (Hmmm, like the Action of holding a facial, instead of the action of sitting on my beads in DALLAS with no one to book?)

I remember vividly the turning point day in my leadership when I came to this realization. I actually said out loud to NSD Sue Kirkpatrick ” I know I could do what you do if I knew what you knew. I understood that day I couldn’t be a NSD until I thought like a NSD. I knew that above all else I needed to attend every thing I could so I could learn to think differently. (Shoot girl.. I can tell you how a National thinks – you don’t have to go to DALLAS to learn that! Nationals think I gotta raise up more Directors by “BY-passing” My DEAD DIRECTORS, who are in too much debt to think abundantly, and get to their Movers and shakers! If I tie them to ME, I might have a chance of bonding better with them and encouraging them to get to the SUIT! After all..I need more hamsters on the wheel if I am ever gonna show up Peterson, Sunden or Mayfield or Weigandt! Fill in with your Favorite National.)

Even if the funds came from my family or I had to do without something personally, events took priority over everything else. (This is the part where we ignore the OTHER Mary Kay saying about God family career, right?)

Staying home, driving the same roads, eating the same foods, listening to the same people, looking at your life through the same eyes does not create more income. (No, but it sure doesn’t create more DEBT EITHER!)

No one in the history of my national area has ever stayed home and made more money. (And how would you know that? If their heads clear they may have quit for a real job and made a TON more)

In fact time and time again those who believe this isn’t a MYTH move further and further down scoreboards and provide less and less income to their family. That is a fact not myth. ( No doubt! Cause by the time you figure out that SEMINAR is for massive brain washing that you PAY FOR, you are less and less susceptible to the message and less and less willing to drag any other women down with you. Let’s just say, less income FROM MARY KAY. )

ANALYSIS: Mary Kay Sales Directors and Nationals are dependent on the recognition game and choose to pretend that those ribbons hanging from their name tags represent honest effort. Nothing could be further from the truth for the vast majority. Seminar is a Celebration of FRAUD. Please remember that ZERO RETAIL SALES RECORDS ARE RECORDED. In order to be able to perpetuate the fraud, you have to be sufficiently DAZED and Mind numbed by applause, beaded gowns, late night spiritual songs and cheap prizes. It is in fact a MYTH that you will gain anything of value at all from Seminar, except who not to room with next year.

The parade of consultants showing off their achievements while crying inside from the mountain of debt they are buried under is no cause for celebration. Manipulating women into lying to look good is a tragedy of epic proportions, and applauding Year End Awards for SALES Achievement is the biggest Myth of all!


  1. Excellent laser-logic takedown, Raisinberry!

    Of all the upside-down, insane weirdness in this NSD’s essay, the strangest is:

    “Thoughts then create action and action creates income, not work.”

    Setting the double-meaning aside (she’s saying it’s action that creates income while work does not, but her phrasing could mean action creates income but does not create work), how is “action” somehow different from “work”? They both imply a directed activity toward a goal, yet she implies one is somehow superior to the other.

    I’m betting this NSD thought she was being brilliant and persuasive with her collection of empty phrases, but it’s really just pink smokescreen, trying to manipulate women into doing what is not in their best interests.

    • I think that the NSDs at seminar repeat the same things year after year and decade after decade, so they have to grasp at finding a unique catch phrase or talking point. My guess is that this was her attempt at doing so.

  2. “parade of consultants showing off their achievements while crying inside”

    I’ll never forget the photo of a local woman who “miraculously” made SD in time for seminar. It was either the end of the night — or an unfortunate camera angle — but the photo showed her on stage waving to empty seats.

    Her SD title lasted about three months.

  3. Speaking of eating the same foods…. the food at Seminar was always awful. Didn’t matter if it was the NSD event night or the cattle car breakfast and lunch at the convention center. The best meals I had were out in town at local restaurants.

  4. Imagine paying thousands of $$$ (through product orders) to get ANOTHER person promoted to SD/NSD… and then paying hundreds of $$$ on top of that for the amazing opportunity to attend this crusty event to clap and cheer for that OTHER person’s “success” which YOU partly paid for.

    Who came up with this cringy concept and why is it working?

    • What about the money spent on orders you don’t want or need just so your Director can go on the Scotland trip?

      “We did it!” Woo-hoo! But only SHE goes on the trip. You just helped pay for it.

  5. Going into debt to purchase unneeded products so that your director can receive cars,
    jewelry and recognition makes no sense to me. Please tell me what I am missing.

  6. On her FB page, Heather Daniel-Kent is asking:

    “Anyone with Fragrance issues have tips? Mine has gotten pretty extreme and I’ll be around ALOT of women next week that love their perfume”

    Another reason to stay home.

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