You Are Angry and Bitter
A visitor to Pink Truth, who failed at Mary Kay twice, says we are all just angry and bitter. Mary Kay is actually wonderful, and we are apparently stopping women from experience all of its wonderfulness. (No, dear reader, I am NOT a personal use consultant. I do not support Mary Kay in any way. Its products are horrible, its practices are even worse, and I would die before giving one red cent to the company or promoting any participation in it.)
Hi Tracy, I found your blog a few days ago when trying to look up some info about MK for a couple of friends. It would surprise me if you share my thoughts but I hope you will. I watch Fox News because vs. CNN or MSNBC because I like to hear different sides. There are always 2 sides (or many more) to every story. From the posts I read it sounds as if you are angry and bitter about MK. As a reader I wonder why you are a personal use consultant. Why would you support a company you so strongly detest? Here is my story…
In 1996 I signed my agreement. My background is full time ministry. I wanted the opportunity to stay at home with my new born. I became a car driver and director within a year. With MK I never had to use day care once! This was an answer to prayer for me. My husband was transferred and we moved in 2000.
In 2000 I resigned because we were in a new town and I had a 2nd baby. I did not have a beef with MK at all, I did not want to work at all. I was not a personal use consultant and gave all of my customers to friends in MK.
In 2002 I became a consultant for the 2nd time. My motivation was my husbands decision to go into full time ministry. His new employment status changed our income. My desire was to send my children to a private school. I did this with MK. I also became a car driver and director in 2003 for the 2nd time. I also paid our home mortgage.
In 2006 I resigned because my family and I moved to NYC for church planting. This was a huge change for our family. Once again I gave all of my customers away to friends.
MK was a great experience for my family and I for many reasons. I don’t think I will list all of the reasons because from your blog posts I doubt you would believe me anyway since you indicate so many in MK are liars.
I could not find your last name or any personal info anywhere. Maybe I overlooked it. I am sharing all of my personal contact info so you and your readers can see I am a real person.
MK has no doubt helped many people. My family and friends can testify to this. I am puzzled at the amount of time you post negatives about the company. Most companies in America would not allow you to be affiliated with them after contributing to a blog like this.
I find it disappointing anytime a person invests so much effort in blasting others. Personally I don’t get it. It makes you appear to have deep rooted anger and bitterness about many things in your life.
Think about this…if a pastor makes a mistake, steps down for some type of sin, should the people in the church stop attending church?
A doctor messes up, do we stop going to doctors?
Election votes a rigged. Do we stop voting?
Have you ever had a bad restaurant experience? Did you quit eating out?
I have had many friends who felt they wanted to go into full time ministry but after doing it decided to resign.
Just because something doesn’t work for you, for whatever reason, it doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be great for another person.
I’ll close with this verse…”There are six things God hates…no, seven he detests, ….. people who spread their strife among others. A troublemaker plants seeds of strife. Wrongdoers eagerly listen to gossip and play close attention to slander. A truthful witness saves lives, but a false witness is a traitor. The heart of the godly thinks carefully before speaking; the mouth of the wicked overflows with evil words. Mockers hate to be corrected, so they stay away from the wise. A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash. It is foolish to belittle another, a sensible person keeps quiet. A fool is quick tempered, but a wise person stays calm when insulted.”
Tracy, I am so thankful I did not read your blog before working with MK. Though I am not involved with MK now, I feel sorry for anyone looking for a job who stumbles upon your blog.
Today I prayed for you, that you would seek your peace from the Lord.
I am thankful for every woman who “stumbles” on this blog, as this blog gives her a chance to hear the REAL story about Mary Kay… the one no recruiter will ever tell her. You, dear reader, were part of the problem. You deceived women, and you continue to do so. With more than 99% of participants losing money in MLM, I guarantee that there are far more women who regret their experience than who cherish it.
I stopped reading when she mentioned her preferred media outlet.
I think my downvote record is 8. Let’s see if I can top it today 😜
Reminds me of the people who call into the Stephanie Miller Show saying that they’re small business owners who like to listen to both sides, and they just stumbled across the show.
Double digit Down Vote !!!!
“Just because something doesn’t work for you, for whatever reason, it doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be great for another person.”
Considering that Mary Kay has yet to produce a profitable downline, it shows that it only works for some at the expense of others in the same down-line.
I can believe a church pastor/leader’s wife might be able to turn a profit in MLM given her position in the church. But it makes me sick to think of the church body being used this way.
Jesus took issue with those who exploited the temple for financial gain:
“14 In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. 15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16 To those who sold doves he said, ‘Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market'”(NIV Jn 2:14-16).
Excellent point. People have such strong ties to their churches that they’re not going to risk cheesing off the pastor’s wife by refusing an invite to an MK party, or refusing to host one for her, or by not buying from her. Exploiting that power is gross.
The church is fertile ground for this crap. In the late 1990s we had an Amway couple working their way through our church directory trying to recruit into their downline. I confronted them and insisted they stop using the church directory this way, and that if they didn’t, I’d call a meeting with our head pastor to discuss what they were up to. They denied they were doing this (even though that’s how they found me!), and called me a “dream stealer” and “un-American”. They ended up leaving the church not long after this.
OH Goody! Another two parter!😊
Hi Tracy, I found your blog a few days ago when trying to look up some info about MK for a couple of friends. It would surprise me if you share my thoughts but I hope you will.
Hi Ms. Friday Critic. However I doubt you were looking up info about MK for “a couple of friends”. Practically every-one and their “aged parents” have smart-phones, tablets and/or PCs. I’m certain, however, you do not possess any original thoughts that we haven’t read before.
“I watch Fox News because vs. CNN or MSNBC because I like to hear different sides. There are always 2 sides (or many more) to every story.”
Yes, there are often several sides to a story but that doesn’t mean that one or more is false. You can have both/all points of view being correct. It’s rarely a black or white issue as there are many shades of gray.
From the posts I read it sounds as if you are angry and bitter about MK.
People, especially women, are allowed to have so-called negative emotions. So stop using that as an excuse to victim-blame.
As a reader I wonder why you are a personal use consultant. Why would you support a company you so strongly detest? Here is my story…
If you had truly spent any serious amount of time reading here, you would have discovered that most of the women who write here were more than personal use consultants. In fact they were successful in MK terms.
In 1996 I signed my agreement. My background is full time ministry. I wanted the opportunity to stay at home with my new born.
Ah, yes. The pastor’s wife and the huge potential number of female congregants to be exploited.
I became a car driver and director within a year. With MK I never had to use day care once! This was an answer to prayer for me. My husband was transferred and we moved in 2000.
And exploit them you did. You might not have used daycare but I’m certain that you had any number of teenaged and older babysitters for your son who you paid in cosmetics not cash.
In 2000 I resigned because we were in a new town and I had a 2nd baby. I did not have a beef with MK at all, I did not want to work at all. I was not a personal use consultant and gave all of my customers to friends in MK.
Somehow, I don’t think it was because you moved or had a second child that you resigned. A new town means more gullible women to spread the Good Word of Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash to.
In 2002 I became a consultant for the 2nd time. My motivation was my husbands decision to go into full time ministry. His new employment status changed our income. My desire was to send my children to a private school. I did this with MK. I also became a car driver and director in 2003 for the 2nd time. I also paid our home mortgage.
I’ve must know what qualifications that your husband had to become a full time minister. But yet again, you lucked into a large number of women whose faith you could and apparently did abuse.
In 2006 I resigned because my family and I moved to NYC for church planting. This was a huge change for our family. Once again I gave all of my customers away to friends.
You moved to NYC and “planted a church”.. That sounds incredibly predatory and self-serving. Something Jesus was not about.
MK was a great experience for my family and I for many reasons. I don’t think I will list all of the reasons because from your blog posts I doubt you would believe me anyway since you indicate so many in MK are liars.
It was a great experience for you because you were in a position of spiritual power relative to those in your downline. I don’t disbelieve you. However look at some of the many posts with screenshots of FaceBook discussions showing how the various directors talk amongst themselves compared to how they talk to potential customers.
I could not find your last name or any personal info anywhere. Maybe I overlooked it. I am sharing all of my personal contact info so you and your readers can see I am a real person.
Thankfully Tracy didn’t post that so you won’t be getting doxxed or have your ID stolen.
Thanks, as always, DA, for making the unreadable worth reading 🙂
“I watch Fox News because vs. CNN or MSNBC because I like to hear different sides. There are always 2 sides (or many more) to every story.”
Yes, there are often several sides to a story but that doesn’t mean that one or more is false. You can have both/all points of view being correct. It’s rarely a black or white issue as there are many shades of gray.”
Exactly, from someone who worked in the TV field, FOX, CNN, MSNBC, Newsmaxx, Blaze TV, CNBC, and all the rest are NOT news based. They are NOT news stations they are news commentary stations. The world isn’t black & white tragedies that happen aren’t always an either or scenario. People who can’t grasp that concept shouldn’t be allowed to watch any of those types of channels.
So people searching for Mary Kay info always “stumble” onto Pink Truth. If there were many successful women sharing their stories online, wouldn’t those pop up first in search results? Why is Pink Truth always so high?
I’m sure it’s The Enemy in some people’s mind while it’s just search engine optimisation, SEO.
If I use this laptop which is my main PC, any search on a MkBot’s name will normally end up with Pink Truth first. If I use my old one, and now gaming laptop, I will get their own website or FaceBook page or something similar.
Or some-one with the same or similar name.
With few examples *cough Monique cough*, PT is on the second or third page of results.
Part deux.
MK has no doubt helped many people. My family and friends can testify to this.
It might have helped some people, statistically that is. However Mk’s own figures show that this is not the case. More women lose in Mary kay then win.
See 2020’s income disclosure compared to 2022’s income disclosure.
7p73s2hz0bi81.jpg (1107×1443) (redd.it)
I am puzzled at the amount of time you post negatives about the company. Most companies in America would not allow you to be affiliated with them after contributing to a blog like this.
I would imagine every company in America and probably the whole of the world has a website at least that points out the down-side to working there. Companies should not be excluded because it hurts your feelings. Facts should presented on equal terms to give a balanced view of the company and it’s culture.
I find it disappointing anytime a person invests so much effort in blasting others.
Then why are YOU here blasting people?? Seems like a wasted effort.
Personally I don’t get it. It makes you appear to have deep rooted anger and bitterness about many things in your life.
Wow! Such a hypocrite. You are allowed to have opinions about this site but we are not allowed to express ours because YOU think that our feelings are anger and bitterness? Stop policing other peoples, other women’s emotions.
Think about this…if a pastor makes a mistake, steps down for some type of sin, should the people in the church stop attending church?
Yes. A man or woman of God who cannot follow the words that they profess to believe in should not be in a position to influence minds.
A doctor messes up, do we stop going to doctors?
I would find another doctor if mine was a serial killer.
Election votes a(???) rigged. Do we stop voting?
They weren’t but please stop voting. There are plenty of good Christian men and women who think women shouldn’t vote, at all.
Have you ever had a bad restaurant experience? Did you quit eating out?
I would refuse to go back until it either got better which would probably be because the management or the chefs changed.
I’m not sure what these have to do with the whole of Mary Kay being exploitive.
I have had many friends who felt they wanted to go into full time ministry but after doing it decided to resign.
Not knowing your friends, I suspect it is more due to the fact that they are not knowledgeable about the Bible or Christianity. Or have not had the training to be an effective pastor. I’ve read enough blogs by Evangelical Christians whose 17/18/19 year old sons call themselves a pastor and “go and plant a church”.
When I was a teen I was friendly with my Church of England vicar’s daughter. She told me that they never celebrated Christmas as a family because there were always too many demands on her parent’s time. Not only were there the church services that day but there was also people dying or otherwise needing council that could not be put off.
Being called to serve the Lord requires humble souls not those who want to bask in glory.
Just because something doesn’t work for you, for whatever reason, it doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be great for another person.
It’s great for those who are happy to financially and emotionally abuse others.
I’ll close with this verse…”There are six things God hates…no, seven he detests, ….. people who spread their strife among others. A troublemaker plants seeds of strife. Wrongdoers eagerly listen to gossip and play close attention to slander. A truthful witness saves lives, but a false witness is a traitor. The heart of the godly thinks carefully before speaking; the mouth of the wicked overflows with evil words. Mockers hate to be corrected, so they stay away from the wise. A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash. It is foolish to belittle another, a sensible person keeps quiet. A fool is quick tempered, but a wise person stays calm when insulted.”
I’ve got a verse for you as well, it’s one of the big ones.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
That’s what you are doing here. Twisting God’s words to prove your point.
Tracy, I am so thankful I did not read your blog before working with MK. Though I am not involved with MK now, I feel sorry for anyone looking for a job who stumbles upon your blog.
Mary Kay isn’t a job. There are plenty of sites explaining the downsides of working for Wal*Mart, Amazon, Disney etc. Mary Kay is just another faceless multi-national company that exploits it’s workers be they consultants or corporate.
Today I prayed for you, that you would seek your peace from the Lord.
I’m not Christian so I’d rather you actually did something tangible to help people, like the sick, the homeless, the widows or prisoners, you know like Jesus commanded you to. Not brag about praying publicly which Jesus did not approve of.
I have never sold Mary Kay; only know people who have. Since my first day reading, I never “got” bitterness from anyone posting; only former consultants stating facts that are tough to dispute.
Which is easier for you to believe? Is it that everyone here who left MK was a lazy loser and now bitter about how money was never handed to them.
Or that they feel empowered because they saw Mary Kay for what it truly is and are grateful that they cut their ties.
I think Friday critics are very defensive people because they see too much of themselves when reading here and it’s easier to believe the first one; so name calling and victim blaming is all you’ve got.
Of course no women in the church are going to piss off the pastor’s wife by refusing to buy overpriced cosmetics. And she should stop calling women angry or bitter because we are justifiably upset about something. But I will say it’s a good thing she is planting churches in New York–there just aren’t enough churches there…”only” about 6,000. So New York is obviously fertile ground for a pastor’s wife’s MK business. (Bazinga!)
“Today I prayed for you, that you would seek your peace from the Lord.”
FFS… stop praying for people who have neither asked you to do so nor WANT you to do so. Your self-righteous indignation and know-it-all attitude are off-putting and beyond condescending. YOU are why people leave churches. Look in the mirror before you start your stone-throwing activities.
Right on.
My dear sanctimonious pastor’s wife, I was raised Roman catholic and it never brought me an ounce of peace. The mean scary nuns told me I was going to hell for wanting toys for Christmas (ohai, covetousness! I was 6 and wanted Barbies FFS). My manipulative and abusive mother told me god would punish me for minor bratty kid stuff. God’s self-appointed earthly spokesmen called people I care about abominations and sinful just for trying to live their lives, while simultaneously abusing and covering up the abuse of innocents by their fellows. Scummy, amoral people get rich and thrive while the honest and good scrounge along barely above the poverty line. The lord and I, we don’t hang.
Have a nice day.
Well bless her heart, she’s praying for us. I suggest she read these, and do some serious and
PRIVATE soul searching … For MLM to be profitable, aggressive recruiting is required, and the church, made up of relationally connected people, is a networking utopia. But at what cost?
Maybe she can also read these comments by fellow pastors who are helping someone leave the cult:
#1 “Former pastor here, except I lasted much shorter. It’s a hell of an experience, isn’t it? I will say this though: just quietly and calmly make your exit and get ready to burn the bridge without anyone being able to understand why.
Even if you told them, they wouldn’t understand you, from my experience. You go from being spiritual leader and Christian friend to hell-bound convertible object. You will no longer even qualify as a person to them with relevant thoughts and feelings. You will just be another victim they hope to usurp back into the spiritual MLM, if they even dare talk to you beyond any knowledge of you no longer believing. If they don’t talk to you, it’s because they see you as an irredeemable sinner who has truly gone astray and ungratefully thrown everything back in the face of their beloved imaginary friend. You’re what they perceive to be the worst possible thing they can imagine (despite MUCH worse actually being possible rationally).
It sucks. You grew up all those years in the old time religion with people you thought cared about you, friends and family alike, but once you go rogue and no longer believe, they’ll treat you with disdain. All their kindness may as well have been a lie. That kindness was upon the terms that you shared their beliefs and fellowship, even if neither of you were quite aware of it. It’s immensely sad. It’s about to be an incredibly lonely road, but it’s for the best. You’ve finally set yourself free and are allowed to be the person you want to be beyond this point, without the shackles of religious belief to limit you. All that cognitive dissonance is no longer yours to live with. Making peace with the new social situation is going to be difficult, but you’ll make it. I believe in you. You were smart enough to make it this far.
#2 “Former evangelical pastor here. We left fairly quietly and people started to figure it out. All church family and friends have abandoned us at this point. We are the topic of discussion at social events held by the group we used to lead and our “radical beliefs” are a topic of speculation. We moved and started a new life. All three kids are out of it now and proud non-believers.”
Gee, the ex-brotherhood sounds just like the ex-sisterhood. I wonder why? Not.
I have no idea why you are being downvoted but it cements why I left Christianity 40 years ago.
Thank you. Wait til my next comment. Lol. I guess it’s how dare I compare a cult with a cult? Believers with beelievers?
How is it we constantly preach about truth and facts; we friggin criticize cults and believers all day long, and that comment gets downvoted. It’s an identical situation to MK. Indoctrination illness, I’m guessing.
We literally use the term “fog” a lot. We preach “facts”. It sounds like they’re suggesting, “Your belief-cult is a cult, but my belief-cult isn’t?” Hypocrisy at its finest.
I am anti cult-think based on mere belief; I am an independent, critical thinker, seeking facts and evidence. I don’t cherry-pick.
Are we for belief cults, or aren’t we?
Phew, a lot of lies and confusion to unpack.
“I watch Fox News” — Fox agreed to pay 787 million dollars for consistently lying on air about Dominion voting machines being rigged. Historical Fact.
“From the posts I read it sounds as if you are angry and bitter about MK.” — That’s an odd way to describe someone who exposes scams and who makes plenty of money as a forensic accountant. An actual business that she owns, btw..
“As a reader I wonder why you are a personal use consultant. Why would you support a company you so strongly detest?” – Lie
“My background is full time ministry.” — Red flag. So, you’re a believer without evidence, who holds weekly meetings, reads old scripts, and is always looking to recruit others. I can see why you chose MK as a side gig.
“I was not a personal use consultant and gave all of my customers to friends in MK.” — Or, you could’ve directed them to eBay where they would’ve saved lots of money.
“My motivation was my husbands decision to go into full time ministry.” — Double red flags.
“Once again I gave all of my customers away to friends.” — Or, you could’ve had them become a PUC to always order at 50% off. Or eBay. Or Ulta.
“MK was a great experience.” — Not so great for your downline, though.
“I doubt you would believe me anyway since you indicate so many in MK are liars.” — Yep, blatant liars and unwitting liars. Both liars nonetheless.
“I could not find your last name or any personal info anywhere. Maybe I overlooked it. I am sharing all of my personal contact info so you and your readers can see I am a real person.” — You didn’t look very hard, clearly. But you’ve demonstrated you’re not the brightest bulb, so it makes sense.
“MK has no doubt helped many people. My family and friends can testify to this. I am puzzled at the amount of time you post negatives about the company. Most companies in America would not allow you to be affiliated with them after contributing to a blog like this.” — She’s so confused.
“It makes you appear to have deep rooted anger and bitterness about many things in your life.” — Or, just about scams.
“Think about this…if a pastor makes a mistake, steps down for some type of sin, should the people in the church stop attending church?” — Think about this….a pastor has not a lick of evidence about most of what he/she preaches. That’s a constant mistake. When the people’s fog lifts, and they see all his cult-speak bs, they absolutely should stop attending.
“A doctor messes up, do we stop going to doctors?”—If all doctors said they believed in fairytales, and that those fairies talked to and guided them, definitely stop going to fairytale doctors.
“Election votes a rigged.” — We’ve already established you’re not a fact-checker, but anyway: 60 court cases proved that false. Historical fact. Oh, and Fox’s 787 million.
“Do we stop voting?” — No. Maybe consider voting for someone who doesn’t perpetuate lies? Isn’t that the “Christian” thing to do? Vote for truth? Wait, Christians don’t operate on facts, just hearsay and ancient, outdated stories and rumors….for money, power, and control. Never mind.
“I have had many friends who felt they wanted to go into full time ministry but after doing it decided to resign.” — You know what they call a group of believers who think alike, don’t you?
“Just because something doesn’t work for you, for whatever reason, it doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be great for another person.” — It definitely doesn’t work if using honesty. Not great for anyone except a serial, and highly skilled liar.
I’ll close with this verse…”There are six things God hates…no, seven he detests, …..blah, blah, blah.” — Which god? There are thousands in history. And which one gave you the right to speak for it? Proof please.
“Tracy, I am so thankful I did not read your blog before working with MK. Though I am not involved with MK now” — Guess that residual didn’t pan out?
“Today I prayed for you, that you would seek your peace from the Lord.” — In what world do you assume I/we want a cultist’s “wish”. Peace comes from humans’ actions and personal mental state, not some figment of *your* imagination.
And now, I shall surpass Popinki today with the dislikes, probably. I must maintain my overall lead.
Bonus content: “God of the Week”
Nemesis – The Goddess of Retribution
“Nemesis, the goddess of retribution and vengeance, is another compelling figure in Greek mythology. [Not to be confused with Christian mythology.] She is the embodiment of divine justice, ensuring that all individuals receive their due punishment for their hubris and transgressions. Nemesis represents the balance between good and evil, punishing those who display excessive pride or arrogance. Her iconic attribute is a pair of wings, symbolizing her ability to swiftly deliver retribution. Nemesis serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences that await those who overstep their boundaries and succumb to hubris.”
Fox News? Both sides? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Has the “I’m looking/asking for a friend” ever worked on anyone over the age of 12?
Also, if you were involved in MK at all and especially the level you were at you should already have scripted answers for your friend. You would have gone straight to the MK site for “accurate” information instead of widening your search outside the cult, knowing full well that sites like exist to help people not sacrifice everything they have and love.
My spidey sense tells me you were looking for truth and you found it. Maybe you have lingering feelings of “maybe I should try again” or “did I work hard enough” “how could I be successful this time?” “Is there any way to make money doing Mary Kay?” and you found PT. I might be way off, but there’s a lot you’re not sharing. When you’re ready for the truth, please visit us again.
Lastly, why would we believe anything you say when you got Tracy all wrong and wrote the misinformation in your comment. I shouldn’t be surprised though because MKbots are notorious for getting things wrong and spreading it around anyway.
I’m not Christian but I hear lying is a no-no and you’ve done that a few times in a few paragraphs. Next time maybe consider that sometimes silence is wisdom’s best answer.
Someone said above that people can have both a negative and positive experience. That’s true. I tried to be a consultant for four or five years. Most of the MK women I knew truly believed in the ideals. A handful made money selling. I didn’t. When I quit I had most of the inventory I purchased. Products were constantly being updated and discontinued. I was not good at approaching strangers about facials etc. My friends and acquaintances weren’t interested. At the parties someone almost always reacted badly to the products…rash, red face, genuine discomfort. In my years as a totally unsuccessful consultant I watched the majority of new recruits fall away. I also watched as those once successful full-time consultants had to pick up other jobs. MK’s marketing strategy wasn’t keeping up with consumers. I can’t say I’m bitter or angry. I ignored all the warning signs. It wasn’t for me. It is for a handful and if they can turn a good profit I’m happy for them. At the same time I have no doubt that much of MK’s profit comes through the consultants who buy inventory they can’t sell. Corporate has to know. They may promote the idea that anyone can be successful if they put in the effort. They may believe they have great products and some are actually good. Most consultants are genuine in their faith in the company . (The products are too expensive for the people I know. So that was a huge problem.) Do I wish I hadn’t wasted my time and money? Sure! Did I meet some great women who weren’t intentionally trying to exploit me? Yes! Did I allow myself to believe in a dream that I could never attain? Yes! It often felt good. My denial helped pull me through a very difficult time in my life. I certainly have regrets but even though ill-informed and in a state of denial I did make a choice. I’m not angry. My experience as a unsuccessful consultant isn’t shared by everyone but it is shared by a lot of women who don’t realize how much MK truly profits from their investment in product they can’t sell. The constant discontinuation of products became a huge tip-off to me. The consultants who dropped off and were really disappointed that they’d been drawn in were legion. The woman who recruited me quit, my director stopped being a director and picked up a real job. The few women I recruited quit within a month or two quit. Their failure is built into the MK system. Focusing on the happy and successful is a failure to accept the reality of women like me. Blaming failure on those who fail prevents MK from accepting the role the company plays. I know personally that a lot of the stats aren’t based in reality. I know of one very successful higher-up who got totally plastered at seminar. She blasted the company and laughed at women’s gullibility. If a minister’s wife had some success and the MK overlay of Christianity appeals to her that’s great. It doesn’t invalidate my experience. It’s not sour grapes. It’s my experience.
If the products worked, they wouldn’t be discontinued. But many are gimmicky, and all are overpriced.
Consultants are the real customers. It’s Pink Friday and consultants are selling at deep discounts to clear their shelves of products they’re stuck with. I heard a SD say, “I have soooo many Two-step Hydrating Sheet Masks…people just forgot about them.”