Don’t Blame Mary Kay Because You’re a Failure
The usual “blame the victim” mentality is alive and well. Yes, women who fail at MK (or any other MLM) are victims because they are lied to. They are recruited with representations that this is an actual business. No it’s not. It’s a grand scam. They are swindled into purchasing products. They are conned into spending money on events that are supposed to help them success. But the recruiters know that almost everyone fails because that’s just how the MLM scam works.
I find all your posts very amusing.
A lot of the women in here seem to be having a big hangup about Mary kay and about the way that Mary Kay does business. The REAL PROBLEM is YOU. You are the ones who are all at fault because you didn’t make any money in Mary Kay. It’s nobody else’s fault. It’s not your director’s fault and it’s not the company’s fault. You make your business become what you put into it. It seems like a lot of women in here are in denial that the REAL PROBLEM is themselves and NOT Mary Kay. A lot of the Mary Kay consultants are not trained or do not want to be trained properly.
And It seems that a lot of the women that post in this website have no clue about on how to run a business and what it takes to run a business. You need to be persistent and to work the Mary Kay business correctly in order to make real money in it. I come to a conclusion that a lot of the women in here are bitching and moaning that they have been unsuccessful because they have NOT worked their Mary Kay business they way that they are supposed to.
All of you women are in DENIAL. Face up to it. You are nothing but a bunch of losers. A bunch of incompetent people who don’t understand how to work the Mary Kay business to become successful. You are lazy and you don’t know how to follow directions to succeed. That’s why you are all in here bitching and moaning and bashing Mary Kay.
Let me all tell you something that you need to get thru your thick skulls. There are MANY successful women who are currently doing Mary Kay that are making a very good income. And a lot of these successful Mary Kay consultants and Directors have purchased things like houses and investment properties from their Mary Kay income. They make money becasue they work the business the right way. They don’t slack off like the people who come into this website and complain.
All the women on this website who are bashing Mary Kay are nothing but a bunch of losers. Yes, that’s right. You are all a bunch of losers who don’t know anything about how to structure and run a business to become successful. You like to bash Mary Kay because you are not successful or because you have not been successful as a Mary Kay consultant or as a director.
A lot of Mary Kay consultants and directors don’t make any money in this business because they don’t do $hit to build their business. They don’t follow up, they don’t make the phone calls that they are supposed to do and they just don’t have any business plan.
These are the main REAL REASONS why all of you misfits who come into this website bash Mary Kay. Face it. You are all in denial and it’s causing you to be very negative towards Mary Kay.
Get with the program! Either go get a job for $10 – $15 an hour or become your own boss and work the Mary Kay business the right way and make a lot of money. And don’t blame Mary Kay for being a failure.
Well, at least today’s critic can spell “losers.”
For what it’s worth, I did ALL the training in Mary Kay. I attended all the events, took all the courses, read all the books. I worked the business like I was supposed to, and, you know what? I made about minimum wage after all my expenses. And I went into massive debt attempting to “fake it till I made it.”
Once I finally opened my eyes to the reality of MLM and quit the MK rat race, I was able to leverage the skills and training I got while I was desperately trying to make my “business” work and immediately turn it into a near six-figure real sales job. Where I’m not expected to pay for my own training and mileage, and where I can close my office door at the end of the day and go home to be fully present with my kids.
I have achieved all that Mary Kay promised me—work-life balance, financial security, self-confidence and self-worth—only after throwing in the towel on the impossible pink dream-turned-nightmare.
Bribery is the game to Mary Kay. Failure is a word Mary K uses to try to demoralize new consultants believing in bribes of a superior.
Delete my alleged contract.
Thank you all kindly.
Bravo, Frosty.
As for me, I was never in MK and one doesn’t have to have been to hate the manipulation, lies, and bullying that goes on in it.
Meanwhile, I have been in the same job for 15 years now so I must be doing something right, own a house and car, and live a pretty happy life doing what I want when I want to. I’ll admit to being lazy, but a loser? Nope.
BTW the word you want is “shit”. Either swear or don’t, but half-assing it like that makes you look like a 12 year old trying to be edgy.
“A lot of Mary Kay consultants and directors don’t make any money in this business because they don’t do $hit to build their business.”
News flash: If you cloned the most successful Mary Kay director and filled the MK ranks with those clones, the loss rates would not change. The loss rates are build into the business model.
MLMs fail for the sales force because the sales force is the primary revenue source, not outside customers like normal businesses. The incentives in Mary Kay are tied to ordering and recruiting, with no incentive to sell. This is also why no MLM downline, Mary Kay or otherwise, can ever be profitable as a whole. Up-line profitability depends on down-line losses. Without those losses, there is no up-line profit.
This is not a business. It’s an endless-chain recruiting scheme.
Wow … someone pulled the pin on her grenade!
“Either go get a job for $10 – $15 an hour or become your own boss and work the Mary Kay business the right way and make a lot of money.” It’s always this: If you aren’t in an MLM you are DOOMED to a life of low wage jobs.
I find all your posts very amusing.
I do and I don’t. I find the ones where directors passively and actively aggressively snipe at each other over the minutiae of Mary Kay protocols.
The ones which talk about losing money, a spouse, time with family et c. are not funny.
A lot of the women in here seem to be having a big hangup (sic) about Mary kay and about the way that Mary Kay does business. The REAL PROBLEM is YOU. You are the ones who are all at fault because you didn’t make any money in Mary Kay. It’s nobody else’s fault. It’s not your director’s fault and it’s not the company’s fault.
Except Mary Kay’s figures contradict you.
2022 https://www.marykay.ca/-/media/images/mk/united-states/canada/esuite/footer/earnings-representation-bilingual-0223.pdf
2020 https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7p73s2hz0bi81.jpg
You make your business become what you put into it. It seems like a lot of women in here are in denial that the REAL PROBLEM is themselves and NOT Mary Kay. A lot of the Mary Kay consultants are not trained or do not want to be trained properly.
So, if Mary Kay’s own figures don’t prove that there is a problem, resort to victim blaming. Then if the REAL PROBLEM is that consultomers are badly trained, who does that reflect on? The trainer or the trainee? I know WHO you are going to blame!
And It seems that a lot of the women that post in this website have no clue about on how to run a business and what it takes to run a business. You need to be persistent and to work the Mary Kay business correctly in order to make real money in it.
While I have never run a business, I do know the basics. I need a customer base, I need a product or service to sell, and most importantly I need to know how many competitors I have locally. There’s no point in me being the tenth person to open a McDonald’s when every-one wants a Timmy’s.
I come to a conclusion that a lot of the women in here are bitching and moaning that they have been unsuccessful because they have NOT worked their Mary Kay business they way that they are supposed to.
The figures show there is a very small chance of making money in Mary Kay. It doesn’t matter how hard (general) you work, MK isn’t going to make you money. The products are over-priced and women are jaded with Mary Kay. My local pharmacist has a large selection of cosmetics from reputable companies or I can order on line from Sephora and get my product in the mail. The Mary Kay multitudinous married names model isn’t appealing to Gen X never mind the younger ladies.
All of you women are in DENIAL.
Face up to it. You are nothing but a bunch of losers.
A bunch of incompetent people who don’t understand how to work the Mary Kay business to become successful.
Definitely NO!!
You are lazy and you don’t know how to follow directions to succeed. That’s why you are all in here bitching and moaning and bashing Mary Kay.
And again, NO!!!
Let me all tell you something that you need to get thru your thick skulls.
And here comes that Go Give Spirit! The positive and polite way a True Mary Kay IBC shows herself to be.
There are MANY successful women who are currently doing Mary Kay that are making a very good income.
I refer you to Exhibits 1 and 2. The numbers from corporate.
And a lot of these successful Mary Kay consultants and Directors have purchased things like houses and investment properties from their Mary Kay income.
Have you seen the details of their investing? Or are you relying on what they have told you?
They make money becasue(sic) they work the business the right way. They don’t slack off like the people who come into this website and complain.
Can you point to a single NSD and prove that all of her downline are making substantial earnings that are equal to what would be made in a 9-5? And is that including health insurance, a 401k, holiday or personal leave requirements??
All the women on this website who are bashing Mary Kay are nothing but a bunch of losers.
Blah, blah, blah!
Yes, that’s right. You are all a bunch of losers who don’t know anything about how to structure and run a business to become successful. You like to bash Mary Kay because you are not successful or because you have not been successful as a Mary Kay consultant or as a director.
If you had truly read the posts here, you would have read about women who were “successful” in the terms validated by Mary Kay corp and their fellow directors. There are also businesswomen here with their own highly successful and profitable businesses.
A lot of Mary Kay consultants and directors don’t make any money in this business because they don’t do $hit (sic) to build their business. They don’t follow up, they don’t make the phone calls that they are supposed to do and they just don’t have any business plan.
You are allowed to swear here, we are adults. Just how high is your horse? It doesn’t matter how many calls you make, women are not very interested in MLM make-up when there are so many alternatives in the internet age.
These are the main REAL REASONS why all of you misfits who come into this website bash Mary Kay. Face it. You are all in denial and it’s causing you to be very negative towards Mary Kay.
No, those are not the reasons. I’m not in denial because I was never in MK. However, I am more than capable of extrapolating data and coming to my own conclusions as to why Mk isn’t going to make me any money in either the short or long term.
Get with the program! Either go get a job for $10 – $15 an hour or become your own boss and work the Mary Kay business the right way and make a lot of money.
If I were to work a $10/hour job for 40 hours a week, I’d get $400 before expenses, which means I would make more in one week than 98% of IBCs make in a year before expenses. Food for thought!
And don’t blame Mary Kay for being a failure.
And yet, this business model fails so many people, constantly.
I find that ridiculous and even if it was true, I would rather have a low wage job for life, keep my money, be able to keep my head held high because I didn’t have to use people or manipulate them to make money, and once I am off the clock, I don’t have to stalk people at every social event to recruit them to MK.
Um, so I’m a guy, which renders the Critic’s entire post inaccurate… I came here to do research, which has affirmed my suspicions that MK MUST be a SCAM; beyond reasonable doubt, it is. Today’s critic comes across as a raving lunatic. MK is the same as Shaklee, Amway, LuLaRoe, etc., etc. They’re all EXACTLY the same MLM SCAM. Same traits of cult like behavior, replete with manipulation/control/lies. That they attempt to cloak all this in Christianity, is the ultimate sales pitch. Or maybe it was, what about all the non-Christians. Are there any of those that are successful in MK? The questions are literally endless. Yet again we have a Friday Critic, who doesn’t know anyone here, yet spouts the same tired drivel. Classic victim blaming and gas lighting here. “Next…”
“And It seems that a lot of the women that post in this website have no clue about on how to run a business and what it takes to run a business.”
The successful business my spouse and I own and run says differently. Mary Kay is the problem.
My director is a national sales director, one of the top ppl in MaryKay. In one week of starting I’ve made over $600, won over $1100 in free product, won jewelry, a jewelry box, pins, gifts, full makeup pallets and more. In one week. My first week. It’s not a scam but you have to know how to be a salesman. You have to know how to connect with ppl. You have to know the ins and outs of money and taxes and business related things. If you’re too lazy to do the work and research then yes you will fail. Don’t blame it on the company. Blame it on yourself. You are responsible for your own life and actions.
Dear Ashley,
With your vast experience of seven whole days in Mary Kay, you certainly “know” much more than the hundreds of women here who spent years in Mary Kay. I’m so proud of your “success”. Please come back in 12 weeks and tell us how many more $600 weeks you’ve had. I’m sure you are using spreadsheets that track expenses and hours and self-employment taxes and returns, etc.; you know…”business related things”. Can’t wait to hear from you soon!
Did Mary Kay. Now co-own a successful actual business. They are not the same. Period.
That’s great Ashley, I wish you all the success in the world.
Then, please come back to this website at the end of 2024, after you’ve been in the business a whole solid year and tell us how much PROFIT you’ve made. Not sales – net profit after expenses, which includes inventory and overhead costs. One week of doing the business where undoubtedly a lot of friends and family members bought something is not all that meaningful. Also, even if you continue to do $600 a week, every week for all of next year, that about $ 30,000 in gross sales and assuming you were able to mark up every thing at 100% (doubtful), that is $ 15,000 in gross profit before your overhead costs. But who knows, you might be one of the lucky 1% that does very well in Mary Kay.
“…they have been unsuccessful because they have NOT worked their Mary Kay business they way that they are supposed to.”
“You like to bash Mary Kay because you are not successful or because you have not been successful as a Mary Kay consultant or as a director.”
Excuse me? A LOT of the women here were successful directors (by MK’s OWN terms). We worked the so-called business as MK taught us to do, and guess what? It’s not a business. You have a paid distributorship.
“Either go get a job for $10 – $15 an hour or become your own boss and work the Mary Kay business the right way and make a lot of money. And don’t blame Mary Kay for being a failure.”
I have a great job, thankyouverymuch. Trust me when I say I make considerably more than $10-15 an hour. I sincerely doubt that your MK “income” is anywhere near mine. Plus my pay includes retirement matching, PTO, paid certifications and education, and numerous other benefits. Does your MK “business” cover any of that? I’m successful and good at what I do, which is the opposite of failure. Sure, I have a boss, yet I have a lot of autonomy and respect for my knowledge, skills, and abilities.
These Friday critics are so full of themselves that I want to reach through the internet and slap some sense into them.
Right! I swear I could have written this letter 16 + years ago.
And as a person who does run a business with over 37 employees, the statement is laughable.
10-15 per hour? Laughable. Those in directorship don’t even make that. (I know, because I was a director and saw it with my own eyes)
“Either go get a job for $10 – $15 an hour”
Based on this statement I believe that the writer of this email believes that all the people on here don’t have an educational level higher than a high school diploma.
For the record a lot of my friends don’t have much more than that, they have worked their way up in their careers, make much more than those who have a college degree and enjoy what they do.
“…or become your own boss and work the Mary Kay business the right way and make a lot of money.”
Is that what you’ve done? Are you selling enough Mary Kay to cover all your costs and give you a decent income for all the hours you put in? Are you really making “a lot” of money?
If so, why don’t you share your numbers with us? Share your average net monthly income (how much money you’ve earned, once you’ve subtracted *ALL* your Mary Kay related expenses). Share your average hourly wage (net income divided by all the hours you’ve worked, including time spent planning, ordering, and tracking down potential customers). Send the owner of this site a copy of your Schedule C (or the equivalent if you live outside the US). Are you even making minimum wage?
I read most of these Friday commentaries, and they all have one thing in common: the writers never, ever back up their claims with actual numbers. If selling Mary Kay is as great as they claim, why do they always avoid mentioning the single greatest proof they could offer?
It’s ironic that someone would accuse Pink Truth people of being angry losers and resort to angry accusations in response. If MK methods worked more people would succeed. Statistics are testament to the failure of the MK sales model. I was a loser struggling for years watching the market change and MK insist its consultants dress like an artifact of the past. (Dress or skirt, hose, no open-toed shoes, no selling on line only via websites whose fees are paid to MK for the service, products that cause an allergic reaction in a lot of potential customers, no affordable products for the huge demographic that can’t afford their products, no adaption to younger generation’s purchasing habits, etc.) The failure to read the market and adjust to current conditions is more than telling. It creates a sales force of losers who are fodder for MK’s profitability. Blaming the loser? Not a Christian response. It justifies the creation of more losers. To profit off a “loser” is wrong no matter who’s assigned the blame.