The Discussion Board Works Again
If you’ve been trying to reset your password, you’ve been frustrated, because the email never comes. It has finally been fixed after many months. Please go try your password reset again and enjoy!
If you’ve been trying to reset your password, you’ve been frustrated, because the email never comes. It has finally been fixed after many months. Please go try your password reset again and enjoy!
“Positive affirmations mean nothing without the work.”— Yep. Even if the “work” is scamming people, the statement still applies. Remember…
Also, thats a pin, not a pen. Take 4 seconds to proofread, please. I mean, it probably took her ages…
I'm sitting here a Philly Phanatic sweatshirt, so maybe I'm destined to become a baseball mascot!!! I'm an Aries, too!!!…
As my grandmother would have said, "Wish in one hand, [poop] in the other. See which fills up first." And based on this screenshot from Jamie’s January Jumpstart, Chelsea isn’t even in Jamie’s top three directors YTD.