More Failure in the New Year
Written by Frosty Rose
Heather Daniel-Kent, perpetual nsd hopeful in Mary Kay, has been running the director treadmill for years.
But every New Year brings out that old New You energy, and she’s really really committed this year. She’s going to make it happen! And she wants to hear from her community.
Heather recently asked her community to wave a magic wand and fix their business. What would they change? What would they do differently? The answers are enlightening, especially since this is Heather’s main page and not a private group.
In short, no one wants to buy Mary Kay, even fewer people want to hold a party or get together at all, and the general public is getting wise to the fact that Mary Kay is a gigantic scam.
Corporate is chock full of employees who don’t understand what consultants are doing, and they have no interest in keeping up with trends in social media, business maintenance or marketing.
Consultants and directors are anxious, burnt out, and exhausted, but all that is because they’re lazy and not consistently working to their own full potential, not because the system is inherently flawed.
My genuine hope is that consultants will read this long list of negativity, take their “New Year New You” selves to a J.O.B. and leave behind the insanity that is trying to build a sustainable business in the MLM system.
Susan Haist No minimum production for units…It’s stressful and when you have a small unit and you’re trying to grow.
But how else can Mary Kay earn their billion dollars of profit if they are not exploiting some-one?
It appears the most common request is for more “demand” for the product and for the opportunity. That’s simply not going to happen when MK’s MLM system is designed to grossly oversupply the market with product and with salespeople.
Stop recruiting ladies! Given the churn in MLM, in just two years the number of consultants will drop to less than 10% of what there are today, reducing your sales competition and the amount of ordered (but unsold) product collecting dust and pushing down the sale price of every actual retail sale.
Given enough time without recruiting, the size of the MK sales force will finally stabilize at a level meeting demand, allowing the remaining consultants to sell at full price without having to compete with so many other sellers.
Shhh…don’t tell this to Mary Kay Corp. They see the sales force as the true customer, and will not be so happy to reduce supply so substantially. But this is exactly what is needed to increase retail demand for MK products.
Rebecca Smith Rust: “Not attaching my personal value to a goal.” As long as you stay in MK, or any MLM, all you’re ever going to be is a goal. A recruit, an offspring, a director, a Court of Something, a trip earner. The whole system is built upon the haves making the have nots feel insignificant and envious.
“Showing up with the attitude of it’s ok if you say no.” Except no’s aren’t allowed. A no is just a yes that hasn’t been wheedled out of someone.
Submitting for DIQ isn’t the way to do those things. Come on, your thoughts are starting to run in the right direction. Just follow them instead of getting dragged back into the bubble.
Remember the Dr. Seuss book “The Sneetches” ? I always felt it related to MK. The ones who had the stars thought they were best. The ones who didn’t have the stars thought they were the best. Everyone was mad about all the stars, and the little weasel guy came to town and made a boat load of money off the Sneetches and their arguments.
Meanwhile, I now how a “real job” as a teacher. I celebrated today that one of my kindergarten students sharted his pants BEFORE I went to get him – he went home. It didn’t happen during my class time! That’s a victory. No diamond rings or pink cars from it, however. Ha!
If you were a new consultant in Heather’s (or any other director’s) area how would you feel reading this if you had just purchased an inventory package?
“The answers are enlightening, especially since this is Heather’s main page and not a private group.”
I’m surprised at Heather. Instead of asking, “What do you LOVE about your business?”, she asked, “What would you change?” Thus, she opened the door for consultants to list problems and complaints.
She basically did the big bad evil thing of allowing negativity.
What? Nothing about praying harder?
All these ideas: talk about an exercise in futility!
“dicaplend” How classic.
One more for Holly: It’s everyone’s weakness, not just yours!
Wow! These comments are glorious and expose what life in MK is really like instead of the silly Boss Babe posts they put on social media. Nobody wants to hold parties, buy their products or join their team. Directorship is a stressful journey to more failure and MK corporate doesn’t care. These women really need to step back and get out of this pathetic pink fog.
Natali Young Merrick More women leaving behind their incorrect assumptions about Mary Kay or my intentions in offering them a FREE facial. More bookings. More team members. More confidence when sharing the opportunity.
My assumption is that you want to “book, sell recruit”. Is that wrong?
Your intention in offering me a free facial is for me to spend my money in buying from you.
More bookings equals the hope of more money from either sales or recruiting.
More team members equals more money via commissions on down-line orders, not sales.
More CON-fidence when recruiting others for their spending potential.
Heather Meinhofer I wish people less reluctance to try the products just because we’re not sold in the store or people believe they are a pyramid scheme.
Your company’s figures show that you make money off your down-line’s orders, that is one of the main indicators that you are a barely legal pyramid scheme.
I literally just ordered more items from Thrive Cosmetics – not sold in stores. Also not hounded by anyone.
Sharon Bone Also help me declutter my home so I feel free to hold parties there.
I guess you “need to be more dicaplend” or less of a “lazy looser” then. You can’t be “working your business” if your shop front isn’t neat and tidy.
I get it, I’m a bit of a slob at times. I’m currently down-sizing and have been lucky that not only are my friend’s children planning their first home but also my children and their friends are at that stage too. But I’ve still managed several Didge caravan trunk worth of stuff to my local thrift stores.
I left Mary Kay and ended up as a traveling artist with Dior. I too loved that part of helping a person find their “look” and support the skin care needs. Training in product was regularly provided and I’d get free merch. I never had to pay to do my job. Granted, I lived in a metro area and had easy access to malls.
Lynn Peeler Walker I’d like to be able to retain team members. They join and then give up.
Have you ever asked why they give up? Is it because the system is rigged? Is it because your area is over-saturated with other consultomers? Is it because you are unable to teach them? or are you going to fall back on our old favourites “lazy loosers” and “quitters”?
“Customers who just want to purchase and not get together.”
Wow. Welcome to what most people want when they shop for skin care and makeup. To simply purchase what they want and leave. Not listen to a sales pitch to join a team.
“Consultants and directors are anxious, burnt out, and exhausted”
Many of the young, “successful” MK ladies I see on social media have:
— family money
— wealthy fathers and/or wealthy husbands (doctors, etc.)
— moms who are NSDs
— great jobs that fund their MK hobby
They have beautiful homes, baby-sitters, and house-cleaners. They have PLENTY of time to go to the gym, glue on false eyelashes, pile on makeup, and make envy-baiting, social-media posts.
Lurkers, please don’t fall for it. Your hard work is just putting more money into their pockets.
“A wicked person earns deceptive wages,
But one who sows righteousness gets a true reward.” ~~ Proverbs 11:18
Holly Ludington’s comment made me laugh: “helping clients understand the process.” When I buy something I want the “process” to be: I see something I want, I buy it. I may ask a salesperson a few questions or read reviews online. I contact you (or go to the store) if I want more of it. Done. Process over.
I don’t WANT to understand a “process” of giving you my friends’ contact info, sitting through recruiting sessions, or having a “party” so my friends can buy things, too.
Although MK consultants struggle to book appointments and recruit legitimate consultants who want to work, and actually sell product, MKC will not change their structure. There are too many directors and consultants who buy their way to the suit, buy their way to the trip, buy their way to be the queen, and simply buy their way through the system. MKC would lose millions of dollars if they changed to ambassador or affiliate structure. No, what happens is MKC keeps raising order minimums and production levels. Corporate Monthly sales contests now require a $700 wholesale, up from $600. They took away the consultant car award so that those “free” cars can only be awarded to directors and above most likely because MKC was losing money. So the brainwashing will continue, the hamster wheel will continue to spin, NSD’s will continue to hand down their units to daughters( and sons) giving a mediocre director instant growth and success and MKC will make millions on the backs of trusting women.
“In short, no one wants to buy Mary Kay, even fewer people want to hold a party or get together at all, and the general public is getting wise to the fact that Mary Kay is a gigantic scam.”
This is an excellent summary! Lurkers, are you paying attention?
Leadership Conference in chilly San Antonio just ended and attendees returned home “refreshed and reenergized.” They ate, drank, laughed, cried, prayed, and took lots of selfies. However, nothing will change.