Mary Kay’s Deceptive Pinky Promises

This video is a few years old, but it’s a good one. Truth in Advertising went through the Mary Kay lies that are so common. Their list included:

1. Earn career-level income
2. Say goodbye to car payments
3. Go on all-expenses paid vacations
4. Make it a family affair
5. Financially thrive during a pandemic

The examples of the illegal (and often untrue) earnings claims are wonderful. The deception runs deep.


  1. I made so many big life decisions around these claims. The MK faithful would compliment me and encourage me.
    As I entered the work force from college, around 2003, I didn’t have much guidance from parents or other adults. I was ripe for the picking for a scenario like MK. Go listen to the podcast Tracy did on The Divorce Women’s Guide! {linked in a previous post} It’s exactly what MKers are trained to do (myself included!)
    I accept that I was an adult and responsible for myself. But truly, MK does NOT show you both sides of the coin. They just tell you all this is available, if people tell you it can’t be done it’s because they are negative and stay away from them, and you just keep your dreams big and be sure to attend every meeting, company event, listen to the hotlines, and stay active. I did all that stuff. Two decades and tens of thousands of dollars later, I’m done.
    If you stumble across this site as you are trying to decide whether or not to join MK, please please please stick around and ask questions, read articles, and don’t be afraid to be “negative.”



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