My Mom Is In Mary Kay
ok, i have like a billion things i would like to say and i dont even know where to start, but what you do is wrong, i dont know if you worked or not(which must have been the case) but your trategy was the wrong one. you should keep this kind of things to your self, this make you look like a b%$#. mary kay really changed my life, im not in mary kay but my mom is, she is an excecutive sales director, and i live from mary kay, and believe me that the life style that she gives me i dont think she can afford it in another job. shou should think before oppening your mouth. i live from mary kay and i live good.
Get off your phone and go do your English homework.
And if Mary Kay is so great and your mother is making ALL TEH MUNNY, why aren’t you in it, too? Hint: she’s lying to you about how much she makes but is in too deep to be able to tell the truth, but she doesn’t want you to end up broke yet having to keep up the illusion of being Queen Cashzilla.
So why don’t you go get a nice part time job at a shop you like and quit sponging off Mom?
Could you imagine how many Friday critics would be stopped if there was a spelling and grammar CAPTCHA you had to pass first?
ok, i (sic) have like a billion things i (sic)would like to say and i dont (sic) even know where to start,
A billion things, eh? But I doubt if you will add anything new to the debate.
but what you do is wrong,
In what way? Specifics please.
i dont (sic) know if you worked or not(which must have been the case)
The Pink Fog descended at an early age.
but your trategy (sic) was the wrong one.
Again, in what way?
you should keep this kind of things to your self, this make you look like a b%$#.(sic)
We are grown ups here, you are allowed to use curse words. However, humans are a social species. Communication is the main reason for our success. From “don’t eat those berries” through “did you hear about {product} recall” to ” avoid Kevin from accounts, he’s a creep”.
mary (sic) kay (sic) really changed my life, im (sic)not in mary(sic) kay (sic)but my mom is, she is an excecutive (sic)sales director, and i(sic) live from mary(sic) kay(sic),
If you are NOT in Mary Kay nor do you know how the MLM model works, perhaps you should read here further or go to r/antiMLM, a sub-reddit which covers most MLM companies.
and believe me that the life style that she gives me i dont(sic) think she can afford it in another job.
I don’t know how old you are but I’m certain your mother/parents don’t tell you everything about their financial concerns. As such, I doubt you are aware just how little an ” excecutive (sic)sales director” actually makes.
Here are the 2022 figures from Mary Kay Canada. Note that 98% of consultants make $208 per year before taxes and expenses from commissions.
“But what about sales, Destiny? ” I hear you say. Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company doesn’t track consultant sales to customers, it tracks what is bought by consultants. Once the products leave the factory, Mary Kay Corp doesn’t care what happens to them.
Have you seen your mother’s stockpile? How much is there? How old is it?
And what about your mother’s downline? Are they all as successful as her? Do they have stockpiles of products?
shou (sic) should think before oppening (sic) your mouth. i (sic) live from mary (sic) kay (sic)and i(sic) live good.
As I said before, I don’t know how old you are but you seem pretty young. As such, I’m certain that you don’t actually know the ins and outs of your family’s finances. However it seems obvious that you imbibing the Pink Kool Aid without thinking critically about the company.
I wonder if her dad is present, and how much of his salary goes to this trategy’s lifestyle.
PTC, if your mother is making money in Mary Kay, she is doing it at the expense of hundreds of ladies in her downline. Some of those ladies have daughters like you, who are actually harmed financially because of your mother. What do you have to say to all those daughters?
Pink Truth is standing up for those daughters (and even for you). Please think of all the people (and their daughters) harmed because of your mother before you decide to speak up publicly in support of her.
This is exactly the piece of information needed by so many. Sure, you may be making piles of cash, but you’re lying to yourself and so many others with the “anyone can do it” story. 99% of consultants make little to no money. The ones that do make it big have saddled the down line (like myself) with piles of debt and unsold inventory. Now, I’m aware the debt and inventory were decisions I chose to make. We can skip the part about how that was my choice. BUT, if everyone in your ESD mother’s downline skipped the big piles of inventory and most likely credit card debt, your mom would not have that big juicy income you are talking about. That’s where there needs to be a whole lot more transparency and conversation. HOW those folks are making their big bucks.
“BUT, if everyone in your ESD mother’s downline skipped the big piles of inventory and most likely credit card debt, your mom would not have that big juicy income you are talking about.”
Put more bluntly, you cannot generate a profit in MLM without comensurate losses in your downline. The MLM model is predicated on this concept of generating up-line profits from down-line losses.
No MLM sells enough product outside the downline to generate a profit. The sales force is the primary customer in MLM…by design.
Executive Sales Director? That makes your mom a con artist. Are you sure you want to be proud of the money she brings to the family?
I really hope you don’t aspire to be a scammer like her when you grow up. Is she already grooming you and teaching you how to lie to friends and family?
*My husband had a professional relationship with an Amway Diamond (outside of Amway), and they had a teen daughter. I listened to the things he and his wife would say to her, among many other things. They were definitely grooming her. He is the same ass who told my husband to “tell your wife not to be so negative”. And, the even bigger ass, the Crown Ambassador, said women shouldn’t wear pants. Well, we know how all that worked out. #1 The relationship ended. #2 Two decades later!!! and I am still here trying to help expose the MLM scam.
Bonus content: Nancy Rogers likes spending her money on people who don’t even need it; she throws parties for rich kids. When you realize that her money comes from struggling single mothers buying MK products, i.e. kids who probably don’t get much if anything for their birthday….or who might be hungry….or might miss a field trip because mom can’t afford it….well, that picture of Nancy throwing a lavish party for the child who already has everything is so disturbingly wrong. That’s just one teeny tiny example of where the money goes. Does running scams count as capitalism?
Someone here:
– Doesn’t think women should wear pants?
– Thinks a man should tell a husband what his wife should say and think?
– Thinks scams are okay as long as you make money?
– Thinks being a Sales Director in an MLM scam is legit?
– Thinks kids should be proud of parents who are scam artists?
– Doesn’t think that once you learn about a wrong, you shouldn’t keep alerting people?
Which one, or all of the above? If you’re going to dislike it, own it and say why. Or is Nancy Rogers perhaps paying us a visit?
English is my second language and I even know how to run something through spellcheck.
If your MK mommy is paying for private school, she should request a tuition refund. You clearly haven’t learned anything, especially English.
Go ask your mom to show you her credit card statements.
Or her income tax returns.
And if she shows a profit on her returns, ask her how the money was made. Please see Data Junkie’s post above.
It’s tax season. I’m sure your mom has had her taxes done. Please look at her schedule C. This should demonstrate her true profit. She’ll tell you that her expenses helped bring her taxable income down. Don’t believe her. Expenses are the opposite of profit. Considering that an ESD works at minimum 40 – 60 hours a week, divide her profit by 52 weeks. What is her take home pay per week? What does that look like per hour? If she’s a car driver, ask her how many times this year she had to pay a co-pay? How much was that?
That is good advice to follow OP, but let’s break it down even further. How much of the net profit on the Schedule C is generated from the sales of products? Unfortunately, the Schedule C itself doesn’t makes a distinction, so you’ll have to ask her to see transaction receipts. Since she is a Sales Director with a sizeable downline, I’m betting a lot of her commission on that Schedule C is MLM commission, aka pyramid scheme commission. As Data Junkie points out above, “No MLM sells enough product outside the downline to generate a profit. The sales force is the primary customer in MLM…by design.”
Ethically speaking, it doesn’t matter how much net profit or net loss someone makes if the money is made from conning others. To once again quote Data Junkie, “ PTC, if your mother is making money in Mary Kay, she is doing it at the expense of hundreds of ladies in her downline. Some of those ladies have daughters like you, who are actually harmed financially because of your mother.”
We often hear, “It’s a scam because no one makes money.” This isn’t accurate. It’s a scam because of all the lies and presenting the “opportunity” as something it is not. And, some people do make money, but it is how they make it that determines a scam.
*make a distinction. And I even tried to proofread it this time. Darn
Maybe if mom wasn’t spending so much money trying to scam other women, she could be home to check that her kid is actually doing her English homework.
Nice comments. Please tell me again how its my fault when I had DOUBLE the team members to earn the car and I still couldn’t earn it? At some point reality sets in. And when you realize you have absolutely killed yourself with work and you still cant make it then you realize you’ve been lied too.
Her incoherent post is not worth the time responding to.
“trategy” 😂