Mary Kay is Beautiful and Positive
I’m not sure what your background is; but, why are you so negative toward Mary Kay in particular. Any person or company has to use marketing as a way to reach & sell to customers. I assure you that those who sell under false pretenses do not represent the mindset behind ANY company’s mission or vision.
Your website is biased in that it does not show the beautiful, positive, & powerful things about being a Mary Kay consultant.
I urge you to balance your site by showing how the conpany/opportunity empowers women. I am a consultant & i have no unmet needs that Mary Kay can offer me. I do well, have a large customer base, & I have never lied to any customer!! I am college-educated with 2 advanced degrees & work my business my way – the honest way.
I hope you find future days filled with more positivity in your life!
Right, the “conpany” (Freudian slip?) empowers women by dictating when, where, and how you’re allowed to sell and advertise. It empowers you by urging you to go into debt and ignore your family. It empowers you by treating you like a child who can be bribed with shiny trinkets and coloring pages.
I ended up here because of a consultant bugging the living 🤬 out of me at a restaurant. That consultant was later banned from the whole property because she was hassling people in the parking lot after she was banned from the restaurant itself. What’s beautiful, positive, and powerful about that?
My days are already full of positivity because my job doesn’t pervade all aspects of my life. I have the time and money to do exactly as I please.
And your level of education has nothing to do with whether or not you can be hornswoggled. Read the site. Some very well-educated people have been sold a bill of goods they wanted to believe was genuine with all their might, and were devastated when they found out the reality.
I’m not sure what your background is; but, why are you so negative toward Mary Kay in particular.
A five minute read would have told you the answers about backgrounds. Another five minutes would have shown you that we hate the lying, the financial abuse and the condescension of the directors towards their downlines.
Any person or company has to use marketing as a way to reach & sell to customers.
Yes, and?? we are not stupid here.
I assure you that those who sell under false pretenses do not represent the mindset behind ANY company’s mission or vision.
I don’t know how to tell you this but “selling under false pretenses” happens all the time in many companies. NFTs were famous for it.
Your website is biased in that it does not show the beautiful, positive, & powerful things about being a Mary Kay consultant.
Again, spend some time reading and you will find how many of the former consultants talk fondly about their time, the people they met and the soft skills they learnt. They are open to sharing the good times as well as the bad.
I urge you to balance your site by showing how the conpany (sic)/opportunity empowers women.
This website is under no obligation to anything of the sort. If you need a “safe space”, I suggest that you host your own where you can sing the praises of Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash and her company.
I am a consultant & i have no unmet needs that Mary Kay can offer me.
Good for you, I guess.
I do well, have a large customer base, & I have never lied to any customer!!
I’ll have to take your word for this. However, it’s not about lying to the customers, it’s about lying to the other consultomers about how successful (general) you are.
I am college-educated with 2 advanced degrees & work my business my way – the honest way.
Lots of people on this site have degrees and advanced degrees, you are not any better than us in that regard. Using the fact that you believe you know better based on your education is called The Appeal to Authority fallacy. If you are working “your business” the “honest way”, good for you.
Except, it’s not your own business! Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company can terminate you anytime it likes, for any reason it wants and you have no leave to appeal their ruling. Just look at what happened in Australia and New Zealand or the total mess that Monat is in currently with top leaders being terminated.
I hope you find future days filled with more positivity in your life!
I hope that you read some of the articles here especially the ones which show screen shots of what your directors talk about in private or the ones which dissect the financial implications of your “successful Mary Kay journey”.
A friend sent me a meme recently that seems particularly pertinent today.
“I’m not here to be positive. I’m here to do good. There’s a difference.”
“I have never lied to any customer!!”
But have you lied to yourself or to the folks at Pink Truth?
The lies in Mary Kay are told mostly to recruits and to the folks already in the downline. The only lies I can think of told to outside customers are the lies about the “spa day” or the fake “drawings.” PTC, have you ever used these tactics to get ladies to an MK sales pitch?
If you don’t recruit and if you don’t use dishonest tactics to get ladies to buy your products, then you are not “mlming”…good for you. But you are also not likely turning a true business profit, in spite of what you may be telling yourself and others.
The most damaging are the lies told within the MK sales force and to recruits. The second most damaging are the lies told to yourself.
“Any person or company has to use marketing as a way to reach & sell to customers.”—
Have a guess which marketing strategy MKI uses?
Answer: They create an MLM pyramid of direct buying consultomers. They ask those direct buyers to find them more direct buyers. Et Voila, they are worth billions and debt free.
MKI doesn’t care about the products once purchased from them. They do care about consultomers finding them more direct buyers though.
“I assure you that those who sell under false pretenses do not represent the mindset behind ANY company’s mission or vision.”—
Except for the scam MLM companies, so let’s talk about false pretenses. They call their MLM pyramid customers “business owners” and will give them stupid, meaningless titles.
Tip: The trick to understanding MLM companies is to think like Corporate, not the peons being convinced that they are anything more than: makeup buyers, playing dress-up, running garage-type sales, and finding the real company more direct buying dupes. (I’m using “peons” and “dupes” because that is exactly what MLM Corporate really thinks of its consultomers.)
“I am college-educated with 2 advanced degrees & work my business my way – the honest way.”—
One wonders why you’re not climbing the corporate ladder with guaranteed salary and wonderful benefits – instead of peddling lipstick?
This is insightful, Char. They always trained us to “think like a retailer.”
**You can’t sell from an empty wagon. —> If you don’t have product on hand, you can’t sell it on the spot for that “instant cash.” Load up on inventory.
**The eye buys. —>She’ll see what she wants, and she wants it now. Load up on inventory.
**Imagine going to Target and the store is totally empty. How would you buy anything?? —>You’re like a Target store, you need to have all the “departments” open. Load up on inventory. {By departments, MK would train us to have skin care lines, cosmetics, body care, men’s care, fragrances. Without all the product lines, you only had some “departments” open.}
Only after a nearly total personal breakdown did I start to think more deeply about this.
And you also nailed it with the billions they make – and MKI can tout to be debt free – because the consultant-customer is the end buyer. When they secured a deal with the Visa card that is exclusively MK oriented, triple points for MK purchases and so forth – that really swept back the Pink Curtain for me.
The reason she has a large customer base is probably due to not recruiting them, thus not lying. She must not have a super pushy director.
These “consultomers” spend hundreds – if not thousands – of unpaid hours training not only their own teams, but others. All publicly available on social media. Free to view.
For their unselfish efforts, they might even be nominated for the “Miss Go-Give” Award. Of course, nominees stand a much better chance if their mom is NSD.
Not only that, but by the time they realized what a scam the business is, they have likely recruited and trained their own replacements. Sad. Can you imagine that at a normal job?
The “training” always suggests giving discounts and freebies. The rationale?
“Don’t worry about the money, you’re planting seeds! Believe me, she will fall in love with the products! And she’ll be GLAD to pay full price in the future! You’ll have her as a customer for life!” Cha-ching!!
Nope. The customer – if she even buys again – will expect more discounts and freebies. And YOU, dear consultant, will be desperate enough to continue giving them. It will become automatic.
This site does not have to cave to your demands to show a positive side to MK or any other MLM. If you want to see a positive side (if there really is one), go lurk around on Facebook and Instagram and follow the supposedly successful directors and NSDs.
Your two advanced degrees mean diddly and squat here. Look around the site, and you will find many of us here have advanced degrees, like doctorates. (I’m working on mine.) An advanced degree in MK means very little, and I know first-hand since my former senior has two of them: a JD and a PhD. They don’t make her any smarter or any better than the person sitting next to you at your MK training meeting or Seminar.
I worked with people with chemistry PhD’s who mouth-pipetted concentrated acids, I know some of them may have the book smarts but street smarts, less so.
But the number of PTC who come in and flaunt theirs or their up-line’s degrees as a method of suppressing discussion is not only a logical fallacy but shows that the mentality of Mary Kay Corp is still firmly in the 1960’s.
I mean if you want us to show the “positive” side of Mary Kay, then you should want MK corporate and NSDs and directors to start showing the side we do as well. It goes both ways.
Graduating from Red Jacket University – is that not a lie? Chancellor of RJU – is that not a lie?
To name just one of many lies made real in fantasy world- an alternate reality
If being positive is through lying or lying to be positive, then May Kay is not beautiful at all.
“Your website is biased in that it does not show the beautiful, positive, & powerful things about being a Mary Kay consultant. I urge you to balance your site by showing how the conpany/opportunity empowers women.”
Writer, you just don’t get it. This site is the balance.
Can you show me even one pro-Mary Kay website or Facebook group that’s “balanced,” where Mary Kay critics are allowed to raise their objections and concerns?
This site, by contrast, gives a platform to Mary Kay supporters every single week.
If I’m wrong, and there really is a pro-Mary Kay site that allows critics to post, please share the link.
“I do well, have a large customer base, & I have never lied to any customer!! I am college-educated with 2 advanced degrees & work my business my way – the honest way.”
Just curious, what does “doing well” mean to you, in actual numbers? Are you tracking your monthly sales revenue vs. expenses, and the number of hours worked? If so, what is your average hourly wage? Are you being honest with yourself about how much money you’re really making (or losing, perhaps)?
These are not rhetorical questions. I personally have never seen a Mary Kay supporter back up her claims here with actual numbers. If you’re not tracking those numbers, you don’t even know for sure whether you’re really “doing well” or just running a hobby that barely breaks even.
Popinki: That consultant was later banned from the whole property because she was hassling people in the parking lot after she was banned from the restaurant itself. What’s beautiful, positive, and powerful about that?
What’s beautiful, positive, and powerful about that?
It’s impossible to advance in a “sales” “business” SOLELY ON THE BASIS OF YOUR PERSONAL SALES RECORD.
That alone is enough to prove this is a fraudulent enterprise.
I really want to thank the people on this website for the information that they give out. Years ago a friend of mine wanted to do a “practice” interview even though I was several states away. I declined. Something wasn’t sitting right with me and I googled practice interview and one of the results was this website. Now I know that she was just messaging everyone she knows without a thought if it was a good opportunity for me. Please keep doing what you are doing.