Envy and Jealousy on Pink Truth
A Mary Kay consultant attempted to shame us for our participation on Pink Truth, and I told her that we would pray for her. This is her response.
So, you believe in prayer? I truly appreciate your prayers…although, I am curious as to what your prayer content will be? Do you not see yourself slandering against me ?
My purpose in giving an argument against what several on your website had written was to show that each of you have been misled… either by your own pre-judgement or by what you observed. Your posts implied that none of you chatted with any of these directors to voice your questions. Instead, you appear to have crossed your arms and made judgements based merely on what you observed.
I believe in speaking the truth and arguing for it. Because there is no true argumentation presented in this email response debating what I had written, we are at the point of quarreling. That is not pleasing to God. If you had presented information that would truthfully and factually counter what I had written, I would be all ears. But, once again, I see you cowering behind envy and jealousy…which is totally unnecessary…as I would help you join the pink bubble and grow in grace and truth if you would only be open to the subject.
Sadly, the point of your website is not to “warn” women of the falsehood of Mary Kay, Inc., but merely a website made for women to vent their frustration resulting from envy and jealousy.
I love my life and I thank God every day for the women of Mary Kay who are blessings sent to me from God. He knew I needed them. Thank you, Jesus!
1 Peter 3:16 Yet argue modestly and cautiously, keeping your consciences free from guilt, so that, when you are spoken against, those who slander your good Christian lives may be put to shame.
Thank you for your prayers…but God will turn a deaf ear to you if they are not prayers spoken in accordance with His Word. Unless you have true arguments to present to me regarding my former post, you won’t hear from me.
I am too busy (making calls to women and building relationships with those who appreciate the encouragement I have for them) to continue having a discussion on your Pink Truth (?) website which borders on quarreling.
In turn, I will pray for you… envy and jealousy can be a heavy yoke to carry.
This is my groggy, haven’t had any coffee yet response.
There are some lovely women in MK. I was one of them. I believed I was doing such wonderful work. I really did love making people feel important, serving others, developing relationships. I had a lot of fun.
But for TWENTY YEARS I lost money. And I blamed myself for it. Of course I kept trying. I’m no quitter! I kept spending more – time, energy, resources – but I came down hard on me. I believed I was a “lazy looser” because I couldn’t make it happen. Quitters never win, and winners never quit!
Now I am deprogramming. I’m not a bum. I still have a servant’s heart. I still enjoy making people feel special. But I’m no longer pretending to own a small cosmetics business in order to share those gifts with the world. I also have a lot more time, energy, and money on hand. And no debt!
Removing MK from my life was only one part of that. But it was necessary.
I’ll skip over the piety of the post. I do need to make my coffee and enjoy my summer break!
Envy and jealousy? More like pity and concern.
There is nothing that Mary Kay offers that I would wish upon my loved ones. It is a fool’s game. You can’t turn a true business profit through retailing the product, thanks to qualifying minimums, market saturation and the overpriced wholesale cost. To have a chance at positive cash flow, you must fool hundreds or even thousands of women into losing money believing they are business owners.
Every downline in Mary Kay is losing money as a whole. I have pity on those in the downlines believing the lie that this system can work as presented. I am angry with the folks at the top who are knowingly exploiting the people in their own downlines.
No true profit is made in the Mary Kay sales force without commensurate losses in the same downline. It is not envy or jealously that motivates me to point this out.
Envy and jealousy of whom, anyway? Our solipsistic god-botherer? The directors who aren’t even making a living wage? The NSDs who got there by scheming and manipulating their downlines, who are in debt up to their neck while pretending to live the dream?
So, you believe in prayer? I truly appreciate your prayers…although, I am curious as to what your prayer content will be?
I’m not religious so this part doesn’t worry me.
Do you not see yourself slandering against me ?
Am I to believe that an All-Knowing God wouldn’t realise that I was lying? Though even He might have a degree of difficulty with opinion. Since He knows all about your character, I doubt He’d be swayed by our words anyway.
My purpose in giving an argument against what several on your website had written was to show that each of you have been misled… either by your own pre-judgement or by what you observed.
Since Ms. Pink Truth Critic’s original comment isn’t linked, I can’t be sure I’m addressing all the other issues.
How can I be mislead by reading the screenshots of Ms. Bowman Cox calling other women “heffers”? My “prejudice” is informed by seeing not only how MKBots function in person or behind the scenes but also by how people in other MLMs work as well.
Your posts implied that none of you chatted with any of these directors to voice your questions. Instead, you appear to have crossed your arms and made judgements based merely on what you observed.
Maya Angelou’s quote, “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” As I wrote before, I’ve read the screenshots of private Facebook Mary Kay groups, so yes “I believe what I’ve observed is their true, real selves.
However I doubt that you’ve read many posts because many of the commentariat have detailed going to their directors with their concerns and being blown off or blatantly lied to.
I believe in speaking the truth and arguing for it. Because there is no true argumentation presented in this email response debating what I had written, we are at the point of quarreling. That is not pleasing to God.
If you truly believed in “speaking the truth” you could have found another point to talk about and thus prove you are correct. Instead, you opt to shut down the conversation by using more religious code words “quarrelling”.
If you had presented information that would truthfully and factually counter what I had written, I would be all ears.
And you could have put forth your own counter-argument here, as proof of your good faith.
But, once again, I see you cowering behind envy and jealousy…which is totally unnecessary…as I would help you join the pink bubble and grow in grace and truth if you would only be open to the subject.
Envy is a synonym for jealously.
However I don’t want to “grow in grace and truth” in Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s pink bubble. Ms. Multitudinous LastNames Ash was incapable of telling the truth about her own marriages, why would I trust her as a role model?
Sadly, the point of your website is not to “warn” women of the falsehood of Mary Kay, Inc., but merely a website made for women to vent their frustration resulting from envy and jealousy.
And yet, you seem incapable of pointing out one falsehood to back-up your assertions. Can you explain what I have to be jealous of in these figures?
I love my life and I thank God every day for the women of Mary Kay who are blessings sent to me from God. He knew I needed them. Thank you, Jesus!
I’m certain that God has nothing to do with this. More like the rabid following towards Mammon.
1 Peter 3:16 Yet argue modestly and cautiously, keeping your consciences free from guilt, so that, when you are spoken against, those who slander your good Christian lives may be put to shame.
No-one here is slandering you. Nor libel either. Some are simply telling their “I-Stories” and if that contradicts the lies you were told, then seek the truth.
Thank you for your prayers…but God will turn a deaf ear to you if they are not prayers spoken in accordance with His Word.
No wonder all these true God-believing Mary Kay ladies are having trouble “earning their free cars ” or “their all-expenses trips to Hawai’i”, God has turned a deaf ear .
Unless you have true arguments to present to me regarding my former post, you won’t hear from me.
We have but you don’t want to engage otherwise , sighs, you would have taken the time to present something from the website to bolster your arguments.
I am too busy (making calls to women and building relationships with those who appreciate the encouragement I have for them) to continue having a discussion on your Pink Truth (?) website which borders on quarreling.
Again with the pseudo-religious thought terminating argument.
In turn, I will pray for you… envy and jealousy caWen (sic) be a heavy yoke to carry.
Don’t pray for me, pray for those you prey upon. Again envy and jealousy are synonyms.
Maybe you should quit telling god what you think he should think and listen to what he’s telling you. Think about why Tracy’s attempt to debate has you taking your ball and going home, throwing out words like “jealousy” and “quarreling” as you beat a retreat. Actually reading the articles instead of deciding what they say sight unseen.
I landed here two years ago because one of your “gift from god” MK sisters annoyed the everloving bleep out of me and my cousin, disrespecting our boundaries and making what was supposed to be a fun meetup all about her.
At the time, I knew next to nothing about MK and little about MLM in general, so I could have been persuaded either way – maybe MK wasn’t the problem; maybe that woman was just an overeager beaver. So I googled. On the pro-MK side… nothing. Just to links to either find a consultant or become one. No reviews, no complaints, no Glassdoor profiles, no product reviews. Big red flag there: every large company has its critics as well as its supporters. How they deal with critics tells you more about the company’s character as a whole than how they handle the cheerleaders.
On the con side… Pink Truth, where smart, capable women share exactly what they went through in MK. Their stories had a hell of a lot of similarities. The personal accounts were interspersed with actual articles directly from MK publications which aren’t available to the general public. Also, financial disclosures and analysis which show exactly how much money people in MK are NOT making. I’m a numbers person myself, and I know they don’t lie even if they’re telling you the story you don’t want to hear. Not to mention the behind-the-pink-curtain snippets from the directors’ pages where they fight and snipe and bicker whereas this is a very harmonious community.
Guess which side I believed, given that I’m still infesting the place 2 years later.
Most of us here WERE consultants and directors and some still are! The interesting thing about us is that all of our stories are incredibly similar. Just like how the Bible narrative has a common theme of redemption, our collective stories share the common theme of deception.
Yes, please pray for me. I’m getting older and my body doesn’t function like it did 20 years ago. I truly appreciate sincere prayer for my needs.
I am really not jealous. What do have to be jealous of. I don’t want your products. I don’t want friendships that is based on whether or not I bought a starter kit. I don’t want your life.
Envy or jealous — of WHAT?
Of begging for orders, sales, and recruits? Of scrambling in June with “find a way or make a way” so you reach a goal YOU pay for? Of losing money each month, or if you’re lucky, you break even? Of your abuse of religion and faith?
I am not jealous of you at all. If anything, be jealous of me. I have a great career that pays very well and has amazing benefits. Unlike you, I actually make a difference in people’s lives. Don’t pray for me. I don’t want your pseudo-prayers to your false god of greed and deception.
My purpose in giving an argument against what several on your website had written was to show that each of you have been misled… either by your own pre-judgement or by what you observed. Your posts implied that none of you chatted with any of these directors to voice your questions. Instead, you appear to have crossed your arms and made judgements based merely on what you observed.
***** I was a director, and sadly, the higher you climb, the more you realize the other directors are not doing nearly as well as they would like unit members and potential recruits to believe. (Fake it till you make it is fine until it becomes a lie to pricy from)
I remember being underwhelmed by my nsd’s house (insert turned off by her racism) and overwhelmed by how many “sister directors “ had huge debt. *****
I believe in speaking the truth and arguing for it. Because there is no true argumentation presented in this email response debating what I had written, we are at the point of quarreling. That is not pleasing to God. If you had presented information that would truthfully and factually counter what I had written, I would be all ears. But, once again, I see you cowering behind envy and jealousy…which is totally unnecessary…as I would help you join the pink bubble and grow in grace and truth if you would only be open to the subject.
*****grace and truth? Sounds culty****
Sadly, the point of your website is not to “warn” women of the falsehood of Mary Kay, Inc., but merely a website made for women to vent their frustration resulting from envy and jealousy.
I love my life and I thank God every day for the women of Mary Kay who are blessings sent to me from God. He knew I needed them. Thank you, Jesus!
***** I’m sorry your god blesses Mary Kay business but does nothing to help children starving , trafficked people, and genocide. *****
1 Peter 3:16 Yet argue modestly and cautiously, keeping your consciences free from guilt, so that, when you are spoken against, those who slander your good Christian lives may be put to shame.
***** I think you are confusing Christianity with being a Mary Kay consultant *****
Thank you for your prayers…but God will turn a deaf ear to you if they are not prayers spoken in accordance with His Word. Unless you have true arguments to present to me regarding my former post, you won’t hear from me.
I am too busy (making calls to women and building relationships with those who appreciate the encouragement I have for them) to continue having a discussion on your Pink Truth (?) website which borders on quarreling.
****oh noo! Quarreling?!!! . How’s this, I will leave you with a scripture as well . “Thou shalt not hold any other gods before me”
Yay! We each received a Ridiculous Downvote™!
Who would be jealous and envious ??? Marykay is a true cult, and recruiting vulnerable weak women to benefit from them. I was lied to from the beginning and the more seminars i attended i seen the truth. Marykay is a big cover up and going in debt to reach goals is not success. You are blinded by the pink fog!! God is not bling, pink cars
“you appear to have crossed your arms and made judgements based merely on what you observed.” Uh, yes, we did. Data is collected by observation. We OBSERVE what NSDs and directors are writing on their websites, on their public and private social media and what they are saying in their public appearances.
We OBSERVE what Mary Kay Corporate does and what they publish on their websites in the USA and abroad.
Then we draw conclusions from our observations and publish the conclusions. We liberally cite our sources and double-check our math.
“you appear to have crossed your arms and made judgements based merely on what you observed.”
Ummm……..based MERELY on what you observed. Ummm….yeah? Is that not called being a witness? lololol another commenter mentioned pathetic – bingo. Very sad defense mounted here against PT.