Good Things About Mary Kay
Written by Raisinberry
It has been mentioned here that this site is 100% positive. We’re 100% positive that the Mary Kay opportunity is a pyramid scheme. The tippy top get all the dough while the lower levels churn it out. Okay. We get that.
But SOME good stuff came of it…right?
You probably became a better public speaker. Getting up and saying your name doesn’t freak you out anymore.
You learned some self discipline. You had to get on the phone when you didn’t feel like it. You made yourself do it.
You use a To Do list to better manage yourself concerning time. You probably do it before you go to bed, and sleep untroubled by what’s on the plate. Now you don’t worry about the “To do list”…only the credit card statements.
You made some friends. You did some crazy stuff and laughed a lot. If you are getting out- you will also be losing them…but while you remain “fogged” you’ll have them. Only the ones who also de-fogged will be your friends when you leave MK, but since they don’t want anything from you and make no commission off you, the relationships become amazingly authentic.
You met customers. Some probably did become friends. Wait till you see how much more your customers like you once you leave MK! They actually pick up the phone, now!
You’re smarter now. You won’t fall for this again! While initially painful, this abuse will produce greater strength in you! And your keen spidy-senses will smell a MLM a mile away.
You probably have at least one good prize, or at least one cute one… however nothing will be as cute as the Director’s Holiday Asparagus.
You learned how to do your make-up better. So you probably look cuter. And once those stress lines go away from being in debt up to your nose hairs, you’ll be even cuter.
You probably make friends easier and talk to strangers effortlessly too. Now that warm stalking isn’t for an ulterior motive, you get to offer genuine compliments and go about your day. Wanting nothing from them, the receivers are truly complimented. So are you.
You appreciate your family more. Leaving at night when everyone is settling in, or not being able to make dinner or eat dinner with each other for a few nights a week sets up a greater appreciation, now that you can. You can thank MK for learning to appreciate them more.
You learned to take your finances seriously and what a business is not! It’s not a recognition and approval mechanism to gain the attention of a perceived DIVA, or to make sure you look good to colleagues, at your own expense.
You learned that even other women take advantage of women…so you best get your head out of the sand and grow a backbone. If you let someone new trick you again, you obviously learn the super hard way. Be ready. Be Savvy. Ask to see their Schedule C !
You learned that buying more of what you already have too much of, is a stupid, stupid decision, especially when you are doing it to get a pink blender. Now you know you can BUY a better blender and save money too.
You have learned that affirmations may make you feel good but they don’t change or control the world. Affirmations are only necessary when deep in ones heart they doubt the validity of what they are doing and what they are becoming. Their primary purpose is to dull the senses from real life questioning and decision making. But since you had to write one, chances are you are a better rhymer now.
You learned a productive path doesn’t need a quarterly pep rally to create a sense of short lived motivation. When you are doing “YOUR” thing, what you have been gifted for, you move in it effortlessly. Artificial “pump ups” can be discarded when heart, mind and soul have no conflicting information…no cross purposes.
You now are aware that the tool of the manipulator is to make you feel unsatisfied with the life you are living, taking advantage of dreams and wishes. You have learned that any changes you want to make in your life are within your grasp and only require action steps and faith…not a multi-level marketing scam.
You have learned that false prophets sell false profits, and the scammer always seeks legitimacy by getting a testimonial by a trusted third party. Never fall for the corroboration of someone who gains from the scammers business. Never again fall for the “I-story”
You have learned that you can be lied to, manipulated, shamed, praised, spiritually abused, made significant and made a putz by those around you and it doesn’t change one bit of who you are but instead, says volumes about them.
You have learned that beaded gowns and tiaras do not a queen make, and that ethics, honesty, leadership and courage are the traits a real Queen possesses. A true “woman of excellence” would never be a financial opportunist, and her heart would break if she thought she harmed you.
See how much you got out of your Mary Kay business? Look how you have grown! It very well might be true what they tell us… that GOD is using this Mary Kay Business! Only what a shock it will be to all those who think God is Pro-MK..to find out that maybe…just maybe, The One who spins the planets is using Mary Kay Cosmetics to reveal just how weak and corrupt the human heart is.
So to recap…you really did get a lot out of your Mary Kay business. And as soon as you really GET OUT of it, you can restart your dreams!
You’re smarter now. You won’t fall for this again! While initially painful, this abuse will produce greater strength in you! And your keen spidy-senses will smell a MLM a mile away.
Unfortunately, judging by r/antiMLM and several YouTube anti-MLM channels, a lot of people bounce from one MLM to another trying to find the elusive money-making scheme. While the very successful ones who can bring large down-lines as well as their own known names will carry on making money either via a “bridge contact” or simply by the numbers game, many fail again and again.
Following the logic of MK, God must be an MLM supporter, in general. We’re basically operating outside his will, those of us that are not affiliated with an MLM, or otherwise speak out in opposition. PT = blasphemous.
I will say this one positive thing I got from being a MK consultant, it helped me get a job at the cosmetic counter at my local JC Penney. (Back when they had their own counter, not Sephora). I was a single mom with 4 kids and needed a job desperately after getting out of the MK cult. In my interview I told the manager that I had been selling cosmetics for over 10 years via direct sales. She knew of MK and I guess she thought if I could sell at parties then I could sell at the counter. I was put in charge of the Color Me Beautiful brands, the counter that no body wanted and never sold because they didn’t understand the concept of color analysis. I received an hourly wage plus commission. I was a fanatic about color analysis and had used it a little in my MK business. Anyway, I upped the Color Me Beautiful sales 120% my first month which led to me being Employee of the Month, my picture on the wall and a nice little bonus (real money, not a trinket). I had benefits and only had to work days and an occasional weekend day. I finally had a real J-O-B that paid my bills!
>>A true “woman of excellence” would never be a financial opportunist, and her heart would break if she thought she harmed you.<<
I wish the ones who really have a conscience read this line a few times and think. And the ones being taken advantage of begin to see it for what it is.