A Mary Kay “Interview”
If you have every participated in a Mary Kay “interview”, you’re going to see some common threads in this story from a potential MK victim. We’ve all seen these tactics used before. Sadly, exposing them over and over on Pink Truth doesn’t seem to deter women from using them.
And we all know these aren’t “interviews.” No one is trying to decide if you’re right for Mary Kay. You are right for MK if you have a pulse, a credit card, and a willingness to sign up.
Yesterday, I decided to meet with a [Mary Kay] “recruiter” (let’s call her Laura) and “director” (let’s call her Renee). I didn’t even know that Laura was a recruiter since Renee did most of the talking.
So prior to the meeting, I met Laura because a couple weeks ago my friend had a birthday and she had a [Mary Kay] facial party with Laura as the host. I went and wrote down names of many women in my contacts to win the “prize” (which I haven’t even received). Laura a week later texted all of them, I didn’t realize that she was so committed to doing that. I was somewhat embarrassed as I had written down some names and phone numbers of people that I didn’t speak with anymore just to reach the required number to get my “prize”.
At the facial party Laura scheduled meetings with me and the other girls who came to provide more information and get us into a drawing for a prize. I wasn’t able to meet due to my car having a dead battery. She continued texting me and I ignored it, until a few days ago when she asked if we could meet so I could simply fill out a survey to get entered in the drawing. I am currently going through a rough patch and I decided I would like to try my chances, so I decided to meet yesterday.
We met at the Starbucks down the street from my job and they came off very friendly and even humorous church going women. Laura even bought me a drink. They started asking me interview like questions that I was unprepared for, I thought it was a simple survey and I would be done. So I obliged and answered the questions that went like, “how would you describe yourself”, “what brings you joy”, “if time and money wasn’t the issue, what would you be doing right now”, etc.
I now realize those questions got the answers for them to sell me the idea of being a consultant and fulfilling my dreams. I then had forgot the reason I met with them, to fill the survey to enter in the drawing. I felt skeptical about the compensation and prizes that you receive from selling the products, like a new free car and paid vacations? Like it sounded like a dream come true for a young woman who works full time unhappily at her job and is about to start college soon.
I also expressed my skeptical thoughts since, with the benefits they express, how come I’m just now hearing about it? Why aren’t many many women in the job?? To which Renee explained the “history” of Mary Kay to ease my worries. To which she said, Mary Kay started in the 60’s during a time when women suffered, stayed at home and didn’t have rights so Mary Kay ash started her business to help those women out, because she knows if you dangle a prize a woman wants, she’ll bend over backwards to get it. That touched the righteous woman in me and had me consider the job.
I also had questions about how they started and they went into their goals of using the profit they made to help out orphan children in Africa and South America. How that was their passion. Renee even went as far to say she was working for a non-profit child care here in Kentucky, her “dream job” and how she worked hard to start a salary and how they made her go from 40 hours a week to 60-80 and after 8 months she quit. During that time her friend got her into her Mary Kay party she was hosting, talking about the business aspect of Mary Kay. Renee had stated before she started, she wasn’t the makeup girl, never wore any. And I saw then how she now wears make up and so I thought if someone who wasn’t into makeup can sell Mary Kay products, why can’t I?!? And as well after a few months in she was making more money than the salary she got from her “dream job”
I myself love makeup and I wear it. So I figured I could do this, just for the financial benefits. To wrap it up, Laura stated she was quitting her part time job to work full time for Mary Kay to reach her full potential and as well to support her husband so well that he could quit his job to pursue his dream job. Renee also stated that Mary Kay only gets back 7-9 cents of every dollar because hey, they’re a multi billonaire company. So when they asked when I wanted to start, I of course said “now!” So I had already forked over $100 for the started kit and I was excited about my future with Mary Kay!!
Until, something inside nagged at me about it still being too good to be true. So after my nap I decided to do some research on the job. And viola!! I found pinktruth. I am horrified about the truth of Mary Kay and very thankful my gut told me to research this scam. I never considered that you would have to buy products to sell, I don’t know why I assumed that Mary Kay provided it. I think it’s because Laura had told me she previously worked for 31, a bag company and how she had to buy the supplies and basically spent more money arranging parties than actually making profit. I am very naive and gullible but I will not buy into this. Thank you all for sharing the truth before I got invested into it!!!!! One less consultant for them.
I have witnessed these “interviews” many times since quitting MK. I would be sitting in a coffee shop with a friend casually dressed perhaps after a walk in the park when in walks a local director dressed to the nines with briefcase in hand, head held high like she owns the place, pink Cadillac parked right out front. She sits down and is soon joined by her unknowing victim. We all know what transpires next. So many times I have wanted to say 3 simple words to that interviewee- Don’t Do It. But it’s really none of my business, hopefully she figures it out on her own before she loses money and goes into debt. Or better yet, doesn’t sign at all.
Just a note to Tracy
It says,
“If you have every participated “
Instead of
“ if you have ever participated””
Just a heads up it’s the first sentence of the article❤️
OP, your story is awesome, and a great lesson to “sleep on it” with any opportunity that sounds too good to be true. The MLMers want to sign you up before you’ve had a chance to look into it…and they know the longer you wait, the lower the probability you will sign. Same for that initial inventory purchase. Gotta get that done before reality sets in about how little public demand there is for MLM products.
And what a great ending! I am so glad you dodged this bullet. Best of luck with your schooling and carreer. You will get further faster without that side trip into the MLM quagmire.
You can always refuse the starter kit shipment if you already haven’t. If Laura asks why, tell her you have changed your mind and that she should respect your decision. If she persists with calls, emails, or texts, give her ONE warning that she is to stop before you consider it harassment. Then, block her number.
A vacation where I am constantly around 15-20 or maybe more other people does not sound like fun. I want to relax on holiday not constantly socialise.
“if time and money wasn’t the issue, what would you be doing right now”
Seems to me like time and money are ALWAYS an issue when you’re in Mary Kay. You never have time because you’re trying to make enough money to keep your rank.