You Knew You Were Getting Into a Scam
Apparently EVERYONE knows what a scam Mary Kay is, and they still sign up for it.
“So to whatever Mary Kay executive or minion is reading this right now, I’ll ask you straight out: how do you live with yourself?”
C’mon now, lay off the melodrama. You and everyone else who signed up for this obvious scam knew you were getting into. They probably live with themselves just like the politicians you vote for, the businesses who use child labor whose goods you buy, and so on: they all know what they do, but as long as people like you continue to buy into their schtick, they don’t care. Why should they? They’re getting paid, and a society is what it incentivizes: we incentivized greed and ignorance.
We live in the information age where the truth is freely avaliable within five seconds. We have tons of horror stories out there about MLMs in general, and yet you couldn’t be arsed to look for any of them?
I call BS.
Pink Truth is full of nothing but a bunch of dimwits who gladly bought into a scam out of hubris and greed, then whine about how they were the victims after all.
The only victims of any MLM are the spouses and children of those who buy into them.
Of course, I’ll be told I’m “victim blaming” or something. LOL. You lot sound like a drunk driver who kills a family of five on the road, then acts like he did nothing wrong because it was all a mistake, as if no one knew you’re not supposed to drive while drunk.
What a sick sad world we live in.
“So to whatever Mary Kay executive or minion is reading this right now, I’ll ask you straight out: how do you live with yourself?”
Oh, pur-lease! Like they read here?? I mean yes they do but we are not supposed to tell!
C’mon now, lay off the melodrama. You and everyone else who signed up for this obvious scam knew you were getting into.
Except, no they didn’t. Especially those who were involved back in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s.
They probably live with themselves just like the politicians you vote for, the businesses who use child labor whose goods you buy, and so on: they all know what they do, but as long as people like you continue to buy into their schtick, they don’t care.
Welcome to late stage capitalism and what (gestures vaguely southwards) what’s happening down there.
Why should they? They’re getting paid, and a society is what it incentivizes: we incentivized greed and ignorance.
It has been since forever.
We live in the information age where the truth is freely avaliable (sic) within five seconds. We have tons of horror stories out there about MLMs in general, and yet you couldn’t be arsed to look for any of them?
So is autocorrect, but you do you. The insidious thing about Mary Kay and MLMs or cults in general is that information seeking from an outside source is frowned upon.
I call BS.
Pink Truth is full of nothing but a bunch of dimwits who gladly bought into a scam out of hubris and greed, then whine about how they were the victims after all.
No, they were told false promises and lies.
The only victims of any MLM are the spouses and children of those who buy into them.
No, sadly the damage extends outwards from families to friends, churches and community groups. The poison trickles into every aspect of their lives.
Of course, I’ll be told I’m “victim blaming” or something. LOL.
Because you ARE. It’s not something to joke about as a stranger.
You lot sound like a drunk driver who kills a family of five on the road, then acts like he did nothing wrong because it was all a mistake, as if no one knew you’re not supposed to drive while drunk.,/i>
I’m blanking on the name of this logical fallacy because you are making no-sense at all, here.
What a sick sad world we live in.
it is. So thank you Quirky Teen Edge Lord for your nonsensical words of whatevah!
Argumentum ab absurdum? I don’t know if that’s the correct term, but it is quite the dumbass argument 🤦♀️
On the part of Blamey McBlamerson, of course. Not DA or anyone else here.
Yeah, that’s the one. Comparing vehicle manslaughter while DUI to being in MK/MLM is totally looney tunes.
“I’m blanking on the name of this logical fallacy because you are making no-sense at all, here.”
False equivalence. From an AI search: “False equivalence is a logical fallacy where someone incorrectly asserts that two (or more) things are equivalent simply because they share some characteristics, despite there also being substantial differences between them.”
Drunk driving is illegal. It kills and injures innocent people. Selling cosmetics, on the other hand, is neither illegal nor deadly. The writer is either unhinged or deliberately trolling.
That works too. Drunk driving doesn’t always equal death or injuries. But it does increase the risk.
Just after I got my driving licence, I was at a team Christmas party. I had a small glass of wine even though I was a drinker previously. Driving back I was hyper aware of my surroundings especially as it had been a big horse race week in a town between where I lived and where I worked.
Seeing the number of impaired drivers trying to fit in with the normal commuter traffic lead to to vow to never drink and drive.
When me and my husband went to my estranged ( by them ) family gathering, I opted to not drink because I didn’t want to be vocal about how they had treated me and my sibs in the past.
Hey, PTC, you sure sound pretty smug, like you’ve never made a mistake in your life. We should allllll strive to be as perfect and scam-free as you.
Buckle up, buttercup.
“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” – Mike Tyson
PTC is right that some MLMers participate with full knowledge of the scam. These are not the ones Pink Truth is trying to reach. Rather, PT is trying to protect those who don’t know from those who do, by shining a much needed light in the MLM darkness.
I joined MK in 2006, coincidentally, the same year that Mary Kay Sucks (now Pink Truth) was born. Pink Truth exists because in 2006, NO ONE was telling the real story behind the shiny pink lies that Mary Kay had spent 60 years perfecting.
I will not defend my actions in Mary Kay. I scammed people. I sold overpriced, mid-quality skin care and makeup to my friends and family, and worked my hardest to extend that circle as wide as I could. I burned some relationships in the name of profit. I got some people deeper in debt than they had been before they joined. I sighed in relief when several of my team members, who started with a full inventory and disappeared within a month, hit the one-year mark after which they couldn’t return their inventory and I wouldn’t have to scramble to figure out how to pay back those commissions.
I’m not proud of any of this. It’s a mistake I made. I bought into the hype that MK is the best opportunity out there for women. I thought I was HELPING the women who purchased from me and joined under me. I was making ok money selling (I was the anomaly!), so I thought others could, too.
What I did not do was kill anyone. All the damage I did was fixable, and I’ve spent several years fixing what I can in my own circle. I contribute here because it allows me to fix some of what I broke in the wider culture. And to contribute to the “information age” that makes MLM so much less attractive and so much more obviously a scam.
Take your rocks and your glass house and go throw them somewhere else.
“I’ve spent several years fixing what I can in my own circle. I contribute here because it allows me to fix some of what I broke in the wider culture” … You not only stopped hurting others, you are making amends.
“Pink Truth is full of nothing but a bunch of dimwits who gladly bought into a scam out of hubris and greed, then whine about how they were the victims after all.”
Um, so I’m a guy who’s never been affiliated with MK, to say the least of even wearing make up…
I was never in MK, either, but as a woman, I have been “pitched” before. It was slick, and in the early 90s, there was no information resource available to show what was behind the pink curtain.
The early 1990’s internet was a strange place. Big corporations were starting their websites alongside freaks and geeks and their niche bulletin bords.
I was never in MK, or any MLM. I found “Mary Kay Sucks” because a Kaybot accosted me in a shopping center wanting to pamper me. I was curious, because I thought the business was dead, found Tracy’s blog and wrote about it for the old Yahoo! Voices.
And because several family members have been defrauded by MLMs, I stuck around. research and snark are my groove.
Damn. That’s a hardcore false equivalence fallacy right there.
Honestly, it says a lot about the psychological manipulation and power of what MLMs do that anyone is still a part of them in this day and age. Given the information available, I’m sure it’s gotten twice as manipulative and cult like than when I was in MK.
Yeah cause everyone wants to be scammed and lose money..
callarse la boca
Whoever wrote this, you have smoked the last of your brain cells