In our first article on LuLaRoe leggings, I introduced you to a consultant named Kristi Trimmer. She developed an online presence as a travel blogger, and last fall she decided to get involved with LuLaRoe. I want to share her Read more…
This was submitted in response to one of our articles on the LuLaRoe business opportunity scam. My responses are in bold. The bottom line is that this consultant makes some unsubstantiated earnings claims (that’s the norm in MLM), but other Read more…
Written by MichelleM Pink Truth recently published an article exposing the grim reality of LuLaRoe as a business opportunity for women. The huge response to that article made it clear that information from consultants about their LuLaRoe experiences needs to Read more…
LuLaRoe leggings have become popular, and therefore the multi-level marketing (MLM) “business” of LuLaRoe has taken off. I’ve said over and over that multi-level marketing is not a business because more than 99% of participants lose money. But I wanted Read more…
Hi. I actually own a business. And guess what? QUITTING IS ABSOLUTELY AN OPTION. When something is costing you more…
"Don’t listen to people who earn less than you." Yesterday's post was about a woman who went from $80K a…
So, Pink Truth Critic, how much money are you making in this wonderful business that is so much better than…
This poster seems to think there are 3 types of jobs out there: CEO/Owner making oodles of millions, dead end…
I just googled Ryan to see if his home was mentioned anywhere. And great timing here's an article about most…