Yesterday we discussed the lawsuit between Mary Kay Cosmetics and former National Sales Director Amy Dunlap. Mary Kay is suing Amy for using information on MK consultants to recruit to Isagenix. Amy is counterclaiming, saying that MK lies to women Read more…
Late last year, Mary Kay Cosmetics sued former National Sales Director Amy Dunlap. Amy left Mary Kay to join Isagenix with her husband Shane. You may remember that Isagenix is the company for former Mary Kay hotshots to go to, Read more…
The following changes will be made to the Mary Kay product line starting June 16, 2012. Mary Kay Lash & Brow Building Serum ($38 suggested retail) – Let lashes and brows live up to their fullest potential. Turn lash envy Read more…
As is usually the case, mainstream media completely ignores the reality of multi-level marketing. Stories are regularly run about how MLM “businesses” offer consumers an opportunity to make money, especially during times of high unemployment. What these stories ignore is Read more…
Hi. I actually own a business. And guess what? QUITTING IS ABSOLUTELY AN OPTION. When something is costing you more…
"Don’t listen to people who earn less than you." Yesterday's post was about a woman who went from $80K a…
So, Pink Truth Critic, how much money are you making in this wonderful business that is so much better than…
This poster seems to think there are 3 types of jobs out there: CEO/Owner making oodles of millions, dead end…
I just googled Ryan to see if his home was mentioned anywhere. And great timing here's an article about most…