Mary Kay Scripts: She Needs to Think About It
Written by The Scribbler
The “Don’t give her too long to think about it” script featured on Mary Kay NSD Caterina Harris’s website.
At the end of the recruiting interview, Prospect Pam is interested, but needs to “think about it” before making a decision. We hear it all the time. Out of concern that she’s going to feel pressured, do you make the common mistake of giving her too long to think about it? Every hour that passes between the time the interview is held & the agreement/money are processed online (or in your hands) decreases your chances of getting a “yes”, significantly. More than 24 hours is TOO long for you & her not to touch base personally, and really, the best decisions (from the heart) are made within that time frame. The wise recruiter learns not to let the prospect control the follow up process, or it will tend to bog down (no fun) & ultimately lead to a “no”.
Learn to respond in a script comes across as sincerely helpful, not pushy:
“I can appreciate that, as I needed to sleep on it, too. I knew in my heart that I was really tempted to try Mary Kay, but I was very reluctant to make a decision on the spot. May I share with you my observations from working with dozens of women in the decision-making process? It has been my experience that women tend to make decisions out of emotion, either from the heart, or they make choices based upon fear, while men are more logical thinkers, don’t you agree? Women are very intuitive, and like me, you probably already know in your heart whether you want to do this or not. I’ve observed that women rarely trust their own intuition, however, so they respond with over-analysis to the point of paralysis! Have you ever done that? (smile & nod)
“Understand that right now you are feeling excited & energized about what you have heard, & therefore most open to the idea of stepping out of your comfort zone to pursue a dream! And I am excited and believe in you 110%! When I leave today, I will be taking my excitement and my belief in you home with me and leaving you alone with all your fears! As hours pass, the fears will tend to grow. And as fear grows, it becomes even harder to make a wise decision or to take action on a new direction in your life. Does that make sense? Pam, I would much rather have your heart decision, even if it is a “no”, than a fear decision. By this time tomorrow, if you still haven’t made up your mind, you will probably have more questions, & I want to be there for you to answer those concerns & build your confidence.”
“If I promise not to pressure you in any way, may I have your permission to call you tomorrow for your heart decision? Great, thanks. I am putting down 11:00 in the morning as an appointment for us to talk again. Just have your list of any new questions ready. And, between now & then , if you cannot stop thinking about Mary Kay…then it’s probably your heart urging you to Go for It! So I wish you a “sleepless night”! (smile)
“Now, if for some reason I get voicemail & have to leave a message, can I count on you to call me right back? I don’t want you to feel like I am bugging you or to feel afraid to give me an answer, even if it’s not the answer you think I would want to hear. The opportunity may not be for you and that’s fine. Just call me back so we both can move on from there. Is that fair??”
Our job as a professional is to make sure we call her back at the agreed upon time within a 24-hour period to ask something like, “Well, is there any reason why we can’t go ahead & get you started having fun & making money?” or something that hits HER “hot button”. Note: listening to a CD/tape is not a prerequisite to an Agreement, so don’t let her put off with the excuse that she “hasn’t watched the video yet” or whatever. After an interview, she has all the info she needs to make a decision. (Scrib’s note: “And by “all” we mean “only half of the story.”) Recruiting materials are helpful steps in the layering process, but should not become a reason to procrastinate getting involved. Never appear desperate. If she becomes a new consultant wonderful….if not, love her & move on.
Scrib’s note: Good grief, it suggests right from the get-go to utilize a script that is not pushy, and yet there’s specific points in this rambling manifesto where one is instructed to utilize manipulative body language (“Smile and nod”) and guilt tactics (“When I leave today, I will be taking my excitement and my belief in you home with me and leaving you alone with all your fears!”) in order to get a “yes” answer.
I love that they equate thinking something through with caving into fear. And that women are being cowards and failing to reach potential by saying they aren’t comfortable. Not listening to our fears gets us into all kinds of trouble. And trying to convince women that “no” really means “maybe” or “yes” is the formula of predators.
It has been my experience that women tend to make decisions out of emotion, either from the heart, or they make choices based upon fear, while men are more logical thinkers, don’t you agree?
She just called me an illogical decision maker, one ruled by feelings and not facts.
Yet she thinks I’d be a great business person?
Can she smell my credit card?
And on your way home you should also make a “heart” decision to fill your gas tank, even though you just spent all your available credit on inventory.
Try explaining that to the driver of the car with the flashing red-and-blue lights.
Someone please tell me the difference between logical thinkers and people who analyze? Is one better than the other? Her comparisons make no sense.
One the one hand men are logical thinkers while women “over analyze.” I look at analyzing an issue something deep thinkers do.
“If I promise not to pressure you in any way, may I have your permission to call you tomorrow for your heart decision? Great, thanks. I am putting down 11:00 in the morning as an appointment for us to talk again?” WHAT? No pressure..but I’m going to call you AGAIN precisely at this time to NAG..er, ask you again. I wouldn’t put up with someone talking to me like this.
Just wow. “Enriching women’s lives” by covertly making them question their sanity from the very beginning. Logic and reason is defined as “fear.” Not to mention the blatant sexism by accusing women of being ruled only by emotion and unable to make a logical decision like their male counterparts.
And so the downward spiral of brainwashing begins…
The 1950’s called, they want their stereotypes back.
That is hilarious Michelle!
“It has been my experience that women tend to make decisions out of emotion, either from the heart, or they make choices based upon fear, while men are more logical thinkers, don’t you agree?”
No, I can’t say I do.
I built my first computer recently and dropped a fairly significant chunk of change to do so.
I did research, so much research. I was aware of upcoming developments (AMD’s Ryzen CPU and aftermarket 1080ti release dates), I compared benchmarks and reviews and raw data, I weighed cost vs benefit. I had to be sure of my core needs, what would be nice to have and things which didn’t really matter.
At no point did any of the multitude of people I talked to about the computer tell me I should make a decision based on my heart.
After two months or more of research I was happy with my build, bought everything, built the thing and now I have my baby.
Research is good…unless you’re an MLM looking to pressure people into joining.
Two observations:
Comes across as a Sexist comment however..
The husband usually telling the wife “don’t do it” when it comes to Mary Kay..
The scripts I hear on recently-made YouTube videos are the same ones I heard on videos that were made five years go. Only the faces have changed.
I just heard a video that was made two days ago. Very detailed instruction on how to make a fishbowl to collect leads. “Everyone’s a winner! No matter who you call, tell them they are one of your grand-prize winners!” (I thought there was only one Grand Prize. Isn’t that why it’s called a Grand Prize? Never mind.)
She also said, “If we call someone 8-to-12 times, we are not bothering them, we are doing our job.”
My friend has been hounded by someone who won’t leave her alone. She got her number by doing a “giveaway” at a restaurant, but never said that day she was with MK. She said the lady didn’t have a name tag or pin on, either. We looked her up on the locator and discovered she’s a Director. It’s Seminar time and desperation is rampant!
5 years? 20 plus years LOL
If MK was all that, there’d be no need to train this extensively on overcoming objections and following up. People would be ASKING to join.
And I won’t take advice from any of Gloria’s NSDs. Caterina isn’t even on target to make even $125,000 this year, according to the July Applause. Once you take out her taxes and expenses, she’s making no more than $30/an hour max. Sad excuse of using the NSD title.
“Gloria’s NSDs” … but Gloria collects a 10,000 bonus every year for each daughter NSD. Caterina’s been a very profitable cash cow for Gloria, especially because she’s one of the permanent NSDs who doesn’t require any more work to collect the $10K.
25 years of bonuses … not bad
MY BAD …. Caterina is not officially an offspring of Gloria.
My radar went off right away. My husband was also skeptical. All those repetitive meetings to program us into accepting the magical thinking of MK. Constantly abusive and blaming the IBC’s and Directors for the failings of this pink cult. No real sales. Silly Skin Care classes from women that pretend to be trained in cosmetics. There is no real training in skin care and consultants pay for everything. The focus is on recruiting, recruiting and plowing through hundreds of women so just a few profit.