Envy and Jealousy on Pink Truth

A Mary Kay consultant attempted to shame us for our participation on Pink Truth, and I told her that we would pray for her. This is her response.

So, you believe in prayer? I truly appreciate your prayers…although, I am curious as to what your prayer content will be? Do you not see yourself slandering against me ?

My purpose in giving an argument against what several on your website had written was to show that each of you have been misled… either by your own pre-judgement or by what you observed. Your posts implied that none of you chatted with any of these directors to voice your questions. Instead, you appear to have crossed your arms and made judgements based merely on what you observed.
I believe in speaking the truth and arguing for it. Because there is no true argumentation presented in this email response debating what I had written, we are at the point of quarreling. That is not pleasing to God. If you had presented information that would truthfully and factually counter what I had written, I would be all ears. But, once again, I see you cowering behind envy and jealousy…which is totally unnecessary…as I would help you join the pink bubble and grow in grace and truth if you would only be open to the subject.

Sadly, the point of your website is not to “warn” women of the falsehood of Mary Kay, Inc., but merely a website made for women to vent their frustration resulting from envy and jealousy.

I love my life and I thank God every day for the women of Mary Kay who are blessings sent to me from God. He knew I needed them. Thank you, Jesus!

1 Peter 3:16 Yet argue modestly and cautiously, keeping your consciences free from guilt, so that, when you are spoken against, those who slander your good Christian lives may be put to shame.

Thank you for your prayers…but God will turn a deaf ear to you if they are not prayers spoken in accordance with His Word. Unless you have true arguments to present to me regarding my former post, you won’t hear from me.

I am too busy (making calls to women and building relationships with those who appreciate the encouragement I have for them) to continue having a discussion on your Pink Truth (?) website which borders on quarreling.

In turn, I will pray for you… envy and jealousy can be a heavy yoke to carry.


  1. Please leave all of your hollow proselytizing at the front door before you come in for a visit. The company of which you speak so highly abuses religion and faith in EVERYTHING it does.

    As to this, “Your posts implied that none of you chatted with any of these directors to voice your questions. Instead, you appear to have crossed your arms and made judgements (sic) based merely on what you observed.”

    OBSERVED? Girlfriend, many of us were directors who didn’t just observe. If we spoke up or out, we were shamed into “stinkin’ thinkin’.” Our judgments were based on the truths and facts we discovered once we started peeling away the onion layers. You have absolutely no ground to speak about this.

    And to this, “I believe in speaking the truth and arguing for it. Because there is no true argumentation presented in this email response debating what I had written, we are at the point of quarreling. That is not pleasing to God. If you had presented information that would truthfully and factually counter what I had written, I would be all ears. But, once again, I see you cowering behind envy and jealousy…which is totally unnecessary…as I would help you join the pink bubble and grow in grace and truth if you would only be open to the subject.”

    Pink Truth and other anti-MLM sites actually do speak the truth. You just don’t want to hear it. If we are “at the point of quarreling,” that’s on you, not us, because again, you don’t want to hear the truth or see what’s behind the curtain. (I feel like Jack Nicholson here.) I doubt anyone here is jealous or envious of the scam MK perpetuates. Your pink bubble is nothing but hot air full of greed and deceit.

    Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

      • Struggling DIQ to her director:
        “I don’t think I can finish DIQ. I just don’t have enough (money, credit, rich husbands) to get to the finish line; I can’t get my team to order enough to help me finish. I WISH I had the skills and tools that got YOU to Director.”

        Her Director, after prancing into the room:
        “Here…here are two coconut shells”

        DIQ’s response:
        “But but but…I thought that sound was a pony…you’re not giving me a pony? You’re giving me two coconut shells?”

        “That’s right, dear. They will help you “fake it til you make it”. Your recruits will hear what sounds like a regal pony galloping towards the Seminar stage with you. Only YOU know that you don’t YET have that actual pony. But your team NEEDS to think that you DO have that pony. And it’s not like you will NEVER get that pony…you will! So you’re not lying to them; you’re just delaying the facts. BUT to keep your team motivated and focused IN THE NOW, they need to THINK you’ve already gotten your fine pony. So tell them whatever is necessary to keep them INVESTED in YOUR dream. “

        *For anyone who read thru that and gets the reference, thank you! I often try to find real-life opportunities in which I can utilize favorite movie quotes/moments.

        And apologies for overuse of caps in my post; I hope the content is good enough to earn a pass there.

    • “…we are at the point of quarreling. That is not pleasing to God.”
      Ah yes, using religion to shut down dissent. That is something to repent of. I hope the letter writer considers what the former directors here have written in humility, rather than continuing in puffed up conceit. She doesn’t seem dumb, so I think there’s hope, so long as she thinks rather than continues to allow MK to use Christianity to shut down her brain.

    • “That is not pleasing to God”

      Funny, I have only seen that wording used twice, pretty much ever: here, by our dear Friday Funday contributor, and by Chelsea “I’m super successful but need you to pay for my bachelorette party drinks” Claytor-Adkins just last week (when she explained how she strives to “live a life pleasing to Christ” in the same post where she describes how she cheats Starbucks by sneakily ordering a cheaper drink in the more expensive drink cup size.)

      Yet, our exposing the lies, manipulation, and straight up cons that potential MK recruits face is somehow less “pleasing to God”.

      • “Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time”

        Run away! Run away! Run away!

        Lol, that’s pretty much the best advice you could give to any potential Kaybot. Thousands of dollars of debt is not a mere flesh wound. (Insert homicidal bunny emoji or coconut shell emoji here…I can’t find either).

  2. This critic sure dips into the “envy and jealousy” well a lot, doesn’t she? Project much?

    Her appraisal of this site is clearly based on either a) barely skimming it, or b) ignoring much of what she read. This site is chock-full of objective analysis and mathematics that prove a simple truth: most who join Mary Kay lose money.

    And that’s the bottom line: Mary Kay claims it offers financial freedom to all who join, while in fact a very few prosper by exploiting the many. If I were jealous of that kind of “success,” it would reflect rather poorly on me.

  3. “Envy and jealousy.” Eh? Of what? Of the endless hamster wheel? Of the deceptive “business opportunity” presentation? Of all the little extra costs that add up and add up and add up and eat into your alleged “50% profit” from sales of product? Of staying up past midnight on the last day of every month having a panic attack because you’re not sure enough people will place orders for you to keep your rank or achieve your “goal”? Of being scolded and shamed when voicing genuine concerns and questions because it’s “negative” to not be toxically positive about everything? Of being constantly told the goals you set for yourself are not “big enough” and you NEED to “reach higher”? Of never getting REAL answers from your upline or Directors, just more motivational fluff?

    What we talk about here are not just “observations”. They are our EXPERIENCES. Things we lived through. Things we worked our butts off for only to discover reality was nothing like the picture Mary Kay tried to paint for us.

    Jealous? Envious? No thank you ma’am, not me. Righteously angry that Mary Kay and other MLMs use the name of God to draw people into their “business” to make more money? You bet.

  4. Just because the author doesn’t like what she reads on this site, doesn’t mean the experiences shared didn’t happen. Very accomplished and bright women have left the Pink Fog and humbly shared the truth about the waste of time and money that is a “career” in Mary Kay. All the Bible verses and religious lectures don’t change the fact that MK is simply another multi-level marketing scam.

  5. Let’s turn this around: “If you had presented information that would truthfully and factually counter what I had written, I would be all ears.” If she can present information that can counter what is on this site, we’ll not only be all ears, we’ll correct the misinformation.

  6. I can’t help but wonder…quarreling?? Did this person travel here from the 1950’s? Or maybe used a thesaurus to sound smarter.

  7. “So, you believe in prayer? I truly appreciate your prayers…although, I am curious as to what your prayer content will be? Do you not see yourself slandering against me ?”

    Since when are prayers considered slander? Praying for help for some-one or wishing that they see the truth isn’t slander. And I’m sure an omnificent being knows what’s going on.

    ” My purpose in giving an argument against what several on your website had written was to show that each of you have been misled… either by your own pre-judgement or by what you observed.”

    I have observed the written words of many women who appear to lie on a regular basis. My pre-judgement based on MK’s own figures shows this. If I have been mislead, then it is by by a high ranking member of the organization gloating about stealing from both a company by getting free drinks and by her server for tipping for the lower priced item that she had paid for among other things I’ve seen published on social media.

    “Your posts implied that none of you chatted with any of these directors to voice your questions. Instead, you appear to have crossed your arms and made judgements based merely on what you observed.”

    Got me there. Never talked to MK directors. But again, I’m basing my judgments on the words they have written publicly, the photos that they have willing shown the world. Am I now to disavow what I have seen? Or should I call out lies, deceptions and other methods calculated to stifle worry.

    “I believe in speaking the truth and arguing for it. Because there is no true argumentation presented in this email response debating what I had written, we are at the point of quarreling. That is not pleasing to God. If you had presented information that would truthfully and factually counter what I had written, I would be all ears. ”

    I’m not a Christian so I don’t need to worry about displeasing your God. But I am also speaking and debating the truth. I am not quarrelling.
    I am taking the word and images posted publicly for the world to see and looking at MK’s own site to see that 2+2 does not equal 4 in these scenarios. And no, we as a commentariat have shown time and again how the, mainly, MK women twist and turn the truth .
    We screenshot their words, their pictures, their falsehoods which they willingly share with the world via the internet. Words and pictures which can and do last. We know what they speak. We’ve seen the pictures. We’ve seen the income disclosures. It’s all out there for every-one to see, read and take-in.

    “But, once again, I see you cowering behind envy and jealousy…which is totally unnecessary…as I would help you join the pink bubble and grow in grace and truth if you would only be open to the subject.”

    Laughs, I’m not cowering behind un-necessary emotions, I don’t want to grow in the Pink Bubble Grace, if it means lying and cheating as I see various high ranking MK ladies do regularly on social media. I’ve opened the subject and see that it is not following any divine considerations at all.

    “Sadly, the point of your website is not to “warn” women of the falsehood of Mary Kay, Inc., but merely a website made for women to vent their frustration resulting from envy and jealousy.”

    Oh noes…I’m showing envy and jealously because I’ve looked at the openly and easily available distortions made by senior MK ladies and decided to F all of that. I’ve looked and read and decided that’s it’s all “Weighed, measured and found wanting”.

    “I love my life and I thank God every day for the women of Mary Kay who are blessings sent to me from God. He knew I needed them. Thank you, Jesus!

    1 Peter 3:16 Yet argue modestly and cautiously, keeping your consciences free from guilt, so that, when you are spoken against, those who slander your good Christian lives may be put to shame.”

    If God is so busy helping a few select Mk ladies gain their dream, makes you wonder what He’s doing. Well, aside form making sure my Oz friend managed to get her neighbour to jump-start her car, saving my Kiwi friend’s child with their cancer treatment, making sure an American friend can get tickets to a sell-out concert, looking out for a micro-preemie in London. But sure, He’s invested in our special lil Mary Kay Girl.

    “Thank you for your prayers…but God will turn a deaf ear to you if they are not prayers spoken in accordance with His Word. Unless you have true arguments to present to me regarding my former post, you won’t hear from me.”

    And this my lords, ladies and gentlepersons, is one of the reasons I rejected Christianity. People telling me that they knew the Will of God. If you don’t agree with ME, you don’t agree with GOD.
    The God I was taught about as a child, accepted us all, as long as we believed in Him. But I see in so many Christian denominations that they have to force an All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Good All-loving God into a petty-minded rules-lawyer who bows down to those He created twisting his truth , his Words to serve their own needs. their own desires and totally rejecting the sacrifice of His Son.

    I may be in Hell in the after life but I’m damning myself on my own terms.

    “I am too busy (making calls to women and building relationships with those who appreciate the encouragement I have for them) to continue having a discussion on your Pink Truth (?) website which borders on quarreling.

    In turn, I will pray for you… envy and jealousy can be a heavy yoke to carry.”

    Again not quarreling, no envy or jealousy, and also not praying for you. Nor am I preying on others to look better. I raise up my women, my men on my own terms.

    And so I give your proverbs 31:28
    Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

    And that’s me.

  8. “Do you not see yourself slandering against me ?”

    Lady, this website is not personally directed at you, nor is it about you. You are just a mere grain of sand on the beach of Mary Kay IBCs/Directors. There are literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of those grains of sand; hundreds of thousands of current and past MK IBCs.

    You’re not special enough for any of the posts and musings here to be directly about you. That might seem harsh, but it’s true, and you opened that door by claiming “slander” (good luck with that…get an attorney, pay the fees, and try to prove actual legal slander).

    Your comment contains a whole lot of “I”s. This site isn’t about you, it’s not addressed to you, and we didn’t even know you existed until your comment here. Perhaps you’re envious that we don’t have an ongoing thread dedicated to you (a la Chelsea, Jamie, or Dacia)? Well, to join that big girls’ club, you need to upgrade your “deserve level” and “promote yourself” to, at minimum, Senior Director. Only then can you take personal offence from our words. And even then, good luck with proving us wrong.

    The TL/DR: nothing posted here is about YOU, because you’re not important enough in the MK food chain (aka “pyramid”) to catch our attention.

    BTW, did you notice that the three HIGH LEVEL directors I’ve just named haven’t attacked PT for “slander” yet? They haven’t, and they won’t. They can’t.

    The actual (Pink) Truth is a b*tch. Good luck in your future endeavours…just maybe scratch “legal analyst” or similar professions off your list, mmmkay?

  9. “Your posts implied that none of you chatted with any of these directors to voice your questions.” — Jokes on you. Some posters on PT were directors. Real, warm-blooded humans with receipts. On the other hand, YOUR post implies you’ve chatted directly with a god. You said:

    “That is not pleasing to God…..I love my life and I thank God every day for the women of Mary Kay who are blessings sent to me from God. He knew I needed them. Thank you, Jesus!….but God will turn a deaf ear to you if they are not prayers spoken in accordance with His Word.”

    “I believe in speaking the truth…” — So prove your claims above, for truth can be proven.

    Who is this mere mortal who claims to know what God wants and who speaks for him/her? (if there is one) And which god? Only the Christian god? Does she also believe that 70% of humans are condemned to hell for not following HER specific religion? That doesn’t sound like a very nice god of humans.

    Then we have her presumption that we are envious and jealous of HER and other concultants? Of an MLMer of all things, lol. No really, that’s hilarious.

    What an arrogant piece of work she is. Surely Jesus would not be proud.

  10. FFS
    Why does these kaybots think their shaming “letter to the editor” will change this website?
    And stop bringing God in to this you kaybots.

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