Going Down Memory Lane with Chelsea
I was amused by the memory of this post from 3 years ago. Chelsea Adkins telling us about how Mary Kay is “not about the stupid pink car.”
Oh, Chelsea and her goals. She was going to be an NSD by 2021. It’s 2022 and she’s even further away than she was before because Mary Kay is one big pyramid scheme. You lose people as fast as you add them.
And yet, people like Chelsea remain committed to the con.
Oh Chelsea. If comedy could be redeemed for full store inventory purchases by consultants you would be an Inner Circle NSD in no time. Hope you enjoy your grande in a venti cup! Every bit helps when you have a copay.
“…and maybe somehow impact their lives.”
Maybe? Sorry, hun, but that impact is unavoidable. The problem is 99% of the time that impact is negative.
This is to be apart of the “big girls club”…
Taking spelling lessons from Dacia, Chelsea?
Every time I see one of these K-bots say “big girls’ club” (I can’t not put in the apostrophe; it bothers me :D) it makes me think of a bunch of 10-year-old girls who don’t want to play with their little sisters.
So infantilizing.
Not to mention her use of “apart of” instead of “a part of”.
Those two phrases have opposite meanings. The former is grammatically awkward, and conveys the opposite of her intention.
Using a synonym for “apart”, but with better grammar, “This is to be separate from the ‘big girls club’…”
Some.of the best lessons in life come from the comedians
Like Groucho Marx –
““I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.”
It’s very good advice m
Apart is supposed to be ‘a part’, I presume. She has a cute figure, though. I suppose she could always pole dance if MK does not work out.
Respectfully, we have enough ammo on this site in general, and on Chelsea in particular, to go after her character all day long. No need to bring up her body or looks. Let’s do better, ladies.
Besides, stripping/dancing is a far more honorable profession than any MLM.
Agree 100%. We get enough misogyny from the K-bots; let’s not sink to their level.
She would make better money.
Hey Chels? Nobody is waving at you in your pink car. They’re trying not to make eye contact because they don’t want to be harassed.
Did you notice the vanity tag on her caddy? DRMGIVR
Love the downvotes. HEY CHELS.
He he.
Boy, do I feel owned.
Pwned, since misspelling things is their jam 😉
Has she cleared all those pesky demerit points off her license yet? Also I don’t think Mary would have approved of her “You’re the one that I want” outfit.
One minute: “I made 50% profit playing makeup at my kitchen table!”
Literally the next minute: “Hey guyz here is my daily bogo on product!”
And if the Random Downvoter chooses to downvote my comment, please tell us why. Because she has TOTALLY done what I’ve mentioned here. Back up your downvote by proving me wrong, please. Thanks.