Pink Truth is Distasteful
I’m sending this email as a call to change in regards to pink truths practices on spelling out the “deceptive practices” of this company.
I’m not really sure of anyone’s true walk or experience in this buisness, however, after researching your site it seems that all of your articles are filled with great disdain toward the buisness. Then again that was the whole point of it, but how can anyone try save another person from their own personal insecurities, failures, mishaps, etc; by being negative.
I am a proud Marykay Beauty Consultant, before that I am a believer in Christ! I did not come to know Christ through my directors, but I know that with Him, through Him I can be successful.
I also wanted to express that this site is distasteful, since we cannot control freedom of speech, the authors of this site has every right to post what they may. Moreover, I have that same freedom as well to speak freely and to state that though you are strong in opinion and have a great message of caution to share, the manner in which you do it, could fall on bad soil, in which you may block your own blessings. Often times we feel the need to safeguard others, from negative experiences , but the reality is your feeding your own spirit with negativity.
The Bible says in Phil 4:8 “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, think on these things.”
So think on what you may say to expose a lie, but also examine yourself to make sure that you are in right standing to judge what’s right. I pray that you will receive this my in light &love, but to know that though you are no longer part of MaryKay, The Golden Rule is a lifestyle and not a tagline
God Bless you!
If only Jesus had known about Paul’s message when Jesus overturned the tables of the merchants in the temple court! Or when he called the Pharisees a brood of vipers!
There is another adage…”Evil thrives when good men do nothing.”
There are those of us here who believe women are being exploited in Mary Kay, often times in the name of God. The track record of MLMs like Mary Kay yielding a 99% loss rate, and the lack of a single profitable Mary Kay downline are good indications that this exploitation is real.
I’m sending this email as a call to change in regards to pink truths practices on spelling out the “deceptive practices” of this company.
Gee, I wonder why? Could it be it’s causing you to examine your idol critically?
I’m not really sure of anyone’s true walk or experience in this buisness (sic), however, after researching your site it seems that all of your articles are filled with great disdain toward the buisness (sic).
Basically, it didn’t happen to me, ergo it didn’t happen to anyone else.
Then again that was the whole point of it, but how can anyone try save another person from their own personal insecurities, failures, mishaps, etc; by being negative.
Better to be “negative” than to sugar-coat everything in a shower of pink glitter.
I am a proud Marykay (sic) Beauty Consultant, before that I am a believer in Christ! I did not come to know Christ through my directors, but I know that with Him, through Him I can be successful.
Something about taking God’s name in vain, here. I’m certain Jesus doesn’t care about your fauxpotunity but would rather you spent your time doing tangible good in the world helping the less fortunate.
I also wanted to express that this site is distasteful, since we cannot control freedom of speech, the authors of this site has every right to post what they may.
Very magnanimous of you, I’m sure.
Moreover, I have that same freedom as well to speak freely and to state that though you are strong in opinion and have a great message of caution to share, the manner in which you do it, could fall on bad soil, in which you may block your own blessings.
Much gobbledygook.
Often times we feel the need to safeguard others, from negative experiences , but the reality is your feeding your own spirit with negativity.
Telling some-one the the truth as it happened to us isn’t “feeding your spirit with negativity”
The Bible says in Phil 4:8 “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, think on these things.”
A gratuitous bible verse which contradicts your scolding of us.
So think on what you may say to expose a lie, but also examine yourself to make sure that you are in right standing to judge what’s right.
We are not only speaking our truth but we also are showing with screenshots what your directors talk about behind your backs, their lies and deceptions. And yes, it’s always right to stand up and proclaim wrong-doings.
I pray that you will receive this my in light &love, but to know that though you are no longer part of MaryKay (sic), The Golden Rule is a lifestyle and not a tagline.
And what are you doing to promote the Golden Rule? Visit the sick and elderly to aide or for company? Help the widow? Comfort the orphans? Protest on behalf of the innocent prisoners? Or are you trying to leverage your friendships for another cheap bauble that ultimately means nothing outside your carefully curated pink bubble?
God Bless you!
Not all of us are monotheists. Or theists at all.
Classic “Holier than Thou” seen this a million times. Heck I even dated a girl that I could never catch up too – in her profound understandings. These folks seem to have a higher level of religious enlightenment than all the “failures” on this site. Critic: You’re an independent contractor working for a for-profit BUSINESS. That you drag religion into it illustrates you have bought into their SALES pitch. No different than the televangelists with their elaborate lifestyles, all in the name of “Jesus.” Today’s critic, while they don’t realize it, are in the same league as the numerous “hate prayers” we seem to collect here.
‘The Bible says in Phil 4:8 “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, think on these things.”’
Let’s put the Letter to the Phillippians in its proper historical context. Paul the Apostle, follower of the traitor and heretic Jesus, is in Rome awaiting execution. Paul’s followers are abandoning him in droves, but the Phillippians are loyal to him and have sent him gifts to comfort him in his impending doom. Paul writes them this nice letter to thank them for their gifts. He is not afraid to die, but they are, and he urges them to hang onto their faith and depend on each other because the immediate future is likely to suck-diddly-uck for them. The pure honest true beautiful things are faith and strength in the face of the suck.
In other words, Paul was up to his ass in negativity. He knew it was real. He didn’t eschew its existence because it was RIGHT THERE. He understood that it was frightening and upsetting people he cared about, and he knew that they’d have to face it, and he wanted to comfort them. Not ignore it. Not deny it. Survive it. The good was to be a reward for weathering the bad, kind of like getting a lollipop after a shot at the doctor’s, a “gruesomely killed for your beliefs” sort of way.
Now, then. Is Mary Kay, the organization flat out tells its people to always put on a happy face and never ever say anything bad, really like Paul? KBots get told to ignore spouses and friends who dare criticize their businesses. Negative or critical Facebook posts get deleted. People who express doubt or fear get shamed into conforming. People who are lost and losing hope get told to do the same tired old stuff that hasn’t worked for decades and doesn’t work now, and blamed when SURPRISE it doensn’t work for them, either.
Saying that anything about Mary Kay is in any way godly or even Pauline is a load of bullpoopie.
Hella off topic – I want to give a shoutout to my college New Testament Studies professor. This was a Catholic college; I took that class my senior year and ended up in a class of freshmen along with a fellow senior year biology major. The first day of class, Dr. Davies strode to the front of the room, dropped his books on the podium, leaned over it, looked each of us in the eye, and said, deadpan, “Do you think Jesus was a bastard?” (HIs other favorite line was “when Jesus rode into Jerusalem sitting on his ass…” As in donkey, of course, but both meanings are accurate :D)
The other bio major and I cracked up laughing (hard science does its best to kill faith, but god can be seen under the microscope and in the spin of atoms if you look hard enough, and I wasn’t pissed off at him like I am now) but most of the poor freshmen looked ready to croak. There was a method to his madness, which was forcing people to look beyond what they were told to accept on blind faith during prior religious education. To put the bible in its historical context, in terms of politics and social and religious mores, look at the characters and personalities.
Dr. Davies, if you’re still out there somewhere, you rock.
“To put the bible in its historical context, in terms of politics and social and religious mores, look at the characters and personalities.” I’ve always seen Paul as the CEO who has to keep the company going after the start-up’s founder is gone. All those management letters.
Another awesome spin on the gospel narrative is “The Chosen”. They tell the story of Christ through the eyes of the folks who walked the earth with him. It is cinematically beautiful to boot. You can view free on AngelStudios, or Sundays on the WB, and possibly Amazon Prime Video.
Given that we have freedom of speech in the US, I can tell you to go fug yourself and take your holier-than-thou, self-righteous attitude somewhere else. Your sanctimonious BS and selective Biblical teachings are why I left organized religion almost 15 years ago.
So watch that first step off your high horse…. it’s going to be a doozy.
“all of your articles are filled with great disdain toward the buisness” … The MLM business model is worthy of all the scorn, disdain and contempt we can heap upon it, because it takes money from the low-level participants and passes it up to the higher levels.
And the successful MLMers are worth exposing for the liars and scammers they are.
I feel great disdain for the letter writer. Besides, God is way too busy winning baseball games, football games, etc. for sports teams to bother about MK.
Unless you’re a Steelers fan }:(
Facts are neither negative or positive. They simply ARE. That’s one of the ways companies like Mary Kay keep people in, by convincing them that anything other than what they say is bad. A fact is a fact. And the fact is, Mary Kay encourages their reps to omit crucial information while recruiting. That’s as good as lying. And isn’t lying a sun? Hmm.
I don’t care what capacity you working nobody should ever be harassed with religion like Mary Kay, harasses consultants with religion
Freedom of religion works both ways
Jesus is going to buy exactly zero eyeliner from you, so it hardly seems necessary to involve him.
Beware of up-lines and NSDs running Bible studies.
Untrained, unqualified “teachers” twisting Scripture for personal gain, using lines like, “God has you in Mary Kay for a reason”, “God is using you”, “This is your ministry to women”, and “God anointed you for a leadership position in Mary Kay.”
“…and in their greed they will exploit you with false words” ~~ 2 Peter 2:3
How can you, as a Christian, defend a company that has greedily exploited so many women? “Do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead, even expose them,” Ephesians 5:11.