This Is a Mary Kay Recruiting Pitch
This story was left as a comment on my business blog, where I used to write about Mary Kay from time-to-time.
Ginny was badgered to join Mary Kay for three hours. Don’t let anyone tell you this is unusual or that the recruiter wasn’t doing it “the Mary Kay way.” THIS IS EXACTLY THE MARY KAY WAY. They actual teach you “no doesn’t mean no, it means not right now.” They teach something called “layering.” They teach you to keep at someone until you wear them down, but they don’t use those words because the truth of the process is offensive.
Check out how this recruiting bit went down for Ginny:
I reluctantly agreed after almost 3hrs of saying I did not want to join to do Mary Kay, I can’t sell anything. She did not listen to me or didn’t want to.
After constantly badgering and pressuring me I gave in and I asked her how much product I have to purchase monthly or whatever she said she couldn’t tell me until I sign-up first, so then I against my better judgement joined for the $30. She told me the inventory prices from high to low. Even the lowest price was to much for me to afford. She kept on and on.
I told her I can’t sell anything, she said yes you can I’ll help you. I kept hesitating. She wanted me to get that $600 package and I was like no. I explained to her I was a 66 yr old retired woman on social security with no money left after paying bills and how my credit was messed up and I had been working so hard for year to fix it. I even explained to her I was on medication and it sometimes affects my thoughts and memory she would not listen to me. She kept on and on about how she was going to help me sell Mary Kay.
She finally got me to agree on that $288.00 with no kit. I was fine about no kit. I didn’t want to but, I put it on my personal credit card. We talked about credit cards and I mentioned doesn’t Mary Kay have a credit card she said yes, you can apply for that. I said I would apply later, but she said I can apply for you now. I was like ahhhhh ok. She told me I was approved and how much, then she said now I can order one of the other packages. I said can I do it later but she said no you need products to sell to your customers and you can get free bonus products and she kept on and on about bonus products and jewelry. I don’t even care about jewelry.
But after pressuring me for so long I broke down and told her to order the $600. She said let’s do $800. I said now you’re gonna go from 600 to $800. I said uhhhh ok, let’s do the $800. She started ordering, just purchasing items, so I said that’s a lot for $800. She goes we passed $800. I said how much is it, andshe said $1700 and something. I said that’s too much but she said I’ve already submitted it. I was like oooh. She’s telling me it’s Christmas time and I need products on hand for my customers to purchase. The total came to about 2,100.
I am a poor woman in need of food. I can’t be ordering all this Mary Kay products. I know some of you ladies love Mary Kay, that’s not a problem. The problem is that I don’t think Mary Kay is aware of the tactics they use to trap an unsuspecting victims. Now that I don’t want the products or any association she is being rude, obnoxious and acting like a bully. Telling me I have low self-esteem, no confidence in myself and a liar I know this month was some kind of goal setting for her, but to use and manipulate someone to get there is wrong.
Ginny, Mary Kay is well aware that these tactics are used. They don’t do anything about it because Mary Kay, Inc. sells billions of products a year and makes hundreds of millions of dollars of profits because of these tactics. I have messaged Ginny to be sure she knows about the product repurchase option so she can get most of her money back.
To “over use” or exploit the relative weakness of another is a form of abuse. Since OP is of retirement age, this qualifies as elder-abuse, on top of financial abuse.
If OP was someone I know, I would be making a personal visit to that recruiter, as many times as necessary, until that recruiter not only cancelled and returned everything, but that she also covered the 10% restock fee to make OP whole. Any push back and my lawyer would be joining me, and a small claims suit would be on the table.
This is simply unacceptable.
No, they didn’t actually twist her actual arm, or actually hold a gun to her head, but three hours of constantly harassing an elderly woman until she gives in, then piling more debt on top of her without regard for her financial state, is so goddamn shitty that it’s a distinction without a difference in my opinion.
This is utterly disgusting. I am without the words to express the reaction I’ve had to this. I hope Ginny’s recruiter gets smacked with a hefty dose of karma for her behavior here.
This is stealing. Plain and simple. Ginny agreed to have the director place an $800 order, (after much manipulation), and she went ahead and charged over double that! That’s stealing.
I’m so sorry that happened to you, and I hope you returned the product. I wish I knew what legal steps you could take to have this director charged for stealing.
I also found it gross she recruited someone who is retired, meaning Ginny doesn’t have to work, she wasn’t looking for a job. There was no reason to recruit her, except for the director to line her own pockets/ meet her “production requirements” aka quotas.
This was disgusting… I hope she is able to get every cent of her money back. And I am sure the evil MK ‘recruiter’ hasn’t evil lost a wink of sleep over what she did.
I hope she canceled that MK credit card! It’s unconscionable that the “recruiter” made the purchases for this gal using the newly approved card. This is one of the many reasons that MK’s reputation is so poor. Lulutoo, you said it, evil.