I wanted to examine the income of a Premier Club sales director. There are about 13,000 sales directors in the United States, and only a few thousand of those are Premier Club or Cadillac drivers. When you make it to Read more…
Written by Raisinberry I was prompted to watch a Mary Kay recruiting video, and I couldn’t help but feel the pull all over again. These ladies are good. Really good. I know what’s going on under the surface of Mary Read more…
Written by Raisinberry I always believed the “bee story” told in Mary Kay . I believed most everything I was told about Mary Kay. Each and every meeting, for the guests benefit, I made an IBC tell the story of Read more…
Mary Kay really works, but a recruiter is blaming her recruits for causing her to file bankruptcy. Does Mary Kay really work? I find it ironic that the critics of Pink Truth say we shouldn’t blame any of our Mary Read more…
Remember how difficult it is to get women to book Mary Kay classes? And if you get tem to book something, how often do they cancel? How often do they not have anyone else show up? How many times has Read more…
I could only make it halfway through the article before it all started running together. Point taken though, MK has…
My experience with religious manipulation came from a different direction, but I'm picking up what Former Consultant is putting down.…
“Since I was so sure that Mary Kay was God’s perfect will for my life, somehow nothing seemed wrong as…
So she had a Caddy 6-9 months? That's embarrassing!
And they gaslight you into believing it's your fault. "Need more training. Don't have the right ledger. Your WHY isn't…