Become a Director in One Month

Ridiculous. This entire document is ridiculous. It’s supposed to be an instructional document on how to become a director in one month. There is absolutely no instruction to it. There are no “how-to” hints. All it does is tell you that you should want it enough, believe in yourself and work hard.

Really? Gee. Work hard. That’s all? Because the thousands of women who visit this site each day worked hard. But they didn’t make director in one month.

Why isn’t there any real instruction to this? Because the real way to make director involves only three things:

1. Recruit

2. Frontload

3. Use your own credit card to “finish” whatever production you need

So here it is…






  • Finish fast for someone else like your family, your director, to help make your director an NSD, to help make your national #1.
  • You want to be on seminar stage and debut with our national area.
  • You really don’t want to wear the red jacket, you want to be in the suit.
  • You don’t want to have to decide what to wear at seminar / conferences.
  • You get the new products and promotions early and can sample new items as test marketers.
  • You have special access to the company
  • You get to order for you and your consultants on the last two days of the month.
  • You get to encourage and assist 24 women to achieve their MK goals.
  • Maybe your director has some other incentive, a trip or day at the spa.
  • You can have special recognition at conferences and seminar.
  • You want to quit your job!!!
  • Have you thought of the necklace? Also can get director unit jewelry.


  • You earn 13% on your own personal wholesale orders. We make 63% not 50%.
  • You make 13% commissions on your recruit’s recruits.
  • You can make bonuses of $500 to $5000 per month and $1500 quarterly bonus.
  • My last DIQ check was $1,500 but if I was a director, I would have made $5,000!!


The production of $13,500 in one month sounds intimidating, but look at this:

2 – $3,000 = $6,000
1 – $1,800 = $1,800
2 – $ 600 = $1,200
Lots of $225’s (16) = $3,600
Your Personal $1,000
TOTAL $13,600

You enter DIQ with 10 personal recruits, you still need 13 plus yourself to get to 24, so the above numbers will be perfect. Just work the production backwards. Start with $13,500 on paper, and keep a tally as you go. Getting $3,000 the first week, really helps keep you motivated. Strive to go in with at least 15 active.

You just need to spend at least 10 to 20 hours a week and you can get this done in a month. Plan to take some time off from work, especially the last two days of the month. This month is not going to be a fun month recreationally. No TV, no movies, no shopping, unless your intention is to warm chatter.

Run with someone else. Find the one or two consultants in your group who have goals. If they want to DIQ, help them. Finishing with a DIQ makes it easier.

Strive for 50 interviews within your unit. You must do them with your director and have your consultants also set up interviews with your director. By the end of the month you will be ready to do them yourself. Actually by the 10th one you should be pretty good. Let them know this is a part of your training and that they are not under any obligation, but just to listen. Offer a gift for doing the interview. Use the personality sheet. Laminate it, use a washable marker and mark of their identifying marks, you will know how to appeal to them.

You and your consultants must bring guests to every event and unit meeting. Let them know that the meeting is not long. Tell the guests that they will get a gift for coming. If someone does not go, set up an interview with them. Offer them a gift for the interview.

Listen to your director!!!! Do whatever she tells you to do. She knows how to become a director, she is one, and you are not.

Go to your unit meeting, every week. Book your classes and have selling appointments. Make sure you and your consultants bring guests to each event. These keep you motivated. YOU NEED THEM. YOUR TEAM NEEDS YOU TO BE THERE. IF YOU ARE NOT THERE SUPPORTING YOUR DIRECTOR, WHY SHOULD SHE SUPPORT YOU?

Tell everyone about your goal to become a director. Your director needs to know so she can help you. Tell the consultant in your group and your fellow consultants. If you work, your workmates should all know. Your family and friends also need to know. Ask them for referrals. Offer them incentives to get you interviews. Literally talk to every person you know, and ask them, “Have you ever thought about doing something like Mary Kay?” DON’T PRE-JUDGE!!!

The women you hesitate to ask are probably the ones who would sign up.

Be excited about it!! Be Happy!! People will want to help you or be a part of what you are doing. Don’t be obviously stressed. No one wants to help you be more stressed. When you are stressed call your director, do not vent to your family, friends or fellow consultants, when you are down talk up to your director. Communication with your director is important. Talk to her everyday. She will keep you going.

You are going to be so busy this month, have at least 30 recruiting packets ready. Also, discuss signing bonuses with your director. Have copies of the bonus that is offered for recruiting and for inventory. Being prepared will help you to close the prospective consultant. Keep a schedule and stick to it you need to spend a lot of your time doing MK this month. Just plan on taking a month off from doing all the tasks that add to your day. Make sure your family and friends understand that you will be very limited in your time.

Be confident that you will finish in one month and you will. Decide that this will happen, decide that there is no alternative, you will finish with 24 and $13,500 in one month.


  1. You might as well “decide” to win the lottery. It will be less costly, in terms of both money and relationships. And you’ve probably got the same odds of success 😛

  2. I loved the very first item under “personal reasons”:

    “Finish fast for someone else like your family, your director, to help make your director an NSD, to help make your national #1.”

    At least they threw “family” in there, but helping your upline is not a “personal” reason.

    And this takes the cake:
    “Strive for 50 interviews within your unit.”

    Unless you already have a huge downline, this is crazy. If even 1 in 10 women you approach agree to the interview, that’s 500 contacts. Do you even know 500 people? Chances are you blew through your warm contacts already, so now it is on to recruiting strangers. You’d be lucky to get 1 in 50 strangers to an interview. That’s 2500 cold contacts…in 30 days, or 83 per day.

    But wait…she said you can do this in 10-20 hrs per week. That’s 40-80 hrs per month. That translates to 31-62 cold contacts per hour worked. Or about one contact per minute worked.

    You better figure out where you will find 2500 women in one month, then get busy and figure out how to contact one per minute worked, in such a way to get at least 1 in 50 to attend an interview.

    MK math makes my head hurt.

    • Oh, yeah, 10-20 hours per week.

      And then under “BE PREPARED”

      You are going to be so busy this month…
      you need to spend a lot of your time doing MK this month.
      Make sure your family and friends understand that you will be very limited in your time.

      Oh, yeah, do it for your family.

    • Oh, and those interviews will be at least an hour each, so that’s 50 hours of your 40-80 right there, leaving little or no time for recruiting the candidates you wish to interview in the first place.

      So which is it? Beat the bushes to get 50 interviews in a month, or limit yourself to 10-20 hours a week recruiting candidates and doing interviews? You’ll be lucky to get 5 interviews with those hours, and getting 50 is impossible even if working more than full time.

      Nothing adds up in Mary Kay.

    • You’d be lucky to get 1 in 50 strangers to an interview. That’s 2500 cold contacts…in 30 days, or 83 per day.

      I live in a town of approx. 12k people.

      Remove half the population for being male and less interested as a whole in make-up and skin-care.
      Remove another 1k for being too young, too old, already have a MKBot or just not interested and I’m down to 5,000 people or two months worth. Although given how swiftly word of mouth spreads, they will be hiding in dark closets if they think I am near.

  3. Oh, yeah, and under “TALK ABOUT IT”

    “Tell the consultant in your group and your fellow consultants. If you work, your workmates should all know. Your family and friends also need to know.”

    They know. Trust me, they know all about it because IT’S ALL YOU EVER BLEEPING TALK ABOUT!!! They’re sick of hearing about it. They’re secretly hoping that you’ll fail so that you’ll shut up about it for 5 minutes. Your husband and kids daydream about hiring a dumpster and throwing it all away while you’re out of the house. Your coworkers are wondering if there’s some way they can get HR to nail you for moonlighting or being disruptive.

    Your fellow consultants are hoping you’ll fail even as they cheer you on through plastic smiles, because they know you’ll lord it over the mere consultants that you’re a direeeeectoooooor and they’re not. They want your director’s approbation for themselves and know they won’t get it until she gives up on trying to grind you through DIQ and moves on to the next victim.

    Oh, and if you don’t ever know what to wear to a MK event, just go to a dress shop, grab the tackiest thing they’ve got in a size too small, heap on the gumball machine jewelry, and buckle your feet into strappy heels that will make every step feel like running a mile over broken glass. And don’t forget to smile like your life depends on it.

  4. This how a director like Chels can stay afloat: “You earn 13% on your own personal wholesale orders. We make 63% not 50%.” Sell at “wholesale” and keep 13% for themselves.

  5. This is another example of why MK is a pyramid scheme, focusing on recruiting. Recruiting is the ONLY way to move up in the pyramid and the ONLY way to make money at the expense of others.

  6. You just need to spend at least 10 to 20 hours a week and you can get this done in a month. Plan to take some time off from work, especially the last two days of the month. This month is not going to be a fun month recreationally. No TV, no movies, no shopping, unless your intention is to warm chatter.

    where is God? Where is your family? Oh, yes! Right behind MK and “your career”.

  7. The key element of becoming a director is production, but production is entirely dependent on other people. THEY have to sign on. THEY have to order enough, every single month. If THEY don’t do their part, there’s no way to force them. After all, they’re not your employees, and you’re not paying them to perform. Your success all boils down to whether or not a couple of dozen people, already struggling to sell their existing inventory, are willing and able to come through for you this month. Even the most positive attitude in the world will not magically make that happen.

    It’s cruel to tell a woman that it’s all up to her when it’s so obviously beyond her control.

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