This is a highly recommended script to be used when a potential Mary Kay victim (either customer or potential recruit) has been avoiding you like the plague. We’ve all been there… You show up for the appointment, see the curtains Read more…
Now you finally earned the Mary Kay car and you get to go pick it up. So what can you expect to have to pay for and what does the company offer? Well, here are some answers for you: First, Read more…
It may not be scientific research, but this survey of 130 women by PinkRealityBites is very telling. She chose to speak to a wide variety of women, including professionals, soccer moms and retired women. Her methodology was simple. She used Read more…
Written by So Lost In Wisconsin No matter what they tell you, you’re not independent in Mary Kay. Not at all. You must follow the company line all the way. Mary Kay Ash once said, “People like to be able Read more…
Mary Kay national sales director Mattie Dozier is tells her sales directors what she thinks of the “losers” and “evil” people who read Pink Truth. Yes, ladies, that “Go Give Spirit” is alive and well. Mattie Dozier is not mincing Read more…
This is a letter from one of our readers (we’ll call her Peggy) to her sales director when she decided to quit Mary Kay. Peggy is just like many of this. She was a “don’t wear makeup” type of lady Read more…
A Chicago Sun-Times Aricle about a Mary Kay recruiting event by nsd Christine Peterson. This article was written in 2002 by Debra Pickett, but the recruiting scripts are still being used today. I’m still not sure exactly how I wound Read more…
Here’s the top-secret list of director sources for the plastic prizes they offer to consultants. Most of the rings, bracelets, and watches cost less than $10 each, but are given as prizes for ordering thousands of dollars of inventory. On Read more…
One woman’s experience with a persistent Mary Kay lady, originally posted at The Bottom Line I once knew a scary, scary Mary Kay Lady. I’ve been stood up, yes, stood up by the Avon Lady. She promised me she’d Read more…
One Mary Kay national sales director, Kirk Gillespie, sent this email to all the sales directors in her area, “warning” them about Pink Truth. Hey gang, I wanted to give you a quick head’s up on something that the company Read more…
David thank you for sharing this with us!!!
In reality, she went from $80,000 per year as an RN to $9,000 last year after expenses. Almost all of…
They will, because it hits to close to home for them. Seeing it written out in black and white shows…
Wow, is this Lauren Wagner's husband?? lol or any number of spouses out there. He did a great job of…
Wow! Are PT Friday Critics ignoring these accounts? Who's the dream stealer in this story?