Everything in Mary Kay is centered around a contest. There is so little profit (usually none!) to be made, that you have to get consultants ordering products somehow. Who is going to keep selling products at no profit? But if Read more…
I always complain about how Mary Kay rewards ordering over selling… paying commissions and giving prizes based on wholesale orders by consultants. They don’t give a darn if anyone ever sells those products, so long as MK has their money Read more…
Written by BestDecision What is Mary Kay Inc thinking?! Right now, Consultants everywhere are buying stock of the new 3D Miracle Set. There’s 2 glaring issues I see as a hindrance to this being a big seller for these same Read more…
An article from late last year provides some interesting insight into how multi-level marketing companies (and their recruiters) are exploiting the “gig economy” to recruit new victims. It’s entitled “MLMs Take the Worst Parts of the Gig Economy, Then Make Read more…
Almost everyone loses money in multi-level marketing. Sure, you hear people say “I know several people who have made a lot of money in MLM.” This is nonsense for three reasons: 1. People rarely see proof for this “making a Read more…
Hi. I actually own a business. And guess what? QUITTING IS ABSOLUTELY AN OPTION. When something is costing you more…
"Don’t listen to people who earn less than you." Yesterday's post was about a woman who went from $80K a…
So, Pink Truth Critic, how much money are you making in this wonderful business that is so much better than…
This poster seems to think there are 3 types of jobs out there: CEO/Owner making oodles of millions, dead end…
I just googled Ryan to see if his home was mentioned anywhere. And great timing here's an article about most…