Written by Popinki Recently my cousin and I met up for a late breakfast at a local restaurant. The place wasn’t very crowded because it was late for breakfast and too early for lunch. The closest people to us were Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose A common objection to joining Mary Kay is that the market is oversaturated. There are simply too many people trying to build a business selling the exact same product. “I understand how you feel,” the recruiter Read more…
Written by Raisinberry There appears to be a common denominator, in my opinion, with women who suffer the most from their Mary Kay career. I am talking about those who fell for it hard. I think I might be on Read more…
UPDATE: Monique Vallair Anthony was terminated by Mary Kay Inc., effective July 1, 2022. Last week I had the pleasure of telling Pink Truth readers about Mary Kay nsd Monique Vallair Anthony’s felonies committed under her legal name of Earleana Read more…
UPDATE: Monique Vallair Anthony was terminated by Mary Kay Inc., effective July 1, 2022. This week we got to learn more about Mary Kay nsd Monique Anthony (formerly known as Earleana Tafesse) and her felony crimes of fraud and theft. Read more…
We’ve often seen Pink Truth members upset at the loss of a Mary Kay friendship. What happens when someone is your friend first, and then becomes your sales director…. and then once you leave Mary Kay, you never hear from Read more…
Every year, we hear Mary Kay sales directors chanting that THIS YEAR is the year you must go to Mary Kay’s annual seminar in Dallas. THIS is going to be your year. You don’t want to miss THIS YEAR’S celebration. Read more…
Written by SuzyQ One of Mary Kay’s selling points to starry-eyed new recruits is the gift of time they can devote to their families and those they hold dear. After all, the priorities are said to be Faith First, Family Read more…
UPDATE: Monique Vallair Anthony was terminated by Mary Kay Inc., effective July 1, 2022. Mary Kay Inc. always talks about integrity and the go-give spirit. Apparently that was not a consideration when the company appointed Monique Vallair Anthony as a Read more…
Written By Frosty Rose One of the things that first attracted me to Mary Kay was the equal opportunity aspect of it. We all start with the same Starter Kit. And each of us has the opportunity to make from Read more…
David thank you for sharing this with us!!!
In reality, she went from $80,000 per year as an RN to $9,000 last year after expenses. Almost all of…
They will, because it hits to close to home for them. Seeing it written out in black and white shows…
Wow, is this Lauren Wagner's husband?? lol or any number of spouses out there. He did a great job of…
Wow! Are PT Friday Critics ignoring these accounts? Who's the dream stealer in this story?