Your Life Revolves Around Bashing Mary Kay

Melanie Hernandez is a super successful (just kidding!) Mary Kay consultant who is sad that we talked about the new director suits for 2024. She can’t fathom that there is anything wrong with MK, just that I must have a bad taste in my mouth.

I’m curious why Melanie would think that I need to “let it go and be happy.” As if I’m not already happy? And isn’t she indirectly bashing me by saying these things?

And yes, Melanie, I do have a right to talk about Mary Kay and its reps. 🙂

Melanie’s clever comments:

It is so sad, that your life revolves around bashing Mary Kay. There is more to live than bashing other people. I’m so sorry that someone did you wrong and put a bad taste in your mouth for this company. This goes for you and your followers. Let it go and be happy. You don’t know any of these people you bash but yet you are judging them and stereotyping them cus what someone has done to you. Again I’m sorry you were done wrong but it doesn’t give you the right to bash people or a company. Just my opinion. Have a great day! Show some love! Cus you are loved.

Awwww… thanks Melanie. So nice that you can throw insults but then tell us that we’re loved. Also glad to see that you mastered the fine art of offering discounts on the products to buy your way to the next level in MK.



  1. Happy Groundhog Day. Guess we’ll be seeing the “Same old, same old” from our Friday Critic.

    It is so sad, that your life revolves around bashing Mary Kay. There is more to live than bashing other people.

    Sorry hun, but my life doesn’t revolve bashing Mary Kay. It is a very small part of my day. As for bashing people, sometimes they deserve it when they are doing illegal or immoral acts.

    I’m so sorry that someone did you wrong and put a bad taste in your mouth for this company.

    Will you personally being anything to stop the abuses in Mary Kay or just smugly spout a load of platitudes?

    This goes for you and your followers.

    We are not Tracy’s followers. We are people who have similar interests, that’s all. Following is for MKBots.

    Let it go and be happy.

    I AM Happy.

    You don’t know any of these people you bash but yet you are judging them and stereotyping them cus (sic) what someone has done to you.

    They have put themselves out on the internet to showcase themselves and their wares. That’s what I’m judging them on. Their public personas. Very few of them show that they are people I could respect especially if they are demonstrating actions that hurt people.

    Again I’m sorry you were done wrong but it doesn’t give you the right to bash people or a company.

    Yes, actually it does. When some-one representing a company doesn’t show themselves in a good light, they deserve to be blasted. (General) you shouldn’t remain silent in the face of injustice. Otherwise how does our society move forward to a better future?

    Just my opinion.

    It’s not a very good opinion.

    Have a great day! Show some love! Cus (sic)you are loved.

    Again, pointing out injustice is a way of showing love. Meekly laying down and being oppressed isn’t. Participating in the oppression is the definition of not loving.

    • Melanie, please look at your social media sales pitch. You are blatantly asking people to be your customer primarily for your own benefit. This is not very far from panhandling.

      Real salespeople concentrate on the benefits the product will bring to their customer. Beggars concentrate on the benefits of the transaction to themselves. Think of what is written on a panhandler’s sign…and compare it to your social media sales pitch. You could have written the first 4 sentences of that post on a cardboard sign and stood on a street corner…and fit right in.

      That Mary Kay and your upline have manipulated you into shameless begging, where they actually benefit more from the transactions than you or your customers do, is one of many things that motivate folks here to speak out against MLM.

  2. Come on, Melanie, we all know that “star consultant” is based on how much you buy, not how much you sell – because MK DOESN’T TRACK SALES TO END USERS, only to its consultomers.

    Far from being a “prestigious award ” it just means you’re willing to purchase yourself a title that means zilcho outside the bubble 🫧

    • Whatdaya mean it’s not prestigious? Consultants get a tiny little gem-colored stone to add to their “ladder of success” pin! If that’s not prestigious I don’t know what is. 😆

      In hindsight, I cringe at the fact I actually wore that stupid pin to MK events (and the MK pin.) How embarrassing.

  3. Well, I’m going to be a petty, bitter basher: Melanie, mija, IT IS SPELLED INDEPENDENT, NOT INDEPENDANT! How can I take anyone seriously if they are that sloppy about their marketing material.

  4. If I were a customer of Melanie Hernandez, my response to her FB post would be this:

    “I will help you meet your production goal, but I will only buy at your price of 50% off.”

    “MLM Customer Handbook for Dummies” – If you foolishly insist on buying an MLM product, never pay more than the affiliate price.

  5. Stuff like that always kills me, it is hilarious and certainly doesn’t help the consultant’s or Mary Kay’s image.

    So how much money do you make at this Melanie? If you are so wildly successful, another $ 400 is not going to matter in the grand scheme of things. I don’t expect any answers on this.

  6. This is genuinely sad. She lets Mary Kay Corp convince her that she’s getting a “prestigious award,” when it’s really just a clever sales pitch on their part, and she’s the customer who fell for it. I’m not being snarky when I say this is sad. It truly is.

    Even if she’s perfectly happy in MK and she can absorb the inevitable financial loss, this site is about facts and cold hard numbers. That’s not bashing. That’s information that people are entitled to have before they decide to invest in an MLM venture. This is what MK should be telling their recruits up front, if they were being honest.



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