Written by The Scribbler Next up on That’s Incredible: NSDs who tell it like it is! Let’s listen in as NSD Nancy Moser schools her units regarding proper behavior at unit meetings. It’s fresh, it’s with-it, and now comes with Read more…
You’ve got her exactly where you want her. Cornered. And she can’t escape from your magical Mary Kay powers. If she’s like most other victims you’ve approached in public and tried to strong-arm into a facial, she’s saying no. But Read more…
Part two of warm chatter training is all about “tools.” These are otherwise known as convenient excuses to strike up a conversation. Fake, fake, fake. WARM CHATTER TRAINING Part Two: Tools to Use
“Warm Chatter” is a favorite tactic of aggressive Mary Kay recruiters. It involves approaching people in public to harass them about Mary Kay. This is the first in a three part series detailing tactics used to warm chatter. I have Read more…
It may not be scientific research, but this survey of 130 women by PinkRealityBites is very telling. She chose to speak to a wide variety of women, including professionals, soccer moms and retired women. Her methodology was simple. She used Read more…
Beware of NSDs and SDs running Bible studies or posting scripture verses that “sound like” they’re referring to Mary Kay.…
“Please consider stopping making money off of people who are discouraged.” Please consider letting your downline decide for themselves if…
lol! I never used the scripts. They made me sound so fake and I don’t talk like that. That said,…
Any business anyone gets into, not just Mary Kay there will be dippy days. I tell my consultants that. It…
It's not a walk in the park? What happened to "the products sell themselves"? If anything is not Biblical here,…