Mary Kay False Income Claims
False income claims are rampant in Mary Kay, and the company doesn’t seem to do anything to stop it. Truth in Advertising (TINA) has been documenting false earnings claims by MLMs and their representatives. The FTC has started to take some action related to deceptive income claims, for example, with its lawsuit against Advocare.
None of this stops the Mary Kay ladies from making false earnings claims, however. Here are some of the past articles I’ve written about this. Even NSDs like Dacia Weigandt don’t follow the rules, as you can see.
Mary Kay has a “Social Media Tips” publication that specifically prohibits income claims (even true ones!):
Our friend Chelsea Claytor gets in on violating the rules:
As does a newer director, Ciara Peyton with this litany of falsehood on how much you’ll make at a party and how much time you’ll put in:
When will the false claims about income stop? If your “opportunity” was so wonderful, you wouldn’t need to lie about the money people will make. You wouldn’t have to flaunt the income of one person (out of tens of millions of MK ladies… almost all who lost money), creating an unrealistic expectation.
Gloria went to the Harvard Extension School. Gloria is sounding a lot like Tyra Banks with her Harvard “Degree”
Note: Anyone can go to Harvard Business Extension School as long as you can pay for it. Gloria even bragged her parents sent her there. ugh. the lies.
A real Harvard Grad would not be an MK.
Good points. Wonder what her “top position” was at IBM? I’d like to add,
Elizabeth Holmes attended Stanford. “By 2015, Forbes named Holmes the youngest and wealthiest self-made female billionaire in America on the basis of a $9 billion valuation of her company. She had the support of influential people including Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton, George Shultz, James Mattis, and Betsy DeVos.”
Elizabeth Holmes was highly skilled at selling and intelligent. The question is, what kind of business was she promoting whilst using those skills? For those that don’t know, google Theranos.
Should Bernie Madoff also be admired for sustaining his Ponzi for so many years? El Chapo for escaping prison with such an impressive tunnel?
Mary Kay consultants are worshipping an expert pyramid schemer who has proven herself to be the top liar. I wonder, have the consultants considered this? Is this who they want to be, what they want to do?
Fact #1: Mary Kay is an MLM company. MLM = endless chain recruiting scheme.
Fact #2: Mary Kay doesn’t track retail re-sales to non-affiliates. See fact #1.
I was wondering….didn’t sound right to me. Nor does “leaving a highly paid IBM position”. Something amiss there.
Let’s Breakdown $14 mil and expenses! (Tracy go!)
When Gloria was awarded by MK it states
Banks lives in Baltimore, Maryland, and is a graduate of both Howard University and Harvard Business School.</strong! Additionally, she holds an Honorary Doctorate from University of Maryland Eastern Shore.
Now google “Harvard Business School”
The executive program comes up. I rest my case.
And don’t get me started on the
honorarydoctorate degree.Ok I am done.
Notice how Gloria Banks don’t have “Harvard Business School” on Linkedin?
She likes to call herself “Dr.” ?
Sounding more and more like pimp TV preachers..
Right now they are turning a blind eye to all this crap because it’s profitable. They wag their finger and say “no-no, don’t do that” and don’t mean it. I’ll believe that Mary Kay really means what they say when they cancel someone’s contract for making these claims.
Have you seen how Dacia is promoting other products on her Instagram? Either she knows the ship won’t stay afloat long, or her ego has gotten the best of her for even more attention and likes. So wrong!
Or just greedy …. Or sees the future of the ship sinking.
MK Corporate hasn’t hesitated to sue NSDs if their profit margin is negatively affected by what the NSD is doing.
But false income claims increase MK’s profits so you’ll see no lawsuits against NSDs who spread those lies.
Anymore Michelle Cunningham content coming? She is posting away.
If I find something interesting and have time to put it together, I’d love to! 🙂
Kelly Brock officially announced she left Mary Kay
Yes! I saw her Instagram stories.
A $900 MK week is about 40% profit at ” most”… So that’s 360 not 450 . And 6 hours is only party time. Add in all the lead generating , text time, phone time, plus if you have to order anything because they want some obscure item that adds time. Add in follow up from parties also to book for interviews. And 300 per party is an average. You could have a 1200 party and 2 zeros… Or if an off week everyone cancels ( though you will probably have a good week down the road) but it’s not regular sustainable income. I prefer my regular job knowing what I make each pay and turning it “OFF” when I get home or days off and not warm chatting everyday to keep the leads flowing. OR worse ….. Being a Director and having to do parties to make up in orders for production if your unit is small.
Even long after they have left MK, they STILL lie about their income.
Back before Allison LaMarr crashed and burned, she was bringing in almost $250k per year in her best year.
And yet, the story now is that she was making a million dollars a year:
By the time I was 29 years old, I had created a million dollar annual income and the complete materialistic picture of success. I still had huge goals and dreams for myself, but after major life events and achievements, I began to realize that I was actually very empty and unhappy on the inside.
This is from her “Digging Deeper Diaries” (remember the phrase digging deeper from her MK and post-MK days when she was going to be a coach for MLM people?). She has memory-holed Allison and is now Chaya Mushka Ben-Shabat, married to the owner of Seacret (the second MLM she got involved with after MK), and “transforming education” by starting a school.
No, Allison was never making a million dollars a year. But yes, she ended up being a total trainwreck.
She makes me sad in a very deep way. Poor girl doesn’t know who she is. And, as for Kelly Brock, this is another Trip Director that les left voluntarily.
People, are you reading this??
She has always seemed to be frantically and pathetically looking for validation while pretending to be a strong, empowered, and successful woman.
Wow!!! I’ll check it out!! With leadership and seminar number dwindling I can see the whole thing going down. I’ve seen so many successful Cadillac Diredtors step down recently .
Yes, only 8,000 at Leadership, including spouses and NSDs. Way less than the 15,000 it used to be!
“…Seacret (the second MLM she got involved with after MK)…”
And let’s all bow our heads in remembrance of her first foray after MK, Belladona. Or more aptly, Bella-gone-a-in-60-seconds.
Wow, that was about 10 years ago. Where does the time go?
LOL – Belamora.
Oops. I should not try to write before I wake up (I am so NOT a morning person).
I did get the first syllable right, though. It’s Bellamora, with a double-l.
What is up with Allison’s black eyeliner?! It’s like Cleopatra!
Chelsea can’t help herself! This is from her most recent post.
? We make 50% profit on EVERYTHING we sale ? I’ve personally sold over $200,000 in my 5 year career!
? We also make money from passing this opportunity on to other women! My highest commission check from team building that I’ve ever received in ONE month is more than the average down payment for purchasing a home ?
Uggh… I took a screenshot of that one over the weekend so I could do a post on it too.
The typos are hilarious. Especially when she misspells “exploiting and victimizing” as “passing this opportunity on to”.
It’s “sell,” sweetie. “Sell.” If you were doing more of it you might be able to spell it.
Wow…$20,000 a year profit from sales. Now subtract all of the expenses. No wonder the big bucks are in recruiting and scamming.
Can you hear me rolling my eyes?
“Now subtract all of the expenses.”
And they give discounts and products to get sales. One of the saddest videos I watched was a real skin-care class by Sara Turco. With only the hostess and one guest at the “party”, the hostess had clearly been through this routine before and was only interested in collecting her hostess gifts, freebies, and discounts.
According to her website, Sara joined MK in 1999. She is still SSD.
SELL, Chelsea. It’s “everything we SELL”.
Ugh this drives me crazy.
Sometimes I wish she’d just sale off into the sunset. (I want you to know it hurt me to write that.)
$200,000 over 5 years is $40,000 per year. In SALES. Even assuming a very generous 40% net, that’s only $16,000 per year income from sales. Nothing to write home about, and I very much doubt she even booked $200,000 in 5 years. More likely she just BOUGHT $100,000 in “inventory” over that time period.
I definitely believe she bought $200K retail because I’ve seen how competitive people are to do Top 10 Retail, etc. One Million Dollar Director told me she had a spreadsheet filled with other Directors’ numbers in Applause so she could gauge where they were in relation to her for the year. It’s really sickening how fiercely people chase down recognition and celebrity status in MK.
WOW … $40K in sales a year = maybe 15K income, after all the expenses are paid. “We make 50% profit on EVERYTHING we sale ? I’ve personally sold over $200,000 in my 5 year career!”
does she even still have the cadillac?
She leased her own Cadillac because she took the cash compensation (because she wasn’t allowed to get a Cadillac through MK because of her driving record). So yes, she still has it. But no, she hasn’t been making production so she has reduced cash compensation.
Looks like Kelly Brock Insta story on you tube is removed by user
Her Instagram posts are still there, including the one telling she left MK.
@BestDecision, where? How can I find it ??
Tracy, On Aug 2019 Kelly IG post is all about how MK is the best, etc. I wonder what happened in 5 months to go from boasting about the best opportunity to quitting it? Thoughts?
She was making decent $. Time to get off the hamster wheel????
What’s worse is that she was on the Top Director trip this Fall. And is now out. Something is going on…!
Since she is still listed as a consultant, MK didn’t terminate her. I suspect her “coaching” business was coming close to violating her contract and MK told her to knock it off or she’d be terminated. She opted instead to give up directorship. I have no idea why she’d want to remain a consultant, other than just to prove that she didn’t get kicked out.
Possibly … I give these “coaches” 2 years MK exposure before they have been forgotten in the MK world. I think that’s what happened with Michelle C also as far as breach of contract causing this quit exit. And one of these days Dacia will be out I’m sure because Of her “like it to know it ” posts. She rarely mentions MK. Plus at age 40 she has 25 years more on the hamster wheel. Not sure if she is grandfathered in to old NSD manintennnace requirements. New NSD’s realize they are never off the “wheel” and the NSD numbers are extremely low.
Possibly … I give these “coaches” 2 years MK exposure before they have been forgotten in the MK world. I think that’s what happened with Michelle C also as far as breach of contract causing this quit exit. And one of these days Dacia will be out I’m sure because Of her “like it to know it ” posts. She rarely mentions MK. Plus at age 40 she has 25 years more on the “wheel” l. Not sure if she is grandfathered in to old NSD manintennnace requirements. New NSD’s realize they are never off the “wheel” and the NSD numbers are extremely low.
“Quick exit “