Missing Unit Production
This is the story of a new director who felt a lack of support and training, and who was topping off production to meet the $4,500 wholesale minimum. Lest you should think that is unusual and not the “Mary Kay way” …. think again. Many, many directors buy production every other month.
I don’t even know where to start. I’m so confused! I have been reading everything on your site for about a week or so. I know it’s ALL true! And it’s helping me understand my time in MK.
I was asked to “step down” as a director after less than a year as a director. My unit couldn’t seem to make production every month. We would fall short and I would take care of it. I charged up all my credit cards and not because I have a “flawed personality”.
I did it because I Believed in the dream. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Right? I thought my “love checks” would get bigger and it would all work out. The only thing I achieved is that I filed bankruptcy after I got out of MK.
I was so sad for many reasons. Not just because I had perfect credit a couple of years ago. There’s many other things that hurt me. During DIQ, I was working full time as a nurse and I always showed up to go up. I believed in my senior director too. She pushed and I was her first offspring. Debuted at my first seminar. During DIQ she told me I was on target for my car. They announced to everyone I was a free car driver.
I planned to take the cash compensation and work for the next car. My senior director and her senior direction put it on Facebook. Then when I went to DIT, I asked questions because I still hadn’t received any money for the car. I was informed that I had fallen off target and there was no car. I cried and cried and was upset with my senior. I didn’t get mine but me being in DIQ put her into her first pink Cadillac.
There I was, a brand new director not feeling like I knew how to run a unit and my senior said it was time for me to fly on my own. My unit that really consisted of myself and 4 or 5 consultants had to leave her unit and go find our way. I stopped “feeling the love” Resentment started creeping in. I felt very used. I didn’t care for a lot of things she did.
Several times when my unit met with hers, it was like I didn’t exist. My anger and hurt kept growing. Then we had a party at my Senior’s new DIQ’s house. Her senior and unit was there also. They did their little talk about how they both are “the movers and the shakers” blah, blah and didn’t acknowledge me at all. I was embarrassed. I was a director too! Right? I had consultants there.
I just couldn’t bring myself to speak to her. She would call and I wouldn’t answer. I know that’s immature. So the next time I answered when she called. We talked for a few then she asked was I mad or upset with her. I took a deep breath and started to tell her how I felt at our party and she cussed me out and hung up on me. I started crying! I thought I don’t ever want to talk to her again. Yes, she emailed me with her apology. Things were never the same!
I struggled since day one being a director. I felt there wasn’t the support I desperately needed. I had great sales and wanting to be successful, I would reinvest 100% back into my business. I started out with an emerald star order because my director said I needed it. I had tons of product on my shelves and several maxed out credit cards resulting in a lot of debt that ultimately ended with me in bankruptcy. I was past due on rent and other bills, and I’m a single mom!
Oh yeah! While I was in MK, I lost my J O B as a nurse guess why! I talked too much Mary Kay. I was so excited and I lived & breathed Mary Kay. I would invite to our weekly meetings, talk about that free car I was getting etc. With no job, I was encouraged to work Mary Kay full time. I gave it a try! Figured I could move on up that ladder a little faster. What a joke!
I couldn’t get my unit to recruit. I was the only one working and I know my senior and her senior will say that I didn’t work hard enough. because “If it’s to be, it’s up to me”. Gosh, I heard that so many times! Plus, I heard them talk about other directors not making it and it was because they didn’t do what it takes.
I received one commission check for $1,500. I was so excited & I knew that was just the beginning. That’s the highest I got. Sad huh?
Stepping down forced me to think about a lot of things and really take a good look at what’s going on in MK. That’s when I decided to come on this site. I was told to NEVER read this stuff because it was a lot of negative women that weren’t successful with their business. Yet, here I am! Wow!
Good news is, I’m working at my new job as a charge nurse and I love it. I thought I might want to continue to sell because I had at least $10,000 in product. Thankfully I was able to send a lot of it back and ran sales to get rid of the rest and recoup what I could. I was close to losing my sanity. I can’t put into words how stressful making production was and the fear of failure.
I stayed depressed. I feel as if a heavy burden has been lifted and thank you to all the awesome women on this site!
“I just couldn’t bring myself to speak to her. She would call and I wouldn’t answer. I know that’s immature. So the next time I answered when she called. We talked for a few then she asked was I mad or upset with her. I took a deep breath and started to tell her how I felt at our party and she cussed me out and hung up on me. I started crying! I thought I don’t ever want to talk to her again. Yes, she emailed me with her apology. Things were never the same!”
Trust me, YOU were NOT the immature one in that relationship. Mature adults listen to people, resolve conflicts without swearing and hanging up on them, and most of all don’t use them as mere tools to get that they want out of someone, and then throw them away once they have it. As far as I’m concerned, ghosting someone who hurt you and insulted you is a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
Me, I’m immature enough to giggle like a lunatic when I picture your director’s face when she found out about that big fat chargeback. Karma bit her right in the deserve level.
Pink sisterhood doing life together. Your director has your back 100%.
Blech, I meant to edit out that last line, and then I downvoted myself accidentally. It’s gonna be a banner day, I can tell 😀
Yep — Karma has a very long memory. The senior director deserved that massive chargeback.
You gave yourself a Ridiculous Downvote ™? You are removed from contention for “most Ridiculous Downvotes ™ for this thread. (Don’t worry, you’re still in the mix for any other thread). Cheers Pop!
Click on it again and it should remove the RDV
ME TOO! “I’m immature enough to giggle like a lunatic when I picture your director’s face when she found out about that big fat chargeback.”
My prediction about the director who got the pink Cadillac… She’s probably making co pays and will lose it in record time. It’s hard to maintain that level with what I’m assuming is a small unit.
I replied to the wrong comment, my bad, just navigating the new format, I’ll figure it out!
Her FAILURE helped the upline succeed … “I didn’t get mine but me being in DIQ put her into her first pink Cadillac.”