Written by The Scribbler Back about 90 years ago, I worked in our church’s nursery. On this particular day, my three-year old daughter and her playmates were playing the classic toddler game, You Scream and Run Like Hell and I’ll Read more…
(This one was so good that I just HAD to recycle it!) Did you know that God is now giving out pink Escalades? He is! Especially if you are Kathy and Dan Helou. Dan explains picking up the pink Escalade Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Mary Kay nsd Kathy Helou shows you how to recruit by telling the prosepct that Mary Kay is the answer to any and all problems. Scrib’s note: Have you been asked to attend a unit meeting Read more…
Written by SuzyQ A response to the blatant spiritual and religious abuse heaped on Mary Kay consultants by the husband of an nsd. Okay, came home from being away and SAW DANIEL HELOU’S POST ABOUT KATHY’S NEW CADILLAC . (Just Read more…
Have you ever heard about how sales directors and national sales directors “adopt” consultants as their own? Have you ever heard them talk about how they “get no money” for adopting people but they do it because that’s what Mary Read more…
David thank you for sharing this with us!!!
In reality, she went from $80,000 per year as an RN to $9,000 last year after expenses. Almost all of…
They will, because it hits to close to home for them. Seeing it written out in black and white shows…
Wow, is this Lauren Wagner's husband?? lol or any number of spouses out there. He did a great job of…
Wow! Are PT Friday Critics ignoring these accounts? Who's the dream stealer in this story?