Written by Lazy Gardens Admin Note: This article was first published in 2007. But the results are still valid, so I’m running it again. Just for fun, I analyzed a bunch of Court of Sales data that I collected. My Read more…
I never got into the idea of “sitting at the feet” of anyone, much less a Mary Kay national sales director. I am not beneath them, and therefore do not deserve to be sitting “at their feet.” Please. These were Read more…
Written by PinkyMcStinky This is the final letter I sent my Mary Kay sales director, who told me she felt hurt when I decided to quit. I needed the closure of this letter, and it felt good to speak my Read more…
Nearly a year ago, Mary Kay Cosmetics sued Allison LaMarr, a former national sales director who was accused of violating her contract with the company. Mary Kay Inc. is going after Allison LaMarr for selling products in violation of her Read more…
Have you ever wondered what life is like at the top of Mary Kay? Look no further than the standout beauty consultant Allison LaMarr, who quickly rose to fame within Mary Kay, and was put on a pedestal by corporate Read more…
Recently I received a tip that Mary Kay Inc. had sued Allison LaMarr and her company Driven, Inc. I promptly went to research the Dallas court records, and found not only the suit against Allison, but also a whole slew Read more…
Back in May 2005, Allison LaMarr was flying high in Mary Kay Cosmetics. The company and its consultants couldn’t get enough of her, because her fast ascent to fame meant that anyone could do it. Allison was the NEW face Read more…
This is a blast from the past. Allison LaMarr – – prior to becoming a Mary Kay failure (the only way you fail is if you quit!) – – wore this t-shirt on Mary Kay’s “top director” trip in 2006. Read more…
Written by The Scribbler
Mary Kay’s pride and joy, Allison LaMarr, continues to do the company proud. She was the fastest ever get to the position of National Sales Director, and now she claims she made $1 million faster than anyone in Mary Kay. Read more…
Hi. I actually own a business. And guess what? QUITTING IS ABSOLUTELY AN OPTION. When something is costing you more…
"Don’t listen to people who earn less than you." Yesterday's post was about a woman who went from $80K a…
So, Pink Truth Critic, how much money are you making in this wonderful business that is so much better than…
This poster seems to think there are 3 types of jobs out there: CEO/Owner making oodles of millions, dead end…
I just googled Ryan to see if his home was mentioned anywhere. And great timing here's an article about most…