Mary Kay ended the seminar year on June 30 with 32 “million dollar units.” Nsd Rebecca Evans wrote on social media: Our MK year just ended with 32 “$1,000,000 Directors.” That is almost triple from last year AND we broke Read more…
Don’t get me wrong: Hand-me-downs are awesome for growing kids and people who like yard sales (we call them rummage sales in Wisconsin!). But as a “prize” in Mary Kay? NSD Kristin Sharpe proudly displayed on Facebook the fun time Read more…
It’s the last day of Mary Kay’s March “double credit” promotion. Last chance to pretend you sold twice as much. Twice as much as what? Twice as much as we already pretend you sold. If your unit orders $20,000 wholesale, Read more…
This month has been ANOTHER opportunity for sales directors to earn “double credit” on all orders placed by their units. What is double credit, you say? It’s a little trick that fraudulently inflates the amount of “retail sales” an individual Read more…
Seminar is the time when we celebrate the directors who made “Unit Clubs.” These are levels of recognition beginning at $300,000, with $1 million being the huge milestone that is celebrated. Mary Kay officially calls the dollar figures “estimated retail Read more…
This seems to occur at least yearly in Mary Kay…. double credit. Whatever amount you (or your team/unit) order, the wholesale value of it is doubled for “contest credit.” There will be a big push from directors this month to Read more…
In August of last year, Mary Kay ran a promotion offering a “$100 rebate” for new consultants. This gimmick worked the first time around, according to Mary Kay: Rhonda Shasteen, Mary Kay’s Chief Marketing Officer, point out, “In fact, in Read more…
Religious abuse of the highest order, compliments of Mary Kay nsd Dacia Wiegandt. The pressure to order unneeded and unsold products is never higher than these last two weeks of June. All the Mary Kay sales directors and national sales Read more…
Here’s an excellent example of a sales director pushing ordering of products. Now of course she’s mentioning the “profits,” but the truth is that she doesn’t really care if you actually sell it or not. Order, whether you can afford Read more…
“Top Director” Jen Semelsberger was thrilled that her unit “Did a Million” before seminar 2007. How did it really get done? Well, for starters, Mary Kay Inc. was offering “double credit.” All wholesale orders during the promotional period counted double Read more…
Hi. I actually own a business. And guess what? QUITTING IS ABSOLUTELY AN OPTION. When something is costing you more…
"Don’t listen to people who earn less than you." Yesterday's post was about a woman who went from $80K a…
So, Pink Truth Critic, how much money are you making in this wonderful business that is so much better than…
This poster seems to think there are 3 types of jobs out there: CEO/Owner making oodles of millions, dead end…
I just googled Ryan to see if his home was mentioned anywhere. And great timing here's an article about most…